Police Investigating The Lost iPhone Prototype Incident [Updated]

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imagePolice Investigating The Lost iPhone Prototype Incident [Updated]

Based on the history of Apple product leaks and Apple’s response, we had wondered how it would react to the lost iPhone prototype incident. It looks like we’ll soon find out. CNET has reported that Silicon Valley Police is investigating the events surrounding the Apple employee’s lost next generation iPhone...

Read the full story here


  • wee
    wee Posts: 2
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    Uhmm...If I found that phone somewhere at the bar or on the street. I would keep it secret and return it or not is up to me...unless the owner know i have it then i would return it volunteerily. It's the owner's fault to lose it and founder keep it. I hate when people call it theif or stolen when the owner accidently or intentionally lose it.

  • FullyLocked7937
    FullyLocked7937 Posts: 5
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    I agree if it was so important he or she would have never lost it I think it was done on purpose so that the hype could get started a few months early about the next neg iphone due out in june or july. what's the best way to get press or advertise a new up coming product for free!

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    founders keepers losers weepers lol

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Except that if you take it home as opposed to giving it to the bar owner, you are technically stealing it. I think Apple can afford advertisement. They don't need to risk their reputation on a stupid scheme.

  • CheeseEater
    CheeseEater Posts: 40
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    Seems like Apple could pay a reasonably outrageous "reward" for the return of sensitive company property and come out a hero in this. They can certainly afford it. I'ld guess that they would probably settle for something as simple as a promised advance release scoop on a new gizmo, again, Apple could be the hero...

  • Clepto
    Clepto Posts: 28
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    I'm sure there protocals just for this situation. With mobile me I'm surprised apple didn't use it to find the location and get the phone back asap. I'm sure a apple employee always has a laptop near or knows someone at a computer 24/7. If apple really wanted it back they would have spent the 24 hours (hard core retrieval mode) after the lost incident to get the phone back. I'm calling this a apple publicity stunt. I'm not falling for the hype though. I'm getting the new iPhone regardless of the features. Cause I know the jailbreak community will make it the best phone in the market. I have more faith in the dev team than apple for new, free, and amazing features.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    The police (ARE) currently trying to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to file criminal charges.

    Just FYI.... :-)

  • Clepto
    Clepto Posts: 28
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    There is sufficent evidence. The product is on the gizmodo site. Boom I just solved the case. Now it's up to apple to press charges or not. I doubtvthey will though ( but who knows apples in war mode Sueing Nokia, htc, and the whole adobe thing) who knows what apple does. But if they do something like files charges then we all know that it's the new iPhone HD. I'm sure apple just wants the phone back.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    It's theft by finding
    Personally, I'd have hawked it around 'EVERY' Apple blogsite looking for more than $5000 for it, $5000 would have allowed them just a few photo's, then approach Apple for a 'Trade Off' for a new IPad64/3G, Mac & 3Gs please Steve :-) plus a $5000 finders bonus, or the dev team gets it ;-)
    Wonder if Planetbeing would have been willing to load Android on it first, imagine ol Stevie' face lmfao

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Who exactly can Apple sue / arrest etc
    The guilty ones can hide behind "wasn't me" and without proof it's going to be a really hard job.

  • Rudy569
    Rudy569 Posts: 19
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    Boo hoo! Ok the device is out there already and pictures are all over the Internet!(if that's what the new iPhone will look like) just deal with it and should be worried about what ppl are saying about the new device. The device look ugly. How can the iPhone evolve from a great design like the first gen one to just plain old crappy. All the new designs of the iPhone just get simpler and easier to break and in the end all we can do is return the new one for a refurbished one. I hate that. This will prob be my last iPhone. Apple just has to many restrictions on their device. Android move over cuz here I come!

    Apple........ You fail!

  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    I would have personally returned it to Apple, insisting that I hand it to Mr. Steve Jobs myself. I would have said nothing to the media and I would have signed nothing to that effect, offering only my word to Apple.

    I don't need the money as much as I need a world where ethics are a bit less loose. I'm not a big fan of how Apple keeps things secret or (worse) how they lock their stuff down and stifle competition. But that's the way they've chosen to do business.

    *I* have chosen to be honest.

    Besides, the phone will be produced to the spec. and at the time they've decided on, regardless of leaking any info. The only thing you can do is possibly screw over some poor unlucky people's lives and make some money doing it. The very definition of being a ****.

  • d brown
    d brown Posts: 13
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    firstly if someone found it and did not know who owned it then they get to keep it, if they did not know that it was the next iphone they could have sold it on and the person buying that knew it was special but did not pass that on that is ok, the last person buying it realised its potencial then sold it on for mega bucks thats ok, the problem is that Apple should look after its property and keep tabs on such hush hush tackle. i dont think its real anyway

  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Oh my god I hav epic hangoveer pls help Is there an app to make it go away?!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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  • Dek
    Dek Posts: 0
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    police cant do nothing with that coz its lost.
    and im pretty sure that the phone does not cost more than 400$ for apple or have they got bill?(GATES hahahah)
    time too sleeep

  • Dek
    Dek Posts: 0
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    or maybe its a kind of advertising?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    They wanna waste taxpayer dollars on this? How ridiculous. They need to go investigate some real crimes.

  • Bill
    Bill Posts: 153
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    FU Android fanboy - wrong site to be posting on, your looking for androidspin, and dont come back.

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    In case of losing it. We need a password at least...
    Anyway this is a good news for most of us.