Fourth Gen iPhone Dubbed iPhone HD; Includes Front-Facing Camera, Multitasking, Double Resolution Di

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageFourth Gen iPhone Dubbed iPhone HD; Includes Front-Facing Camera, Multitasking, Double Resolution Display?

Engadget is reporting that they were informed by their sources that the fourth generation iPhone will be dubbed the iPhone HD and will be announced on June 22. John Gruber of Daring Fireball seems to have hinted at some features that we could expect in the next generation iPhone in...

Read the full story here


  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    idk i wont be confused by the name although i wanna hear more specs and it needs to come majorly to compete with that Evo and other phones that will come out so Im still in the wait and see phase its kind of interesting how all of a sudden a lot more info is being leaked guess apple is wanting to hype us up

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    ya, i dont think that apple is going to bring out the big guns, if it is any better than the evo it wont be by much. Their cheap asses will try to get by selling a low quality iphone this year and an upgraded version the next. I am going to laugh my ass off when they fail
    But then again i would like to see apple make us all proud of being iphone owners.

    I would rather pay $1,500 to $2,000 for a phone that has it all and that will be unrivaled for a long time as apposed to buying a polished piece of **** that will be out performed within 6 months to a year

    Just like a laptop, its better to have paid for an alianware m15 or m17 than buying any silly little laptop that wont be worth a **** in 2 years lol

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Thank you iPhone Hacks for understanding my previous complaint about calling the next gen "4G". I like the sound of iPhone HD. That said, I hope it does come with these new features or I strongly believe the new EVO can play a huge roll this year against the iPhone mainly because even I am considering making the switch.

  • kDub
    kDub Posts: 48
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    i don't see how that makes sense. technology, not only in cell phones but electronics in general, is changing and getting better so quickly, i don't see how it would be possible to make one device that will be the best thing for a long time without improving it. make sense?
    if apple doesn't improve their iphone consistently, other companies will out-build the iphone (which it seems like is happening).
    and besides, $1-2k for a cell phone just sounds ridiculous. a phone that cost that much money would not be mainstream. no?

  • smash
    smash Posts: 26
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    I already switched to T-mobile HTC HD2, its pretty awesome (except windows mobile :). But if new iPhone will be better, I'm switching back.

  • Egypt
    Egypt Posts: 115
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    How in Gods name is that supposed to fit in my pocket?
    Not gonna lie though it sounds wonderful so far. Unfortunately, Apple has disappointed me *COUGH iPAD*

  • Ken
    Ken Posts: 114
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    battery. battery. battery. EOM

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Long time, No see :-)

  • Sinsin
    Sinsin Posts: 4
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    Don't get super excited
    The only new things on the next iPhone will be
    Bigger capacity :32 GB , 64 GB
    Better Camera : 5 mp , No front facing camera
    Faster processor : A4
    and MAYBE OLED ...

    iPhone 4.0 Won't support multi tasking or flash , instead they would allow some specific programs to run in the background

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I'm interested in the new iPhone, but it would really have to impress in the areas I actually use.
    My 3Gs does me proud, so for an upgrade in handset, it's going to have to do well against the competition.
    (saying that, I vowed I'd stick with my 3G, until I played with this one)
    it's that time again, time to sort out genuine pics & vids against the fakes, listen to the insiders 'trusted sources' titbits and speculate wildly, get excited, then deflated, then plan on buying it, then check the competition, check comparisons, then start again after the other half says " £400+!!!??? for a phone!!! "

  • mikele11111
    mikele11111 Posts: 1
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    Hey Jose - Take a big chill pill. You are one angry dude!

  • Jared
    Jared Posts: 67
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    Did anyone ever think that instead of Verizon, they might be bringing the iPhone to SPRINT's 4G network with VIDEO CHAT?!?

    I bet SPRINT is hungry as hell to have a hit phone like this. They'd give up almost anything to revitalize their subscriber base.

  • Nj
    Nj Posts: 23
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    Honestly, I don't know whats the craze about the HTC EVO. HTC is ****, period. That being said, Apple doesn't release a new phone every year hoping that you will buy one. If you have a 3GS already, then stop complaining about Apple "tricking you" into buying a new one by releasing a new one every year. That's not the point. The point is that Apple is committed to their customers and want to release new refreshed and also speedier versions of the iPhone since technology increases every year at such an exponential rate. Personally, I have a 3G and am waiting for the HD to drop. I usually get a new phone every 2 to 3 years anyway, so why not. I don't understand why people have to be consumer whores and buy a new phone every 6 to 12 months. If thats the case, then obviously what you are buying isnt quality. That being said, you can mark my words that no phone will beat the iPhone. Well, at least not for now anyway.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Yeah, I know what you're saying, but I was talking about an exclusive phone, it would be nice to have something that isn't based so much on low price. That's why I was saying I would rather pay 1 to 2 k for a phone that has only the best equipment to date.
    But maybe i'm just a greedy basterd lmao

    I would definetrly pay that much for something with the capabilities close to laptop specs. I know it sounds impossible lol bit I have a watch phone with alot of things that the iPhone should have like real radio, flash, video confrence touch screen and whatever else it has :P but my point is, I wish we had that option to get something beyond the average reach, something exclusive

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    I'm not an angry dude my friend :P I'm just a guy giving his two cents, wishing for something better, isn't that what we all want in the end?

  • Egypt
    Egypt Posts: 115
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    Indeed it has been too long :)
    Honestly I think people who upgraded to 3GS were seduced by the iphones speed (Heck I was too but i wasnt up for upgrade) which i believe wasnt worth it. In my opinion I believe that from now on it will go likes this: iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone HDS, iPhone Elite, iPhone EliteS. But thats my opinion.

    as for the prices, I dont believe it will go up I believe it will either stay the same or be lowered very slightly. But of course all this is made up in my brain and none if it maybe true but we will see what happens :D

    Good to see you Tim

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    I dont think it is going to happen. Apple has refused to deal with cdma carriers. In Canada Bell and tellus are
    cdma they dont have the iphone. those two carriers are just as big as verizon. However both Bell and TEllus
    decided to go hsdpa witch is gsm technologhy and now there getting the iphone with in a week. China Mobile
    has openly begged Apple for the iphone and Apple refuses to put the iphone on there network. China Mobile
    is the largest mobile carrier in the world with 500 million subscribers. Kddi also pleaded with apple but no iphone on there cdma network.
    ( Verizon has also decided to join the gsma. Qualcom has decided to join the gsma. (
    Qualcom has also abandoned any research to create a new standard for cdma to compete with gsm's Lte.
    " (Rev. B will appear in non-US markets, while Qualcomm's 4G Ultra Mobile Broadband was abandoned.)"
    When verizon goes Lte(gsm technology) then they will get an iphone. Four things happened when wsj report came out.
    1) verizon stock prices went up.
    2) Apple stock prices went up.
    3) smart phone sales and upgrades halted at verizon.
    4) qualcom stock prices went up.


    Thanks Andy

  • Junni
    Junni Posts: 1
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    Iphone is cathing up with the phone
    first second third fourth
    Its on the way

  • opean
    opean Posts: 1
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    I wish the battery is getting better two...Now im going everywhere with line.....
    it is not mobile at all

  • lily
    lily Posts: 9
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    Finally Multitasking!!!!!!!! Finally finally!! It is getting smart

  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Has anyone at apple thought about maybe usb 3.0 for the iPhone 4G or now iPhone HD? This is one of the main things that takes up so much of my time. When i download music, movies, pictures, apps etc... It takes forever! I personally hope that apple was smart and thought about that one.

  • a.fattah
    a.fattah Posts: 1
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    heyy i was going to buy iphone 3gs but when i heard that apple will release the new one soon . now i don't know what to do !! .. so i want your advice plz .. thanx .

  • Sonata
    Sonata Posts: 1
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    If the new iPhone is going to be built to run on 4G networks with additional features, will it run on a 3G network too? Or is it going to be exclusive to work on only 4G networks. Because some of us are waiting to buy the new one for the additional features like video chat. I am on a 3G network and i will stay on it..Do you think it will run on a 3G network as well?