Steve Jobs Calls Flash: "CPU Hog", Source of "Security Holes", Dying Technology, Would Degrade iPad

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imageSteve Jobs Calls Flash: "CPU Hog", Source of "Security Holes", Dying Technology, Would Degrade iPad Battery Performance [Rumor]

We had reported yesterday that Adobe’s CTO in an interview with BoomTown’s Kara Swisher had informed her that they’re working hard to improve Flash for Mac and smartphones. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have made any impact on Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs as Valleywag is claiming that he was trying...

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  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Obviously there seems to be some bad blood between the 2 camps, BUT.... At the end of the day its all down to what the consumer wants and not what steve jobs wants. I understand his views on a performance hog and potential security risk, but that would be in both parties interest to improve performance and close security loop holes. As far as obsolete technology is concerned, flash is out there and its used extensively and therefore it would take serious cash to convert over to lets say html5, so therefore not likely to happen for 8 years if at all. As much as i like my iphone, i will now keep my options open with other competing devices as my 2 year contract is up this summer.

  • InSovietRussiaPhoneEyesYou
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    I don't want Flash on MY phones because then people will use it to circumvent the App Store, cutting into my copious profit margin.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    personally, i know flash would perform terribly on my iphone. it performs terribly on my 800MHz iMac G4, how would this be any different. youtube is 1 frame per 8 seconds. the only problem is, I cant see html5 doing so well either. it has to be either a binary compiled for the iphones cpu (armv6 i think), or the implementation be _INCREDIBLY_ optimized, which probably isnt even possible. face it, its not a computer in the traditional sense, its the computer's retarded brother that has the amazing iPhone OS (its not bad that its retarded, its a cell phone what can you expect?) put on it so it can be functional and responsive. we have to make a dedicated form of web content for mobile devices (remind you of wap or the app store? not to be pessimistic or apple-ish but i sort of agree with steve in this debate)

    as for the iPad, they could probably get flash to be almost bearable, but remember flash needs a good computer (a 1.6GHz atom notebook without nvidia ion isnt going to be very good playing 720p youtube) to even work completely properly, and whats the point if its choppy.

  • phosphorus
    phosphorus Posts: 39
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    Atleast give people the option to let their mac/iPhone crash.

  • Brunotuga
    Brunotuga Posts: 7
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    Flash is present in most phone makeres all the good phoes has it so why would it be performans decrese or or security dangerus?! Nokia works with it for a long time with and i think apple and adobe should work together to make it better And bring it to iphone. Regarda sry for the bad inglish

  • Fleur
    Fleur Posts: 21
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    Both parties are right: flash is widely used and no flash means no access to many sites.

    But it is true that flash based sites use more resources (CPU and memory) than non-flash based site and more CPU power translates in more power consumption and reduced battery performances.

    The safari mini browser is a nice solution from that point of view (but what about privacy when you need to access one server for any web site access... no doubt that the safari server will be able to compute nice, high merket value statistics).

    It is also true that Adobe SW (not only flash, also other SW like Photoshop) are all resources intensive and could most probably with more optimization effort use less resources.

  • Hoobaloo
    Hoobaloo Posts: 18
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    I don't see Steves point. 98% of PCs have Flash, probably 98% of Macs 10% have Flash. The technology isn't going away, it has recently grown because of YouTube.

    Hard to decode video? Do people forget that there is a YouTube app for the iPhone that is "decoding" video as well?

    Ok, so leave Flash behind, adopt Silverlight. I've heard good things on the performance it it. Yah, that will never fly.

    Steve Jobs is an idiot thinking with his voice and small computer market share that he'll make Flash go away. Pfft!!!

  • Shawn
    Shawn Posts: 39
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    Uh, LCDs are still used in LED TVs. You've bought the marketing hype. It's the flouro backlighting tubes that went by the wayside in favor of LEDs for backlighting.

  • kDub
    kDub Posts: 48
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    are you serious? i would probably throw my macbook across the room and blame Apple if it crashed excessively.