Report Claims Apple Is Threatening iPhone Competitors For Patent Infringement

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageReport Claims Apple Is Threatening iPhone Competitors For Patent Infringement

Apple is reportedly in talks with several leading handset manufacturers over their alleged infringement of the company's proprietary inventions. In a recently published report, Oppenheimer & Co's Yair Reiner writes that Apple's lawsuit against HTC has been a fallout of the discussions that the company has had with handset makers...

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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
    via Wordpress

    if there smart they would gouge them with licenses fees that way they wont waste time with workarounds and will just fork over cash. that way there forever using apples IP instead of trying to develop their own thing

  • jaameess
    jaameess Posts: 0
    via Wordpress

    I think that it may be good for APPLE to do this but for the CONSUMER it's bad because now apple won't have anything to compete for but on the other hand HTC and other DROID type company's may make better innovations rather than using something thats already made.

    What do you think ?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
    via Wordpress

    I'm tired of reading the same thing over and over again. And especially tired of reading comments about how Apple is aiming to stop all multi-touch smart phones.

    The suit isn't about an end result, it's about a specific implementation/method of achieving that result. The suit is pretty specific beyond the title.

    I've gotten my hands on a nexus one and I must say that the touch interface is not as responsive or accurate as the iphone. I admit it seems to load a little faster, but other than that it's not enough to convince me to switch. Apple did it right with the iphone and have every right to protect their IP.

    I'm more interested in hearing about the next generation of iphones.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
    via Wordpress

    Its just a way for apple to be the coach in the smartphone industry, that's why they didn't say anything until the competition started spending big bucks, now apple has them by the balls telling them, HEY, EITHER PAY ME BIG OR ADMIT YOUR PRODUCT IS A COPY AND HAVE MY LAWYERS EAT YOU ALIVE! If they would have done it sooner then all of the people who switched to HTC and other similar products, which are vast amounts of people, will get early termination on a product that their service provider has spent bigger amounts of revenue on.
    That means, if apple gets that product to be canceled, and those contracts terminated early. Then someone like verizon would have to pay the remaining dept and not sell the huge amounts of infringing smartphones, that's what you call frozen assets
    welcome to the smartphone mafia, they sell protection from themselves