Study Reveals: High Brand Loyalty Among iPhone Users; BlackBerry Users Want To Switch To iPhone

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageStudy Reveals: High Brand Loyalty Among iPhone Users; BlackBerry Users Want To Switch To iPhone

Close to 40% of Blackberry owners plan to switch to an iPhone soon while nearly 90% of iPhone owners would prefer to stick to their brand when buying their next phone. These are some of the interesting pointers revealed in a recent study conducted by market research firm, CrowdScience. In...

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  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
    via Wordpress

    How can they compare those devices fairly?
    The Blackberry is essentially an email device and was promoted as such to a business market and that's a hard image to shake.
    iPhone is designed as a multiple use multimedia device aimed at gaming, music and mobile computing.
    Android along same basic guidelines as the iPhone.
    The comparison is along the lines of Ferrari, Lambo and a family saloon!
    Analysists! Don't they know that 67.3% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)

  • neo
    neo Posts: 21
    via Wordpress

    I have owned every blackberry since att started selling them up until the iphone was released. You are correct. For email nothing beats a BB but for an all purpose phone iphone is the way to go. For each complaint I have about my iphone i have 5 more reasons to use it. Try one and you will never use another phone again.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
    via Wordpress

    Depends on OS 3.2 or OS 4.0
    If there is no improuvements ill be moving to Nexus One (Android)

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
    via Wordpress

    I've tried a few Android handsets, all HTC, but to me the shape and feel has as equal scope as the functionality.
    I can't seem to get used to the 'kicked up' bottom of the units I've held. I do have big(ish) hands and tend to use my little finger as a rest, the bottom of the ones I've tried makes it unbalanced while holding and txting.
    I'm not all out against the Android OS, it's still in it's infancy and rivals Apples from the outset.
    Suppose it all comes down to a personal preference over a wide range of factors and I admit that if JBing the next iPhone OS becomes impossible, then I'd start looking around as the majority of my apps & packages are from the JB community
    The iPhone will continue to sell well regardless, made up stats tell us that about 10% of all iPhones are JB'd, so that's 90% of people that don't really care about upgrades, hacking etc. 10% of users jumping ship won't stop Apples 'tied in' policies as it's all about revenue, not keeping all users happy

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
    via Wordpress

    Well I feel lonely; I'm one of the 9% waiting for my contract to end.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    yeah right! The nexus one is already being labeled a flop. I'm with the person that said, "for every complaint about the iphone, there are 5 reasons I am stuck with it". I am all for competition and seeing other phones compete in this mobile phone market, but with the head start, unmatched user experience, quality and quantity of apps in the app store, the jailbreak community, patent enforcements, etc.etc. We are all happily "stuck' with apple for a while. The only "iphone killer" is Apple killing it themself by turning loyal users against them.

  • dave OBrien
    dave OBrien Posts: 1
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    Im an avid iphone fan, mines j/broken, even if the next gen iphone is impossible to j/break, im sticking with it.... cant wait for next model release, im out of contract with O2 uk now, so just waiting.......
    There never has been or will be anything to compete with iphone....colleagues at work with blackberry hand sets so wish theyd gone with iphone.... fact.

  • Ancaster
    Ancaster Posts: 1
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    As the owner of an iPhone and BB9700, Blackberries prevail as a business tool. It has the longest battery life of all smartphones and BIS provides the most reliable push services.
    Don't get me wrong, I jailbreak/unlock iPhones, SSH/winSCP into them, etc. Naysayers complain it's a toy, well that's the beauty of it, iPhones are simple to use and fun, with apps galore.