HTC Launches Two Android Smartphones To Take On Apple's iPhone

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageHTC Launches Two Android Smartphones To Take On Apple's iPhone

In the smartphone industry, a month can be a long time. Just a few weeks after Google unveiled its much hyped 'Superphone' - the Nexus One but HTC - the Taiwan based manufacturer of the Google branded handset launched two new Android smartphones, which are better than Nexus One. At...

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  • Nimrod
    Nimrod Posts: 4
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    Apple are still way too far ahead of the game to be remotely worried....yet!

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    It seems that everyone is always playing catchup with Apple since they introduced the iPhone.
    I has happened every year since the original iPhone was introduced and will be the same if a new iPhone is revealed this year. We will see how it goes mid this year once we see what Apple has under their sleeves.

  • KDNmazerati
    KDNmazerati Posts: 0
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    Although, most of the phones imitates the iPhone, it is not inconceivable that a phone will soon come close the the iPhones UI, while offering user customizations. I gate apple's closed OS. It lacks the uniqueness that individuals crave.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    The Android OS is gaining more and more followers but as an OS, NOT as in a specific Android phone model.
    Take Sony Ericsson for example, they can kick out 12+ basic models a year (Here in UK anyway) and people choose the handset on wanted or needed or just outright preferred features. Cseries = Cam specific, W=Walkman specific then they launch their Satio / Aino ranges of 'smarts' (the Aino was dragged off the shelves & recalled and the Satio just froze due to software issues)
    Nokia are focussed on their 'Comes with Music' brand or Top end N series models, so not in contention
    Samsung & LG phones never impress me so i tend to ignore them (sorry Sam & LG users)
    The iPhone has a sort of pedigree if you wish, the external format stays the same, smooth and sleek that just looks good. It's how it does it's job internally that changes. Thats what keeps people interested! Internal changes aren't just 'Hardware' changes, the device can 'change' daily with software/apps from Cydia/Rock/Appstore.
    The use of the iPhone's 'computing' side is simply put, amazing!
    Apps like Shrink (JB devices) can cram loads of icons onto the home page, Infinidock makes a fantastically useful 'Most Used Apps' list. The face of the iPhone remains virtually the same, but, do you often come across two identical iphones (that aren't brand new lol)
    By HTC releasing a multitude of Android based handsets, Could it be read that they could be looking to corner the 'middle section' of the mobile market??
    Die Hard iPhone lovers will stick with the iPhone OS, finding the cash to have, hold and love their devices, but for the newcomer on a budget wanting more than just A Talk, Text, Camera and basic Mp3 player, there sits HTC with a range of fully featured, bells and whistles 'Smartphone'
    The iPhone hit the 'Top Slot' through some brilliant promotions, after sales support and a massive range of apps. If you own an iPhone, does it do what you want 9 times out of 10? Mine does!!
    I really believe that HTC cannot topple Apples market winner with a *single* handset (Yet lol) but they can and probably will capture and become dominant in the equally massive middle market.
    Move over Nokia & Sony E, HTC have come out to play

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    Read this again??? Done we always have to wait for the next iphone to get the stuff we want. MMS vid cam ect. The ipad is looking to go the same way. Jobs eat thoes words .....

    But as Steve Jobs once said "this is life in the technology lane. If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model, you'll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon."

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    All these phones are making my head spin. I think they should all just get together and work on one phone with all the hardware in the world. That includes a real camera with a real flash and enough storage space and ram to replace laptops. I can't fit all my music on my iPhone especially with all these apps involved and these cameras are as useless as their resolution.

    And that guy really needs to clip his nails.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Wow, as much as I like my 3gs, I hope apple gets a slap in the face when they screw with their clients by adding one thing at a time on the same product. Example, next year they will put a string on those silly little tampons they made and call that revolutionary.

    The competition is actualy doing what people want, people comment about wanting 5 megapixel cameras with auto focus and more ram, well look at what these guys are doing, they are listening to what you ask for and putting it on a silver plate for you, and alot of us just make a little smirk and say there will never be an iPhone killer haha yeah right those phones might lack software but they are kicking apples ass by giving people what they want that's for sure

    I'm going to laugh my ass off when the next iPhone more ram and a 5 megapixle camera saying it's the next best thing, I bet by then the competition will have 6 or even 8 Meg cams with twice the ram

    I hope to god that apple gets off it's ass and makes something great again

  • lvidal
    lvidal Posts: 12
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    If these companies continue to make several models and not focusing in just one, they'll be under the iphone. plain simple: offer just one option and improve it each year.

  • InSovietRussiaPhoneEyesYou
    via Wordpress

    Well I've already made the decision to jump ship from the iPhone platform to the Android OS. Just gotta wait til the end of the March/early April to get me an HTC Desire/Bravo.

    I'm sick of Apple's stranglehold over every aspect of the iPhone. It's safe to assume the iPhone 4G is going to be tough to jailbreak (the iPT3G and 3GS v2 have proven that), and basically without jailbreaking an iPhone is only 10% of its full potential. I prefer to go with an open system, one that encourages people to use their phones the way they want.