iPhone OS 4.0: Rumors And Speculations So Far

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imageiPhone OS 4.0: Rumors And Speculations So Far

Since Apple has announced that it will be giving a sneak peak of iPhone OS 4.0 on April 8, we thought it might be a good idea to look back at all the rumors and speculations that we had heard about the next generation iPhone OS. So here is the...

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  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    not really excited about any of this seeing how jailbroken phones have been doing it all since 2008. tethering would be nice though.

  • Tripmonk
    Tripmonk Posts: 3
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    sounds good, but what about deleting individual calls out of my call list? been the norm since mobile phones first had a digital display why is the iphone so different??

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    why r u on iphonehacks complaining about this...
    i care about the hardwaare, not the os....ill be glad when get more info on the phone

  • Skaar
    Skaar Posts: 21
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    Already get all that on a jailbroken iphone so it doesn't entice me.

  • bryan
    bryan Posts: 57
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    [qoute]tethering would be nice though.[/qoute]

    Iphone 3.0 can already do this... look to ATT for this feature, or jailbreak and get it now.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Almost all of those features are available for JB devices
    Multitasking - Backgrounder
    Contacts on Home Screen- Intelliscreen (+others)
    MutiTouch - Activator or libactivator {or is that gestures}
    GUI - So many packages exist in cydia
    Universal Mailbox - just set auto forward to a single email addy

    Tethering - Available via Cydia

    OS4 doesn't look that exiting any more lol

  • ItsLil_C
    ItsLil_C Posts: 8
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    Im currently on iPhone 3G 3.1.3 JailBroken and im already use multi-tasking n sum other tweaks here n there. Wut i just expect is that the new iPhone 4G has a different look and appearance cuz im gettin sum wut tired of it bein a replica of the previous iPhones. I kno that the new iPhone 4G is gonna be quick n thats gonna be 1 of the things i look fwd too since u kno the 3G only runs at 400mHz if im correct. But hopefully Apple releases sumthin that will **** on all tha Androids especially tha HTC HD2 n the new Samsung model which i forgot but i think every1 knows wut im talkin bout since most of every1 who comes on this site are all tech enthusiasts lol.

  • Vishnu
    Vishnu Posts: 199
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    Can't wait, excited.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i would like to make my own camera roll folders and be able to title them on the phone itself and not have to send the pics to my computer then make a folder then sync the folder in itunes. Btw i am aware of the Camera Roll App but thats not what i want

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Folks ,
    I stupidly updraded my 3G to 3.1.3... What are my current options to re-jailbreak? I am so pissed off I did this. I need some guidance.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    That would be UPGRADED not up draded. Sheesh

  • dxs101
    dxs101 Posts: 52
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    I hate when people can't spell even the slightest

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I just checked my cracked collection to see if there was anything there to suggest, sorry all I could think of was apps like Photo Vault etc, where you can store pics in user named folders then delete from camera roll (vault saves them) pics can be transferred to pc as most 'Vaults' support WiFi transfer
    Dunno if that helps or not

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    There is a Cydia app called: SwapCameraRoll which allow users to toggle between two different camera rolls. Very handy if you have some private pictures that you don't want curious people to look at, lol. but as far as I can tell you can't rename the folders, nor to create a third one.

  • ZedSefi
    ZedSefi Posts: 130
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    Oops I just realized that wolverinemarky is talking about the same App. Sorry for that.

  • ROUX
    ROUX Posts: 1
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  • nubs
    nubs Posts: 18
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    hehe it would be funny if they included all the junk that the jailbrakers give you. there for defeating the point of jail breaking aside from the unlocking. A small wish of mine would be being able to change my sms sound easier to something personal. as everyone else I'm around gets a text and all of us check our phone... and a stock winterboard option in 4.0 would be sweet. but that's why there dreams and wishes, because they will never be real.

  • pogimo55-aga@yahoo.com
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    Arebwe just excited about OS 4.0 or are we also thinkin about a possible news of NEW IPHONE??

  • Aga
    Aga Posts: 1
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    All websites posting about new OS but we failed to make assumption og ONE MORE THING!... possible NEW IPHONE?! What do you think? Would love to see if Apple will release a new version of Iphone in lieu of recent release of IPAD. Love to see front facing camera in tandem with social network apps allowing video chat and a stronger battery to accomodate videos. Tethering would be nice also. Ipad needs to be jailbreaked so if we buy a n ipad with the sim slot we can just port our current sim and use the net from our iphone.

  • Abel
    Abel Posts: 183
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    Hell yeah. What Apple calls wallpaper is a joke, and is actually my first purpose in jailbreaking my phone. Of course now I have a ton of other reasons, but the wallpaper was #1.