Facebook Cracking Down On Trademark-Infringing iPhone Apps
CNET has reported that some iPhone apps that make use of Facebook's API in their application have been facing issues with communicating to the Facebook server. This apparently follows Facebook's crackdown on iPhone apps that violate the company's trademarks. According to this report, Facebook has been deleting the credentials of...
yea facbook has the right beacuse people may ocnfuse those apps as being fabooks own. And if those apps are not high grade...then facebooks reputation may be hurt -
im confused as well mate
maybe a blog post or something warning everybody would have been nicer but i can see where they're coming from. It's a little scary though knowing that if you have that facebook api in your App they have the power to render it useless.
when you rely on someone else's service your always at the mercy of that service, since their apps utilize the Facebook API, facebook has the right to do whatever with their API. It may seems callous but you take that chance when using someone else's server.