Apple May Lower Price Of iPhone 4G To Boost Adoption Rates

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple May Lower Price Of iPhone 4G To Boost Adoption Rates

Apple may induce greater iPhone adoption rate among smartphone buyers by launching a new device that will have a lower cost of ownership - This was one of the key points made by Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty in a recent note to investors. According to Huberty, one of the...

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  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    I just hope that the new 4G as everyone is calling it. Don't have a plastic back. I think they will sell the new one at the same prices they always do but with more features.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Here in the UK, the price of the 3G/3Gs stayed the same for 'Payasyougo' but on release of the 's' , on contract prices for the 3G dropped.
    I think Apple will stick with the high 'contribution' costs for the 4G because it causes a WoW factor and people want!!
    It's human nature to 'expect to pay more for high quality goods' and it creates that 'Want It' factor. If people want something bad enough, they will sacrifice in other areas to get it.
    If a 'Want It' customer is offered a 3 year contract and minimum ££€€$$¥¥ outlay, then the overall cost of a 3 year tie-in is usually disregarded.
    I always buy payandgo handsets, £444.40 for this 3Gs 16, because for me it works out far far cheaper than shelling out £40-£50 a month on a contract allowance of airtime I'll never get through.
    Whichever way it goes, if the 4G surpasses expectation and really does impress me, then I will shell out for one, if it doesn't, I'll still have my good ol 3Gs

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I would just like to see everyone stop calling it 4G iPhone. Not one network is going to be running a reliable nationwide 4g network by the time this thing is released. In fact there won't even be marginal coverage by that time. This will be an HSPA+ capable phone at best, which means great browsing speeds but not quite up to the hype that 4G has been getting.

  • DBS
    DBS Posts: 13
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    doesn't have a plastic back*

    learn english. ktnx.

  • Ejr9090
    Ejr9090 Posts: 6
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    4g can also mean 4th generation so in iPhone 2g is more like iPhone 1g and iPhone 3g is more like iPhone 2g and iPhone 3gs is like iPhone 3g now this one is iPhone 4g because it is the fouth generation iPhone even though it might not run in a 4g network

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    If they want more people using the iPhone, it's pretty simple. Open it up to other carriers.

  • Jon Jenkins
    Jon Jenkins Posts: 1
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    #1 barrier for me is the data plan rate. If we didn't have to pay extra $30 for each iphone, everyone in our family would have one.

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    From Thailand.

    Absolutely agree with Ray !!!

  • SteveJobs
    SteveJobs Posts: 14
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    Damm...I created this phone and I agree with Jenkins!

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    True 4G networks wont start untill 2012 in the UK

  • Cyberpreben
    Cyberpreben Posts: 1
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  • Dadz Bluz
    Dadz Bluz Posts: 1
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    "Tonight there's going to be a JAILBREAK somewhere in this TOWN!" Phil Lynott - Thin Lizzie
    Easy to do. Apple's rotten to the core...
    A CLUE for YOU! BlackRain.

  • Jesse
    Jesse Posts: 38
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    I hope the iPhone 4G will be on the Verizon's Network in 2010. because I Hate At&t's Network!!!

  • TY
    TY Posts: 41
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    Once I get a decent paying job which will be in a year then that will be the first thing I but is an Iphone! I love them!! I will have to pay $30 a month but who cares the phone is worth that much a month. Great phone and cant wait to get one!

  • TY
    TY Posts: 41
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  • Bagger
    Bagger Posts: 1
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    I just want to know if the illustrious 4G iPhone is gonna come in different colors or not.

  • DukeB
    DukeB Posts: 1
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    I've been with AT&T since 2006 and I've never really wanted an iphone because their prices were just over the top. Then I compared the iphone with the unlocked nokia e71 and I chose the nokia, which I paid almost $300 for. I guess I guess I can give the 4th generation iphone a chance since I have about a month before I'm eligible for an upgrade. But I still like the nokia, I think I made a good decision.

  • Caleb
    Caleb Posts: 6
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    I would like to point out that some people do care how much it costs. I personally don't have infinite amounts of money. I ,unlike most of America's spoiled youth, have to work for most of my stuff or sell something. Which usually I worked for in the first place. Apple, be sensible and keep the price low enough for people to actually afford it. This is part of the reason we are in so much god d*** debt as a country. No one knows how to manage money. And everyone wants to spend more than they have thanks to huge corporations like Apple.

    And on a second note, I doubt there will EVER be a product that people say wow to for 2+ years. With how shallow and spoiled kids are, when everyone gets something, it becomes old. Then the giant corporation you bought this item from brings out something new and 'better' which forces kids to **** and moan to their parents about how their 3 month old 16 gig 3gs sucks and they want a 4g. My advice: learn when enough is enough, or you will find yourself in a TON of debt when you get older.

  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    I'm gonna buy it because I feel like it.

  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    ...and I pick money off of trees!!

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    what you said is truly right.. people who does'nt know the value of hardship spend like crazy. kids who get their stuff easily does'nt know how to appreciate. even the richest people knows how to spend their fortune wisely that's why they became rich and if i have to spend more than i can afford, i will probably invest it on something useful like bonds,educational plan for the kids, life insurance. electronics gadgets like cell phones, computers and likes are always upgrading and each time there is a new one out in the market, the tendency is to get it. there is no end of countless spending.. after all, i believe cellphones is meant for emergency purposes only and not requiring so much feature.

  • Apple Iphone 5
    Apple Iphone 5 Posts: 1
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    It's a good news if apple want to reduced their product price...