Microsoft Attacks iPhone In New Windows Phone 7 Teaser Ad

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageMicrosoft Attacks iPhone In New Windows Phone 7 Teaser Ad

As you would know, Microsoft unveiled its upcoming Windows Phone 7 OS at the Mobile World Congress at Barcelona yesterday. As part of the launch, the company released a teaser video attacking the iPhone and the other touchscreen phones, which the voice-over in the video says has resulted in a...

Read the full story here


  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    I have a psn account along with another 35 million no xbox live for me and no thsnk you to windows phone new iPhone has psn integration yes pleasseeee for me

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Well, let's see what they bring to the table. I'm not married to apple, but right now I think the jailbroken iphone is still the best phone to have.

    If another comes along that outperforms on all levels and has a great UI, then great, let's give the iphone REAL competition for once.

  • Gus
    Gus Posts: 14
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    well they arent really lying so...

  • lancer
    lancer Posts: 4
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    I don't think I would own an iPhone that was stock. but jailbraked, love it

  • T. Payne
    T. Payne Posts: 25
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  • julian1023
    julian1023 Posts: 6
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    windowsmobile 7 is really going after the iphone . go windowsmobile7 show everybody what you can do.

  • poisonApple
    poisonApple Posts: 2
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    Nothing can beat a jail-broken iphone! Well, maybe a jail-broken iphone 4g.

  • KenWWM
    KenWWM Posts: 1
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    We have yet to see the performance hit on battery life. It may end up with just a few hrs of battery life limiting it's usefulness. Apple already has an in-house A4 chip which may be going into the iPhone 4G and also in-house battery technology to possibly increase the battery time on the new 4G. These plus the sheer number of apps already in the App Store will probably limit the success of the Windoze7 mobile platform...

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    I don't see Sony getting into the smartphone competition anytime soon, it however looks like a 3rd party developer could make an app for psn (I'm an xbox guy so I'm not familiar with psn) and even put live updates on the homescreen. Pshh, who wants psn in their phone anyway? I like the what Microsoft is doing and the os looks very inovative and has potential to be an iPhone competitor. Competition is good people, let's put a fire under apple's ass so they start giving the people what they want

  • akrimay
    akrimay Posts: 23
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    Why does everyone want Apple to go down?? If you all don't like them, then don't buy their products! Simple! They are without question innovators and revolutionaries..and other companies are just jealous they didn't come up with the iphone included.. they all put apple down but ever since the 1st gen iphone, all the phones now are like it..gimme a break! It's typical when something or someone succeeds..everybody wants to see it fail...why?????

  • akrimay
    akrimay Posts: 23
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    PS to you Microsoft: Your new phone is ugly and the UI looks like it was made by 3 yr. olds!!

  • Texas
    Texas Posts: 9
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    I'm a late adopter of the Iphone. I like it for what it is. That being said, I really wish someone would make a phone that is new and innovative. Looks like Microsoft might be doing that. Let's keep creativity alive and our options open.

  • akrimay
    akrimay Posts: 23
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    Texas: the iphone is innovative..I doubt all these new phones coming out w/be able to beat it not only usage wise but aesthetics as well..Yes.I'm a devoted Apple fan if u can't already tell. :)

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I would love to have my iPhone go into full landscape mode in the next OS release. I'm sure I'd still need to jailbreak it to be able to lock it in landscape mode using Rotation Inhibitor.

    I think the first phone to have video calling will take over the world. That means a front facing camera APPLE!

  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    not everyone hates apple, it's just that thay can do better, but they don't.
    and they have so many stupid limitations on the products.
    I hope apple will get a strong rival so they give us what we really want like:
    1. integrated file manager
    2. multitasking
    3. longer battery life
    4. bluetooth file sharing
    and more..

    IEATIPHONE Posts: 1
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    That has already been done by Nokia in their N95 or something. The only problem is that the rest of the phone sucks and not enough people have that kind of phone so there is no one to video-call. now if a good new smartphone came out that wasn't necessarily better than iphone but had a front-facing camera, and was capable of voice calls then YES it would take over!!!!


  • Dominic
    Dominic Posts: 12
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    Oh, com'on. It's not just as shiny as the iPhone but still.. it's something new besides a screen filled with icons