iPad Reviewers Call It "One Of The Best Computers Ever"

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageiPad Reviewers Call It "One Of The Best Computers Ever"

Apple's embargo on publications seeded with pre-release units of the iPad ended yesterday and we are now getting to hear early reviews from these publications. Most of the reviews have been positive about the iPad experience though many have also noted the absence of features such as multi-tasking and Adobe...

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  • anonymous
    anonymous Posts: 106
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    Its all bull crap. I'm a die hard apple fun and i believe i own almost everything apple has ever sold.( Maybe missing a few here and there) but this can't buy me. I mean come on, why would i need that when i have an iphone and an ipod touch. Screen size? Hell no. If they claim its a computer, where is the usb port, the adobe flash, connectivity to tv,( oh i forgot, apple is going to sell us their own for an arm and leg), the SD card slot, the CD/DVD Rom drive. I can go on and on. Bottom line, this is not a mini computer or whatever you wanna name it, its just an over size ipod touch with a book shelf in it. I already read books on my iphone and ipod touch so STEVE, sorry but stick it down your A**. Thank you

  • IBM Systems Engineer
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    If you don't want one, don't buy one. Those of us who use MacBook Pros in the business community know that this will be a huge hit among business travelers and road warriors who's main needs while traveling in Web Surfing and reading email. I'm among the first in line for the 3G version when it comes out in a few weeks.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    I'm waiting for the better one the HP Slate.

  • tlb
    tlb Posts: 0
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    I agree. It is nice to use for just checking email or surfing the web. especially when traveling. i can use on a plane and in my hotel room while watching tv. and when the sling app comes along for the ipad it will be great for traveling. I go tdy alot on buisness and i am geting one for the ease of plane use and carrying.
    I still will use a real computer at home for photo editing and more.I am a big teckie, but if i just want to read some articles or surf the net for weather or the many apple websites it will be great for that, plus I am a fan of multitouch. if they ever build a macbook pro multi-touch i will get that but until then ill use the ipad, jailbroke iphone so i can use as a hotspot, and my macbook pro. there always room for improvements on any device.
    It's not just apple that does this in their products, its every other buisness as well, look around. Just my 2 cents

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    Beautiful looking, but so underpowered and locked into apple's walled garden.

    No Flash is a deal breaker. Bought my wife a Nokia N900 computer phone. Far superior to iPhone and flash works just fine on it. (Yes, I have and use an iPhone 3G 16 gig.)

    What bugs me is I can get far better internet connectivity with your average $250 - $300 netbook with win XP. I can also tether it to my iPhone anywhere there is not an available wireless connection.

    If iPad (god do i hate that name - why not iTab/iSlate or something?) ... I digress.

    How to fix iPad:
    1. Normal form of OSX and not limited like iPhone.
    2. Flash enabled. No more BS ... just turn it on.
    3. Not prevented from tethering to iPhone.
    4. Not built for a unique sim card to prevent swapping with your phone card.
    5. Get rid of that idiotic name!

    App store could still exist. Half pointless, but good for the lazy.

    Price could still be fairly high with these changes, and it would be more than a maxi sized iPod.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    I'll wait for the next one. Once apple have giped all the ppl that always fall in there trap thats when the next one comes out with what it was suppose to the first time. Fall for the scam and get burned. Wait and rep the rewards. I don't know lol

  • Playafied
    Playafied Posts: 55
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    Money makes people say everything good about anything. I think these reviews are bull.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    That is such a lame argument. Well I'm going to wait for the 3rd generation because that's going to be better than the second, of course we all know that. Oh wait I'm going to wait 20 years to buy my next car because it will be far superior than what people own today. Hmm Ok I get the logic.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    I agree I wonder how much are these fucks getting to promote that piece of **** on their newspapers

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i think the reviews are legit they are coming based on a new thing so of course everyone is shocked and impressed, its apple so its gonna be good may not have everything that everyone wants but heck theres no electronic on this planet that has everything everyone wants. they will sell millions this generation and every generation they chose to make of it. I am a windows user the only apple product i own at the moment is my iPhone 3g and soon to be iPhone HD/4G when it comes out and in my short time i have learned that apple does good work so stop all the hating.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    apple has a real high resale value...if you get an ipad even the 499$ one....i bet 1 year form now on ebay it will sell for 350 400$ (if apple does not drop the price till then) and then u pick up the next one

  • Hegiel
    Hegiel Posts: 3
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    I want to buy a tablet but I'm not sure if this will be an Appple product - maybe HP, maybe MS product. Time will show which one fit my preferences best. I just want specific aplications - if they show up I'm sold. So the appstores are basically the hook. Apple has the best appstore at the moment, but I hope that other competitors learn fast enough to speed up changes on the market which are always good for customers.

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    You are a stupid fool, when your iPhone does more than that stupid ipad there's a problem there. If your ass don't see it. Buy the damn thing. Over hype piece of crap. My point is that it should came with stuff that eveyone knows it should already have like a freaking camera,SD reader and so much more that I don't want to waste my time writting the ****. Ooh and maybe I will wait to change my car 20 hers from now beacuse it has the **** it's suppose to have.

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    It looks cool as does all apple products but i dont think the app store is enough for me at least to not install any other software on it. If it was a full fledged computer maybe even with a 512mb video car you can toggle on or off it would be a kill product. i can imagine WOW or diablo etc. on this man maybe if they jailbreak it. Than i would buy one for sure.

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    If you have not played with an ipad or held one in your hands you really ant say anything about it. So many people are saying so many bad things about it and don't even know. So what, I know it would be perfect for my grandparents or my parents that don't really need a computer or wouldn't know how to use one. It has a very simple user interface and yes it would be perfect for a business person that traveled or a student at school. I'd rather carry the ipad then a retarded windows based netbook, or a MacBook. Apple knows what they are doing. People are just to stupid to realize how inovative it is.

  • Anthony
    Anthony Posts: 66
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    This is perfect for swiping through pdf's of music pages on a music stand. And the screen will hopefully be big enough to see. Find the right niche and it is perfect.

  • Egypt
    Egypt Posts: 115
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    April fools?

  • jewman
    jewman Posts: 19
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    wow you clearly missed the point and made ann ass of yourself all at once looks like you can multitask all by yourself i wont even bother explaining this ipad again to one of u closed minded fools who cant see past watts in front of there eyes but this ipad is a big deal and is going to change the way we do owr everyday tasks not the ones connected to specific hardware but the things we already do like read buy things watch tv pictures create documents email web browsing portfolios alot of things and it allows app developers more freedom with the screen real-estate so you were just pwnd and will continue to be pwnd over and over ass this thing just get better every day

  • CJv2
    CJv2 Posts: 0
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    learn to spell


    also it cant do proper multi tasking

    what is wrong with you people

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I'd like one for net surfing over wifi at home.
    Use my 3Gs mostly but a bigger screen would be nice

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    What I don't get is that flash runs on macs, pretty good I might add, I can even download it too. Why not in an ipad? There must be some factor involved. No camera? The Nano and the iPhone has a camera. If they gave us a MacBook air hardware inside the ipad, that's a game changer and a revolution at a price no one can beat.

  • Bnort
    Bnort Posts: 0
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  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Lovely, so is it running 3.2?, does this mean a JB release might happen this weekend :) Prob not, but exciting nontheless.

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    FFS! even the length of that second clips is 3.13, there's no escape from 3.1.3 Aaarrghhh

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    I think the only people who will be impressed with the ipad will be people who've never used an iphone or itouch.

    You cant really compare it to a computer, because it does not offer the basics a conventional computer offers: full-fledged OS, ability to create documents/folders, cd drive, usb ports, flash, etc...

    Apple really had an opportunity to wow us, but this overgrown itouch is not worth purchasing for the majority of the computing world.

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    I'm sorry dude you do have some problems in your life, sorry to hear about it. Is anyone forcing you to buy it, clearly arguing is not your forte using crass language is, as you can see most people leave folks like you alone and so should I. No go disappear for next 20 years, cryogenics if you know what that is?