Verizon Takes a Dig at AT&T Once More With New Ad Campaign

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageVerizon Takes a Dig at AT&T Once More With New Ad Campaign

You would remember the aggressive marketing campaign that Verizon resorted to during the holiday season last year. Given that the perpetual attack on AT&T's 3G coverage did not necessarily translate into sales as the quarterly reports have shown, one might have assumed that Verizon would look at changing their marketing...

Read the full story here


  • Jorg3
    Jorg3 Posts: 6
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    This guys (verizon) have totally run out of ideas.Att best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Screw ATT in my area tho, after 3 years of service in the same city I now get a signal that says off network and my bill runs over $200 a month with slow edge that I hardly use. This is highway robbery because I pay for everything to be unlimited and they still give me outstanding ballances. I'm switching to verizon with my unlocked 3gs,
    I still believe that in some areas ATT is awsome, but that's not the case here, I hope they fail for the way they cheat people into signing a contract that says your plan covers anywhere in the US and that you will never have an outstanding bill with the unlimited plan

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Good luck switching to verizon on your 3gs.

    You realize that the networks use different systems, right? Your 3gs won't even work with verizon, unlocked or jailbroken or hacked. You'd have to mod the hardware, and i've never even heard of anyone dumb enough to attempt it.

  • Bighud9729
    Bighud9729 Posts: 0
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    Good luck switching your "unlocked 3gs" to verizon lmao!! Your phone does not have CDMA chips in it so your signal will really be better!! Verizons slow 3g network would come to it's knees if the amount of iPhone users were to be added to their sorry 3g network. They have more widespread coverage but much slower speeds even with less smart phone users. I hope they get an iPhone then people will hop over there and free up bandwidth for me!!! Oh and by the way whenu get to verizon let me know how checking an email and being on a call works for you.

  • Eclipse9069
    Eclipse9069 Posts: 0
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    why does everyone say that?
    who the hell wants to make a call then suddenly gets the urge to check an email, I'm on T-Mobile and I can do that but never have I needed to.
    It's the stupidest thing AT&T has advertised.
    AT&T has amazing coverage on the East Coast though, I will give them that.

  • sjde29384
    sjde29384 Posts: 1
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    ya because everyone checks their email and looks at a map while on a phone call... well, maybe if you live in new york and you dont know where you're going so you have to email your mommy while on the phone with your daddy. That is, if you get any service.

    Why flaunt features that require service when your phone gets no service.

    Im proud to say I dumped the iphone for verizon service. I couldnt be happier.

  • Blah
    Blah Posts: 18
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    I have been in positions where I have been on the phone, put it on speaker, and used google maps...

  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Coverage in St. Louis is great with AT&T! I have service in basements where all my friends don't. I'm only on EDGE in the rich neighborhoods (cuz they don't want all the towers) when we cut through on the way to school. My 3G is faster than my WiFi (we pay for 3 MBPS Home). I've had 10 dropped calls with my 3G[S] but I blame my phone & not AT&T because I only had 2 with my old phone (Samsung A737) and that's becuase my Sprint friend's lost a connection...

  • Will
    Will Posts: 104
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    Oh, and these ads really suck. The first ones were better...

  • This guy
    This guy Posts: 16
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    I'm Always Talking On My iPhone while sending and receiving emails or surfing the web. So Shut Up. Why Are You Even On This Site If Your So Happy With Verizon????I Mean Its Not Like This Website Posts any News About The Droid or such other phones from verizon.have u checked your URL??? Jeez Stupid people should not Breed.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    some of us multitask sometimes your on the phone with a friend who needs to know a number pop up google and do a search and boom u got the number and can tell them without having to call them back. I make calls and surf the net at the same time quite a bit and so do most other people

  • NateDawg
    NateDawg Posts: 42
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    AT&T needs an add to say something about hot their edge is practically the same speed as Verizon's "3G" speed. Just sayin...

  • Shane
    Shane Posts: 59
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    its not just that. My friends always cal me because of my iphone. They will ask me a phone number and direction to a certain place. I can just go into google maps and send the location with all of its information through a text while talking. Or if someone told me to check someone's facebook status really quick on the phone, I could do it. Check an email from work and discuss it over the phone while looking at it, I do it all the time. There's a lot of stuff it can do, email is just one of them.

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    you're an idiot... I have 5 bars wherever I am in Michigan. And its funny how Verizon advertises 3g service in the upper peninsula when neither at&t or verizon get any service there.... The map they have is full of ****. And yeah EVERYONE I know who has an iphone checks a map for someone for a phone number. Not necessarily directions.

  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    I live in Western Maryland and AT&T has 3G here. I get 2.5 Mbps while tethered. Last week I spoke to a fellow passing thru who had a droid with Verizon. Funny thing is that he can't even surf the Internet here! He's got 0g ;) Another funny thing is that we can't get Verizon DSL because we're too far from their central switch (I live in the country) but I've managed to upgrade our cable modem thru Comcast to 50 Mbps down and 10 up.. ;)

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    I use that feature all the time. I check mail, look up contacts, maps, facebook, play games - all while on the phone, frequently.

    HUNTER Posts: 6
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    In my line of work I need to be able to speak on my cell and surf the web at the same time. I actually thought that you could do that on any network. So only for that I stay with AT&T. VERIZON SUCKS ASS!!!

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    I am here in Cleveland , Ohio and the 3g service with At&T is fast enough to download movies on my jailbroken phone ! Verizon is nothing but a brand name ! I had them before I got the iPhone 3 years ago . And I didn't see anything special about them . Their prices are outrageous ! Plus I got news for all the ones bitching about AT@T . Apple is going to renew their contract for the iPhone is summer , so suck it up and deal with it or leave the iPhone and f* uck off ..

    ATT SUX Posts: 2
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    ATT is the dumbest company out there for GSM, almost as bad as Sprint. ATT does make you sign for rediculous plans which they cant cover, for example i was with ATT and had the IPhone unlimited plan but the only signal i could get was Edge sometimes not even

  • same shit
    same shit Posts: 1
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    att and verizon have the exact same pricing for all plan variations so not more expensive

  • Bogdan
    Bogdan Posts: 10
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    If your in a major city, then any network will do. But in the country side, you have to decide yourself. There are places where verizon does not cover but att does, and vice versa.
    Either-way, its sometimes not about the network and or the coverage. Its about having the phone that you love, whatever network its on. I love the iphone, and if its only on the ATT network, then fine with me. :)
    I think that verizon is just mad that it does not have such a cool phone! but hey, they had their chance, but they didnt come to agreement with apple! so they are the loosers here! They were the ones that didn't want to have the phone manufactures make the os, they wanted their ugly verizon red communist style os on all the phones, so they lost!

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    Lol I always am checking my email while on the phone, or using the 3G internet. It is something I NEED to have on my iPhone. I have had no problems at all with att. I have 3g in my area, hardly ever get switched to edge. I have heard alot of bad stuff about verizon such as costing 400 to cancel a line? come on now lol. att is strengthening there network and i support them all the way.

  • carball
    carball Posts: 1
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    Ya I have used that feature quite a lot actually and long before they ever mentioned it. Mostly like Eclipse said getting directions or something ice that but even looking something up for someone. I will admit though not as serious of a game breaker as they make it seem though...but it definitely isn't useless...