Adobe To Stop Working On Flash For iPhone

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAdobe To Stop Working On Flash For iPhone

Steve Jobs' dislike for Flash is well documented. The relationship between Apple and Adobe reached a dead end earlier this month when Cupertino announced changes to its App Developer License agreement that effectively banned the use of cross-compiler programs for iPhone app development. The move is seen as a direct...

Read the full story here


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    I really hope apple fixes it's relationship with adobe flash.There are lots of pages I can not view on my iPhone and iPad because of no flash.

  • Punk_Poet
    Punk_Poet Posts: 66
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    i dont care about flash... Steve Jobs is right every time my safari crashes' it's from some sort of stupid flash thing.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Google will use flash until an alternative becomes available so Google customers will get the whole Internet experience unlike Apple.

  • Xero3GS
    Xero3GS Posts: 2
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    i feel apple is trying to protect its business. if they allow flash content then their device would be at the mercy of flash (not to say thats a bad thing). even now apple needs google's map feature to run their the phones GPS.
    no one can blackmail apple or coerce them with HTML5 and Java script but if apple allowed flash, adobe certain could start trying to call some shots...
    but w/e, doesnt matter to me im just waiting for the JB for 3GS

  • Hmmm
    Hmmm Posts: 45
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    should be optional. let the people that use the phone decide if its buggy or not. stop telling people how to use theirs phone steve bloody jobs.

    this guy is becoming more and more a twat. Microsoft would never do this.

  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    I agree with Jobs Flashblock is up and running on my firefox both pc and mac! Its really easy to live without poor vector animations... I haven't seen one proffesional services web page that was flash only. Let's say a Bank. How the hell scalable graphics could help me in making money transfer? Btw Cpu hog is very accurate definition

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    iPhone with pages that are empty while other have the full web on there hands. Well happy that's over. Let's move on!

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    Let change the subject for minute
    I told you guys that dev team
    and geohot are big liars they could
    not face the public with their failure.
    Shame on you dev team and geohot.
    bunch of crook

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Why do people Purchase an iPhone /iPad/Touch then start Honking loudly about the distinct lack of something that nearly every specsheet / review / blog highlights??? NO FLASH PLAYER!!
    Apple had a run in years ago with Adobe, when they were struggling (I think) & Adobe's attitude was screw you
    (IPH Admin, could you post the link you supplied on Twitter & help me out here, Adobe screwed Themselves I think it was)
    Apples choice is to try and force Developers to move forward with the times and adopt HTML5 as the next platform.

    Personally, I'm not fussed about Flash on the 'i' devices, on my laptops, I find it tempremental, crashing quite happily at random, does it on XP, Vista & Win7. Certainly hope HTML5 isn't as Buggy

    In conclusion,
    Do some research on the product you want.
    Don't get something that doesn't have what you want.
    Don't Honk about it, it ain't coming, end of story

    So some Developers leave the iPhone platform, big deal, for every one that quits, there's another emerging that will be versed in the latest software.
    Times do change, things become superceeded, Adobe will continue to progress in other areas, even though it seems a competitors software is being promoted by a major player..

  • jimmy5
    jimmy5 Posts: 2
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    Adobe should strike a serious blow to Apple by no longer supporting os x with their CS products..

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    wow dude, you're good. im sure adobe stockholders would never let them sac profits like that but that's still a profound idea

  • Mr burgan
    Mr burgan Posts: 1
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    M$ sucks. Their new phones "Kin1" and "Kin2" are the dumbest ugliest things ever.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Go back to 1996 when Apple asked Adobe to support their fledgling OSX and Adobe decided to go with Windows instead.
    Looks like Apple follwed the old sayings of:
    Bide Your Time & Revenge is Sweet :-)

  • idmienphi
    idmienphi Posts: 2
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    Steve Jobs is craziest man on Tech and stupid about Flash.

  • Dav
    Dav Posts: 2
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    "Stephan said...
    Let change the subject for minute
    I told you guys that dev team
    and geohot are big liars they could
    not face the public with their failure.
    Shame on you dev team and geohot.
    bunch of crook"

    Dude who the f@ck are you? Geez... how are they crooks? Get your **** straight man. You should thank them not throw stones at them. Christ your the crook asshole.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Javascript.. now there's a resource hog, wonder why Apple decided to support Javascript but not Flash? Well here's to you Steve Jobs! thank you for telling me what's good for me! My next phone will definitely be an Android phone.. not going to wait for HTML5 or whatever the gay to pull through.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Well said!

    Developers go where the money is. It's common sense. They'll adapt and release their apps ON itunes whether they like it or not. Money talks, bullshit walks.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    Wow how old is everyones computer to be calling flash hogs? Are your computers built in the 90s? My laptop is only 5 years old and I can run couple programs. Flash games. And flash sites at the same time and have no CPU Speed or memory issues.

  • fokai_619
    fokai_619 Posts: 0
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    Go ahead and get your android phone but let me offer a bit of advice....When it comes out wait a week or two before you switch, Verizon will then be offering a buy one get one free....because it sucks so bad they can't sell it at full retail price!!!!!

  • Krew
    Krew Posts: 2
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    At least they have deals, unlike your overpriced piece of **** iPhone...
    Get your head out of your ass, Android blows the living crap out of the now dying iPhone!

  • xsvl
    xsvl Posts: 42
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    Flash does not play nice with mac. Running even just one small flash ad on my MBP 2.2 ghz brings it to a crawl and uses up honestly 100 percent of the cpu.

    But im happy for Apple! Go away Adobe!! Can't you see we don't want you!!!

  • fatty
    fatty Posts: 1
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    Do people really use 5-year-old laptops? :o

    Unfortunately, I have to agree to an extent with Apple - Flash is proprietary, very much NOT open, and has always been as buggy as all get out. Flash (in the early days) offered a way of carrying out sophisticated processing (not just plonking some text and a picture onscreen) which is why it appeal(s)(ed) to banks and the like. Not really to do with the vector graphics, more to do with the fact it was a kind-of OS shell within which functionality could be run which was far more sophisticated than HTML could offer at that time.

  • gern
    gern Posts: 1
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    so much for Apple's "think different" and be unique attitude.