Apple - Google Rivalry: Is It Good For The Industry?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple - Google Rivalry: Is It Good For The Industry?

When Apple partnered with Google in bringing products like Google Maps to the iPhone, the relationship between the two companies was said to be incredibly strong; so much so that Eric Schmidt, the CEO at Google jokingly suggested that the two companies be merged to become AppleGoo. However, the relationship...

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  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Well I think apple has the lead Over google. What apple has going for it's self is that there phones are very good in build qulity, everything works very smooth, apples customers support is very good also. App store is the best out there. Apple
    may be a little slow in getting it's technology fast to there phones but when they do it's killer smooth and Done right. Until all those other phone could do all that right then we can talk. Apple rules so far for a while.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Steve Jobs need to realise the entire world wont fit or even want to be prisoned in Apples garden. We need healthy competition and choice and google is making an effort so Steve give us all the feathers google will or shut up and get back in your garden.

  • DD
    DD Posts: 15
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    i don't want Apple to be "the one"
    i want the chance to choose when it comes to smartphones!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    They're both businesses run to make a profit!
    Apple's statement of 'Not entering the search market' carries little water with Safari and the tendancy to block search engines from their mobile platform.
    Google is a massive operation with many many divisions, most, but not all, focussed on software.
    Apple (or Jobs) is a tad pi55ed off that Google have decided to aim new products at the up & coming Market of smartphones and have designed some serious competition in a short time.
    Apple pay massive taxes to the US. gov but Google 'licences' it's operations through different countries (UK-Ireland) through to the tax haven of the Bahamas so they're huge spending power is available for development funding
    I find Jobs's comments about Google & the mobile Market quite funny too, where was Apple's phone a few years ago? On paper!!
    Yes, Apple have a winning product in the iPhone, but the attitude of 'walled garden' is what kills it when you look at pure facts and figures (try explaining the outside world to a person happily caged in said garden, they can't grasp the concept)
    Googles first offerings in the mobile world are pretty good, better than Apples first attempts anyway
    Soon it'll be Android vs Iphone OS belting it out for the top slot, there will only be one winner though......US, the end user!!!

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Well seed and then what video would iPhone users have, NON Christ Apple sucks.

  • Euhnegro
    Euhnegro Posts: 1
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    This is the best that can happen to the industry. It will be interesting the type of partnerships they both will make. The markets they will open and how their rivals will react. Companies like Microsoft, HP and Dell must be weting their pants right now. Clearly they both are leaders in their own markets. So, it will be interesting to watch "the others" try to capitalize on that or simply depreciate. I am a big fan of technology, apple products, google cloud computing, and Microsoft office.
    What would be the best next thing, and who would bring it?

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    What would be nice but won't ever happen is....
    A Dell tablet with Windows like hardware, Flash hard drive, an *OPEN* IPHONE like OS with fully enabled 3G Telephony circuitry, N wifi, dedicated 1ghz Graphics card, full Bluetooth capabilities, all wrapped in a Windows price range
    Well, I can dream can't I lmao :)

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    utube got nowt to do with google mate

  • Fingers
    Fingers Posts: 71
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    If Apple never had competition, they would never better there products and we'd still have 2g iPhones!

  • Rudy569
    Rudy569 Posts: 19
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    Let's see how long before Jobs has a bitchy fit and bands google from the iPhone ........ Just like he did with adobe.

  • steven
    steven Posts: 113
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    @Rudy569 Well said. Of course, if he does that, many people will leave. Without a youtube app, the iPhone has virtually no movie streaming. Without Google Maps, people will hate navigating. There are several others. People left just because they banned Google Voice, something that the majority doesn't even have access to yet.

    Also, the whole HTC lawsuit is BS. Apple just knows they are being out done, and doesn't want to innovate. So they go after a little company who is beating them. I have used iPhone OS (iPod Touch 2G), Android (G1), and Android w/ Sense UI (Hero). I no longer use the touch because it is irrelevant now. Got a Zune HD (better at media) and my Hero (better at apps). I see no real similarities in the two OSs on any level. Sure they have a some minor things in common, but most of the commonalities are implemented very differently. The whole slide to unlock thing is ridiculous. Hopefully, Apple will lose some of its user base over this, as well as be humbled when their lawsuit fails. I just hope it fails, or our courts truly have failed 100%.

  • AsoSako
    AsoSako Posts: 7
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    What are you talking about, Apple, is like an ant compared to Google, it may dominate for a while I agree, but in the long-run Google is going to overpower it no questions asked, because as a company it is stronger then a nation, it has influence in most of the world, that no other company in the business or even outside of the business can match. Google is simply to influential and powerful and the only disadvantage they would have would be that they won't have the head-start apple had, but with the power they posses they will outrun apple in this new decade. No matter what apple does, apple will be stronger, simply because of the ridiculous amounts of resources they have. Not to mention how ridiculously closed up Apple's App store, App approval process, and phone as a whole is, having to jailbreak it to truly use it and all. Googles Android brings users freedom, which is one other huge advantage. Frankly I don't see apple having any chance of winning this at all.

  • brol1k
    brol1k Posts: 0
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    All I can say is...When Android is the number 1 selling smartphone in the USA and has sold like Iphones have the last 3 years, then we can say android is better! But for now when your number one its means ur truly the best PERIOD! Men lie, women lie, numbers DONT!

  • Peter Phan
    Peter Phan Posts: 0
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    really, i can see a war is coming between these two. But to be honest i think Apple should make the price go es down a bit for iPhones if they want to compete with Android, otherwise people are just going to turn their back on iPhone and start using Nexus One for good.

  • Mugjaw
    Mugjaw Posts: 1
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    Personally I like the name Goople.

  • phone2go
    phone2go Posts: 1
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    I like google now. Thread leaving china and come out with android to compete with iphone. For enduser, it just make thing better. I hate apple for suing HTC because scare of android.