Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Series; Should Apple Be Worried?

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imageMicrosoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Series; Should Apple Be Worried?

Microsoft has finally unveiled their next generation mobile operating system - Windows Phone 7 Series at Mobile World Congress 2010, just as we had reported yesterday. Based on initial impressions, Microsoft seems to have finally released a mobile operating system to compete with Apple’s iPhone OS. Greg Kumparak over at...

Read the full story here


  • Apple
    Apple Posts: 105
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    neat, the "simple" interface doesn't look to simple lol, to all over the place, hardware is very nice though,

  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    It seems to be a good setup, I'm not going to lie. But, I believe Apple's reign will remain on top. Please, let's drop the "iPhone killer" phrase, because it's not going to happen. This is a good phone, but in stating something is an iPhone killer is saying that those who own iPhones will sell them and buy this one. Since I own an iPhone, I can say from experience that I will not go out and buy one and get rid of my iPhone. I get updates from Apple, I like having a jailbreak, it does everything I need it to do. The only iPhone Killer will truly be the next generation iPhone.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    EPIC FAIL lol, this will not kill the iPhone nor will it keep people who like iPhones from buying an iPhone and getting that.

    Nice try Microsoft it does look better then Windows Mobile lol but we will see what it really has when it comes out pretty sure it will be real buggy afterall its Microsoft

  • julian1023
    julian1023 Posts: 6
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    wolverinemarky stop being a crap head .You dont know that the windowsmobile7 phone going to be all buggy because it looks nice you iphone people think that apple iphone is the best phone in the world.I left apple for a windowsphone because first my iphone was broken and next apple just have way to many rules and the lack of features the iphone haves its mostly a gaming device.Thats why i have a windows device name a
    samsungjack.But i do kind of miss it because of the iphone nice style and gaming but who cares.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    lol no start menu...ok lets see it is a Zune with internet...and a phone app...will it sell? YES but this is still in the infant stage they will have many bugs to work out like IPHONE 2g to the soon to be out 4G. But A+ for effort wit the UI and it looks nice over all. People who have had windows Mobile in the past will love this but IPHONE Killa it is not...

  • julian1023
    julian1023 Posts: 6
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    but want to see what the next iphone generation going to be.

  • julian1023
    julian1023 Posts: 6
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    it could be a iphonekiller. they still have almost a year to make any changes and fixes

  • Sharkbitte
    Sharkbitte Posts: 8
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    Im with you, the only iphone killer will be the next iphone generation...

  • Jimbo
    Jimbo Posts: 23
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    This is actually quite impressive. The iPhone doesn't have such integrated features as what i just saw in that video. So it boils down to this: Microsoft is promising a pretty impressive mobile environment, the question is... can they deliver. I wouldn't mind owning something other than an iPhone.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    competition is will keep Apple on their toes

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    If Microsoft wants to build an iPhone killer, here is what they need to have on their phone. #1 Video Calling feature. #2 Plug-in support. #3 Run Commands. These three features would give us jailbreak users a real choice. The only thing I would fear from this is the possibility of mobile viruses and hacks that could harm and steal personal data.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    no not really battery is so crap the system that the clock etc has to be minimized to save battery plus iphone 4g out july also why put xbox live on a phone when psn user suppased xbox live user by 30 million last week

  • jessie
    jessie Posts: 11
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    Competition is great! I love the iPhone but I hope Microsoft kills the iPhone so apple can step there game up and stop playing with us!! We need someone to put apple in check!!

  • Shriv
    Shriv Posts: 14
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    what the hell does PSN have to do with iPhone vs This phone (and xbox live) if they have LIVE on it, its simply because its their brand.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    There will never be an iPhone killer, there will come a phone that wil knock it off the top of the charts, but never kill it.
    If the iPhone gets beaten, then I hope Apple go for it again and produce another winner.
    It's a whole new world of mobile handheld computing we're entering, and it's still in it's infancy.
    Yes, the iPhone is a quality device, and yes, it does have some major flaws in both the hardware and software stakes, but, it's got to the top of the pile because it's easy to use and there's a massive range of apps and developers supporting it.
    If the iPhone didn't do much, basic Sony Ericsson etc, then it would be a run of the mill mobile, but to me, it's more convinient to access the net with, email is easy to use, the music side is good, it plays movies well, and it's a phone too!
    If Microsoft produce a mobile that has the same or similar features then great, it's competition for the sales market.
    IF Microsoft come up with a real eyeopener, backed up like the iPhone, with features and functions that are new / wanted / needed by us, the end user, then maybe they will have a market winner, maybe Apple will lose customers, but Apple has, and will always have, they're dedicated followers.
    iPhone Killer? No, just a better phone than the iPhone!!

  • babathehutt
    babathehutt Posts: 1
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    What's nice is that Microsoft figured out that they need to start innovating. In a while, when they get some practice in, they might start coming out with game-changers themselves. This is a positive step for them. The phone's interface, however, will probably take bit getting used to, more so than the iPhone. But most things in life have a learning curve....

  • Danny
    Danny Posts: 91
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    I can't see why we shouldn't be able to run windows 7 on an iPhone.... And of course it will be a hack.

  • Gexmex
    Gexmex Posts: 1
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    Gayest **** I've ever seen.

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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    two word for you twit JAIL BREAK
    enough said

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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