Make iTunes Previews your iPhone's custom ringtone
Did you know that iTunes offers short audio samples or previews of its entire library as free downloads? I am talking about those 30 second clips of every song on iTunes that you can listen to before you buy. That makes these iTunes previews perfect ringtones as a ringtone is...
Hey Playapixie,
Are you sure you followed the instructions the way they are mentioned above?
I again tried to download one of the preview songs in the Top Songs list using these instructions and I had no problems in downloading the song. I even played the downloaded song in iTunes (as it is my default player for audio files).
BTW, I tried this using the latest version of iTunes (7.3.1) as well as 7.0.2.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for visiting please do visit again.
iPhone Hacks -
I can't find the iphone interface anywhere to dl and does that work with XP? I have done everything else, but can't find anything to upload the files to my iphone.
Sharon -
I have done everything up to step 8 and it tells me to use iphoneinterface?? I dont understand where i find that?? PLEASE HELPPP!
Hey Victoria,
You have three options:
1. Use iPhoneInterface:-
Link - Use iPHUC which is the second generation iPhoneInterface:-
Link - Use iFuntastic 2.1:-
Download link available here - think the third option will be the easiest of the three though iFuntastic is currently available on Intel-based MAC only.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for visiting do visit again.
iPhone Hacks -
thank you very much!
one more question when i go onto the website what file do i download it onto and what do i have to do with my iphone??? -
Try saving it with .m4a and not .m4p
That might help -
how do you paste the url in the downloads thing
i cant do ctrl+v or right click and paste -
when i save my playlist as a .txt file to my desktop, then open it in excel, there is nothing there but headings like "artist" "composer" "genre" and other things like that. can you tell me what i'm doing wrong?
when i save my playlist as a .txt file to my desktop, then open it in excel, there is nothing there but headings like "artist" "composer" "genre" and other things like that. can you tell me what i'm doing wrong?
all u have to do is rename the .m4p to .m4r and drag that into itunes ringtones folder and it will sync the next time u plug ur iphone in!!!!! no more sshing!!!!
let me know if this stops working or if u need help
i dont get how you save the playlist as plain text... im having trouble with that. I have the latest version of itunes if that helps