Adobe Demos Flash On HP's Upcoming 'Slate Device'; Takes A Dig At Apple

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAdobe Demos Flash On HP's Upcoming 'Slate Device'; Takes A Dig At Apple

Should Adobe Flash be made available on touch screen devices like the iPad? This is one question to which we will never receive a definitive answer. While there is obviously a case for incorporating a ubiquitous software platform like Flash on the iPad, issues such as the high resources consumption...

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  • rupesh
    rupesh Posts: 11
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    I sure as hell won't be buying an ipad anytime soon. With Apple's lack of accepting Flash, we lose half of the web capabilities and functionality. I might pick up a Slate!

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    So are we going to see a post about FLASH every week? LOL ridiculous!! WHO CARESSSSSSSS wheres the INTERESTING NEWSSSS!!!!???

  • ewj
    ewj Posts: 26
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    iPad not running Flash = fail. Most news and entertainment sites use flash. Very few less than a handful use HTML5. HTML will grow but will not be 15% until mid 2011.

    Not to mention no easy way to hook the iPad to my TV. Lastly I work at a desk and holding a tablet or looking down all day is a drag.

  • jewman
    jewman Posts: 19
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    i agree i'm so sick of hearing this same argument over and over if u really want flash and its a make or break for u get a slate and if u don't care much for it and prefer a device which offers a great user experience and form factor along with industry leading battery life get an ipad problem solved there are choices now lets all move on and complain about something new

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    UMmmmm. There is a keyboard and doc for that please refrain from speaking if u dont know what u are talking about

    Dumb ass

  • HC
    HC Posts: 17
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    It would be absurd to ever hear MS block software from be able to run on their OS like Apple does. Apple's claim that it's for security purposes are BS and the consumer should be able to decide.

  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    i am getting the slate instead of ipad

    Steve jobs is stupid if he is dreaming on **html5** then keep dreaming it may happen but not less then five years

    buy then the ipad 5G will be released

    it takes time to replace flash on the miilion of sites on the web

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Slate seems to be shaping up to what we hear about it. iPad is lacking, and HP is taking advantage of that fact.

    Will the slate be around forever? Probably not, but it's providing what consumers are demanding at this moment. I would take the slate over the iPad hands down for now.

  • Tagart
    Tagart Posts: 47
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    same thoughts here, would buy a slate before I'd buy an ipad even though I love my iphone. I think it's just going to be a matter of time before apple finally gives in to flash though just like they have with many other things.

    IE: ipods and itunes working on windows machines and mac computers running intel cpus.