Apple Files Lawsuit Against HTC For Infringing iPhone Patents

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple Files Lawsuit Against HTC For Infringing iPhone Patents

Apple has filed a lawsuit against HTC alleging that the Taiwan based handset manufacturer has infringed on nearly 20 of Apple's proprietary inventions relating to the iPhone's UI, architecture and hardware. The lawsuit has been filed with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) as well as the US District Court...

Read the full story here


  • iom_jack
    iom_jack Posts: 24
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    what I see in here is how Apple Company frightened of loosing the sales of Iphone in the market. They're saying its a healthy competition then why don't they improve the marketing strategies, producing new models with different designed? Btw, where did Iphone get the idea of putting a camera on their phone to make a video call? Is it their "Original Idea as well"???? HABBBOOOOOOO!!!!!

  • Hello
    Hello Posts: 16
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    apple just talks ****.....

  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 53
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    Ive been getting more and more angry with Jobs and Apple....i have an iphone and sad to say very ashamed of it now and cant wait to order my nexus one and become an Android user.

    Money Money Money is what Apple cares about, no flash to keep out other apps other then the app store (money)...bringing limited tech out on the iPhones so people keep buying them (money)...the iPad (what the hell is that about, theres loads of other tablets out there!)

    I think Palm/HTC/Google and Moto should combine and stand up together and fight Apple lol....that will show Apple that there F@CKED!!

    Luckly in Europe we dont get affected by those types of patents so all the patents like the ones Apple is complaining about can be used here and they can't do anything about it!

    I can't beleve how big Andriod is getting and so quick...Apple knows it and everyone knows it...the iPhone does have a killer and its everyone else giving the customers what they want and god bless google and HTC and everyone else for doing it...

    Goodbye Apple and hello Android!

  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
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    Patent No. 5,519,867: "Object-oriented multitasking system.
    Apple is stupid. Is there multitasking on iphone? so which object oriented multitasking are they talking about. Apple is now AFRAID of competition. They whole world can now see it.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    It's all well and good launching an infringement lawsuit, but how long will this be tied up in red tape?
    Technology advances at a rate that can double over a few months which, in theory, will make Apples complaints obsolete by the time (or if) it hits a courtroom.
    Doesn't Nokia hold patent for SMS technology? Samsung for colour screen on mobiles & polyphonic tones
    if apple sued for gesture based tech, every 'tap to answer' mobile could be affected.
    To my mind, it's Apple growling loudly to warn the pack it's 'their kill' and nothing more.
    Before long, someone else will 'Growl' at Apple and so on

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Apple is protecting it's investment. They've learned from the past (think macintosh). I really don't know why so many people are jumping on the bashing band wagon.

    Did apple invent all of these new things? Probably not, but they've bought out companies that did or paid for licenses on the iphone. Jobs did say they've patented the heck out of it when the iphone was first introduced.

    As much as the haters are complaining, prior to the iphone's release, no other phone came close to the functionality, appearance, and capabilities of an iphone. After the fact, every company's popping up with clones, mimics, iphone killers, etc. It's just a matter of time before Apple sued.

    Perhaps if android os and all these new phones would've been released prior to the iphone, then we'd have a whole new story. Fact is, they were not and apple not only filed but were awarded patents. As lame as they may be, a company's gotta protect their investment.

  • Irha
    Irha Posts: 37
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    "no other phone came close to the functionality, appearance, and capabilities of an iphone"

    Appearance, yes, but functionality and capabilities... many nokia phones and windows mobile phones had the same capabilities or better.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    "no other phone comes close"

    Really...? Have ever seen or had the Nokia N900 or the Nexus One? way better phones, I am fed with apple everyone else is looking for ways to intergrate things on their phones.... didn't Apple get sued not long ago for the same thing..,

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    John I agree with totally but have to disagree with Irha about Nokia, as I've used most of their top end mobiles. Their interaction with the user is mediocre at best. The Touch sensitivity is slack and quite inaccurate for those with larger hands/fingers. A Nokia boss said recently that the N97 (&mini) was a failure, as someone who has the 97mini as a spare mobile, I quite agree with him. Hopefully, Win7 mobile will become available for it (or a port of Android)
    Ok, Nokia were at the head of the pile a number of years ago, but that was then, and this is now

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Did you read the complete sentence/paragraph?
    Another prime example of misquoting and presenting an invalid argument.

    "As much as the haters are complaining, prior to the iphone's release, no other phone came close to the functionality, appearance, and capabilities of an iphone. After the fact, every company's popping up with clones, mimics, iphone killers, etc."

    Companies file suits and get sued all the time. This one's getting much more attention than the others. Personally, I'm not on neither side. I do, however, give credit where its deserved.

  • Asdf
    Asdf Posts: 37
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    Can't we all just get along?!! Gosh!!!!

    -Napolean Dynamite

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    HTC Job Advert on Engaget:
    HTC seeking Patent Council hahahahaha

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    the thing that gets to me, is that Steve Jobs has implied that google walked into their turf.... Hahahaha. In my case I am waiting to see which will be the better phone for my buck...In reality if I couldnt jailbreak the phone, the Iphone wouldn't be as good as Apple makes out to be...thank saurik and the dev team, geohott and all others...

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
    via Wordpress

    the thing that gets to me, is that Steve Jobs has implied that google walked into their turf.... Hahahaha. In my case I am waiting to see which will be the better phone for my buck...In reality if I couldnt jailbreak the phone, the Iphone wouldn't be as good as Apple makes out to be...thank saurik and the dev team, geohott and all others...

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    It is kind of funny how similar, for example, the HTC Droid Eris is to the iPhone. In fact, I switched from Verizon to AT&T recently to buy the iPhone and had to make a few calls to Verizon after. About 3 separate reps. said "wait, you want an iPhone? Have you tried our Droid Eris... it's similar with this, this, and this."

    But oh no, the Android phones are the innovative ones. LOL

  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 47
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    I guess that if we go by that , then Palm has a right to basically suit everyone in their mother including "our" beloved Apple....

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    Yeah, Palm should suit Apple. LOL
    I don't understand why Apple haters constantly flock to Apple related websites and post negativity everywhere. A little online emotional therapy?

  • Erik
    Erik Posts: 47
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    Not an Apple hater... just hate when Steve Jobs talks stupid **** like that...Now my questlion to you is, have all these patents been around before the iphone came out? ofcourse they have...remember even the iphone's was bought from Cisco... hahaha I guess Apple is afraid of Android... there's a famous quote in Don Quijote de la Mancha. " if they bark is because we're advancing" guess who's barking now?

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    So is Apple not allowed to fear a little competition? I would say so, especially if all these phones are trying to be just like the iPhone.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    They could try, but Apple's pretty good at counter suing. I doubt Palm would want to jump into this mess just yet.

    There's definitely strategy involved here. Apple's not well-known for filing law suits, which means they're pretty confident about winning. We'll just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

    As far as comments go, the majority of posts I've read seems to be against the suit and against Apple. I honestly think they're just ignorant and under educated comments.

    Apple created a great product that was very successful. Others started duplicating it, and I have to say they're pretty blatant about it. Now Apple sues. It's to be expected. Period.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Also... With so many people bashing, hating, disliking (whatever you wish to call it) Apple, why are used iphones still selling for so much online? I mean, come on... I'd like to pickup a used iphone for $40. Any apple haters selling one?

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    iphone roooocks the minit you pick it up you can feel your holding modern technology no one has a better touch screen and you all know it and it is so much smoother than the other phones when you slide the pages they run so smooth I originaly hated touch screen until i got an iphone so goooooo appleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    o ya you are so right man the phones stay in value for like ever man and im so tired of the other phones they freaken always get stuck and work in a chunky way lol i playd drums on a iphone competetur you click and five seconds later bam bam ba ba tsts the start playing lol lo lol lol lol sorry for the spelling i was typing fast