Geohot Has Jailbroken iPad; Blackra1n For iPad Could Be Coming Soon

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imageGeohot Has Jailbroken iPad; Blackra1n For iPad Could Be Coming Soon

Geohot, the iPhone jailbreaking expert who has released popular jailbreaking and unlocking tools like blackra1n, blacksn0w has just announced that he has jailbroken iPad. In a post, tweeted an hour back, he has shown his iPad running in verbose mode to confirm it is jailbroken. Geohot announced his latest achievement...

Read the full story here



  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    First!! And this is awesome!!

  • Gerac
    Gerac Posts: 1
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  • Max
    Max Posts: 62
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    2nd!!And this is awesome!!

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    A giant who cares on this one...maybe finish up the jailbreak for iPhone 3.1.3 first.

  • HC
    HC Posts: 17
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    What do these keys do?

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    that s a lie .
    I don t blieve it tell they release it.

  • DDA
    DDA Posts: 2
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    I don't know much about what it takes to have Flash but looking at the amazing achievement from Geohot, I wonder if he could work on some kind of workaround for Flash on iPhone, MAN! that would be a slap in the face for Apple, but again I could be talking through my @$$..

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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  • Geohot sucks
    Geohot sucks Posts: 1
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    Whatever. Why is the jailbreak for 3.1.3 such a secrete? Wtf

  • Jones
    Jones Posts: 8
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    It's nice we keep hearing about all of these great jail breaks, and nothing is ever released. Not even a word of if or when there will be jail breaks released. I've donated to both Geohot and the Dev Team in the past, but not anymore until they start releasing JB's for the iphone and ipad.

  • Drahcir
    Drahcir Posts: 1
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    Look people... They can't release any of their jailbreaks right now. The ones thatcate viable for 3.1.3 may still be viable for 4.0. If they release now apple will have time to close the holes.

  • De
    De Posts: 2
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    Keep it secrect so they can use it on os5 or better wait till the last model of iphone to come out and release it lol

  • Captan Ameerika
    Captan Ameerika Posts: 10
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    If they released it now than Apple would be able to fix it, I'm sure there are other holes in the system that could be exploited but why not just wait a couple months and have a for sure thing?

    This happens every year around this time all the new stuff starts to get released. Hell why don't you guys complain that they don't release a jailbreak for each one of the iPhone OS 4.0 Betas!

    Complaining is gonna get us there quicker...

  • jpitch
    jpitch Posts: 4
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    1 question though. If the intent was never to release a jb for 3.1.3 and wait til 4.0 so as not to have a very short lived jb, why not say so? perhaps it would have clued people into an estimate of when a jb would be out as opposed to falsely implying that there was a chance a 3.1.3 jb was in the works. i'm very new to this but i'd imagine that the intent of these developers of jb's was to please the public. if not they would have jb there own phone and never released it to us. hearing about jb's by several developers and not releasing any info as to when it might be out APPEARS as though they're baiting the general public. i capitalize "appears" because i'm not insinuating that is the case. i'm just saying that one may interpret release on info such as this without the cordial estimate release time may look like a kid that has ice cream and he MIGHT give you some.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    Very good point, but apple won't stop iphones from being jailbroken. Allowing jailbreaking of the iphone has only been good for apple really. Apple takes the jailbreak apps, examines them, then finds a way to do it way better. Plus Apple can add a little here and a little there to each new iphone model and make billions. You know the funny part. WE BUY THOSE PHONES. What suckers we are :-). We even know how the scam works and we are still sucked in. lol.

  • Captan Ameerika
    Captan Ameerika Posts: 10
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    I understand what you are saying completely. I have been around since the first iPhone came out so I know how this goes each year.. it sucks hearing about all the new features and deciding wether to upgrade or not (and in this case no jailbreak for newer 3GS).

    The dev team, Geohot, and all the other teams don't get paid for what they do and they also don't charge us for being able to use their software. They ARE here to please us, but they are here to please us in the long run.

    They could release the jailbreak for 3.1.3 and the iPad tomorrow and everyone would be happy and than Apple could fix it in their next release and you never know, they could possibly at some point find out a way to get us to not be able to jailbreak. I know its not likely but it's a possibility.. I also can assume that the teams don't just spend 10 minutes on finding a jailbreak.. I really doubt they would want to go through it again just to please people for a month or so..

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Drdirty
    Drdirty Posts: 37
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    Talk talk talk. Release it and we will believe it. It's all bullshit till it is. So what if apple patches it, are they afraid they can't jailbreak it again after they patch it.

  • Drdirty
    Drdirty Posts: 37
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    They jailbroke the ipad in 24 hours after it was released. So what's the big deal

  • jpitch
    jpitch Posts: 4
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    I don't think it's all bs. I happen to believe everyone of them claiming to have jailbroken the iphone/ipad. if they won't release a jb til 4.0 i'd just like to hear them say that. i wouldn't be p/o'd at all. just some clue as to when would be nice. and for the wisenhimers who'll post after me and say, "ok, the jb won't come out til 4.0. you happy now?" doesn't cut it. i'm not trying to be an ass. i hope my rhetoric doesn't sound like i'm trying to be one as well. all the developers should know that the vast majority of their followers love them. and some of them, albeit a very small percent, even donate to them. so a little bone, just a little piece of a bone would go a long way. at least to this noob.

  • Darr
    Darr Posts: 3
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    WOW Now this is a breaking news lol Dev Team had it out the next day so you are Second (2nd). And come one some one come out with Jailbreak and Unlock for 3.1.3 its been too long and stop waiting till Apple comes out with other OS and also stop making prommises we need at DATE

  • I SAY
    I SAY Posts: 37
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    have us wait till 4.0 and teams use same strategy to jailbreak 4.0 and release the jb for botht he 3.1.3 and 4.0... so then apple releases 4.0.1 and tell us all that it fixes major performance issues blah blah bla and gets us to upgrade. so we are stuck again without a jailbreak till a fix comes out.
    Apple is just using their products and streching them till there is no more to squize all our money as possible.. ipad 3G, ipad 3g wifi... wtf!! whats next ipad 3g wifi front facing camera version!??? appl make new os. multiples its profits by 2 selling everything twice again.

  • Hurkies
    Hurkies Posts: 4
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    OMFG some people here are real ass*
    it doesnt matter if they release 3.1.3 jailbreak nobody knows how the dev team find the holes.
    now becouse Apple is already awake now that 4.0beta got hacked in a day. it doenst even matter 1 % if they release it or not.
    so all the people that are saying dont release the jailbreak 3.1.3 are 3.1.2 jailbreak users that dont give a **** about people that just buyed a new phone.
    these basterds are careless people that only think about THEMSELFS!!

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    All wonderful, but from what i can gather there are at least two different exploits doing the rounds, can't see why one can't be used now, it's all about breaking ppl free from Apples ball and chain, so if more than one exploit is available use one to free the current 3.1.3 prisoners?. Plus upon release 4.0 is bound to have a few exploits on there, so looking at it like that surely it's manageable? I meant having to wait two months whilst Geo and the Devs are bragging how fast they can jb is frustrating to say the least.
    Just my opinion :)

  • i-tard
    i-tard Posts: 1
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    Subject break/Small interlude for a monemt.... why do all the f u c k t a r d s have to claim or state "first" on these postings? I picture a sad sack sitting at their laptop,mobile device or desktop hitting the refresh button until a new story is uploaded to the site. Then suddenly with a borner or wet c u n t hurries in to type "first". Holy christ are people really that lame??

  • Got there first
    Got there first Posts: 1
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    Well you're as bad for taking notice them being first, don't you think?

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    Your MOM is bullshit

  • yo mama
    yo mama Posts: 117
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    Ummm nobody made any promises... Nor do they owe you anything you half witted dumb ****. If seeing videos and screenshots, and past releases from both parties isn't enough for you to believe it then there's no hope for you. Just bring your iPhone back to the shop now becuse you're too fucking stupid to own one.

  • solar
    solar Posts: 2
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    ouais super mais on attend toujours le jB pour iphone 3gs newboot....

  • and
    and Posts: 5
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    please as boycot stop releasing all THE news until they do something about the 3.1.3 jailbrake. it's childish to have to wait for the jailbraik so long while they clearly have jailbroken it easy.

  • Twanger
    Twanger Posts: 7
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    I agree with you on that