A Look At Next iPhone's Internals; No User Removable Battery

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageA Look At Next iPhone's Internals; No User Removable Battery

A lot of interesting details have emerged over the past few days with respect to what could be Apple's new iPhone. Following up on their coverage, Jason Chen from Gizmodo has now published fresh pictures that give us a better understanding of what lies beneath the casing of the new...

Read the full story here


  • Yushi
    Yushi Posts: 2
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    Looking forward to the release and oh yeah I'm the first!

  • hukies
    hukies Posts: 3
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    good for you...
    Dont like the new iphone.
    The 3GS looks stylisher!!

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    So this iPhone HD is just thinner Not longer, So it's the same screen size as the 3gs. That needs to change. Not sure if I want one. Must beat that evo 4g if not iPhone will Have to eat evo's dust.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    That prototype looks ugly by apples standards and still no replaceable battery roll on Evo.

  • dwight
    dwight Posts: 14
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    This going to be a badazz phone.

  • Geo is Hot
    Geo is Hot Posts: 2
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    the screen is actually a little smaller on the 4g

  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    Looks better than the current shite with chrome trim that scrathes with front screen seal that starts to come away after 10 months Idiots

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 121
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    I have this feeling that apple is going to really disappoint us...smh

  • mobilegamer999
    mobilegamer999 Posts: 3
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    IMO i believe this to be a publicity stunt by apple, because theres 2 things wrong with this. 1) Apple would NEVER!!!!! let a next-gen device into the real-world and 2) Apple would never let it look this ugly.

    CLOCKWORK Posts: 5
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    How strange that the processor, ram, and memory could not be determined. Apple surely planned this and wants to see people's reactions to the new design before they choose a final product with out giving away internal details. Plus it keeps people from buying competitors phones.

    I agree it should have bigger screen, but probably kept the same size so that Apps already made for regular iPhone don't get too pixelated when stretched.

  • Hmmm
    Hmmm Posts: 45
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    this is looking more and more genuine.

    i dont like it. will have to have some serious improvements over the 3GS for me to want one. faster processor, alot better camera(8mp+) higher res screen. Less restrictions on the OS.

    if its on the same OS as the 3gs then i defo aint gettin one. happily get the HTC instead. Andriod looking better and better each day. plus i miss having some buttons (want slide out qwerty) games are crap without buttons.

  • Dro
    Dro Posts: 2
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    Im gonan cop this phone as soon as it coems out. Its bad ass. We can finally video chat with the front facing camera. Looking forward to jailbreaking this phone

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    Better Camera?? This is a phone and I prefer to have a 3Mp but with a flash and nice quality in night like a ISO800 or more. DO you print you photo with you cam?Were are in 2010, most people send it through email with a normal size screen 1920x1080 (HD). Also more you have bigger photo => more it take CPU => More it take memory => more it take Storage => more Bandwidth.

    My Wish List for Perfect Iphone:
    - Speaker More louder for phone.
    - Removable Battery (that is NOT GREEN at all)
    - SD Card slot
    - USB Access / Document
    - TrueMultitasking, GPS software is great but suck when you receive/call someone. (thanks to jailbreak for now)
    - A standard place for Document / Apps with a browser
    - Better screen but again more CPU/RAM/ => less batt.
    - More button (macro1, macro2) ex music Rew/FF

    Last, MobileMe should part of Iphone price or at least lower there price.

  • Hmmm
    Hmmm Posts: 45
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    video chat has been a feature on loads of phones in the past, dont get why people are so excited about apple doin it. i had a video phone about 5 years ago on some nec phone on the 3 network. not new

    usually costs more and isnt covered by free minutes on contract, drains battery and everyone hears your conversation cos its on loudspeaker, reason why alot of companies dropped the feature

  • Shrivatsa
    Shrivatsa Posts: 97
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    dude, camera wise....my old 5 meg camera outperforms my friends C905 8.1MPX. In fact, the higher the density of pixels on the CCD, more the noise etc. i would actually just prefer maybe a 5 meg camera with GOOD pictures, than an 8.1 with **** pics

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    You give apple too much credit. if they were perfect, they would have "never" named a device the "iPad".

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Louder speakerphone! Thank you! I was beginning to feel like I was the only one who noticed how weak this feature is on iphones.

    How come ipod music can play so much louder than ringtone music?

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    I thought the same thing about the iPad name at first, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. IMO, iPad is harmonious to their other major products, all starting with P (iPhone, iPod, and iPad)
    Plus, it's only one letter difference from iPod.
    So, to me, it's just maintaining similarity and recognition.

  • Created Equal
    Created Equal Posts: 2
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    "While it is possible that Apple works over these MINOR CHINKS in design before the official launch." Since when did this site become so racist? I'm going to assume that there is a spelling error or typo here. But seeing as the iPhone is actually assembled in China, probably by minors, this is pretty bad. On top of that the pictures came from "Jason CHEN", has he read what you had to say here? To whoever wrote this article you are either an idiot or a racist, maybe both, either way, just as a heads up 'kinks' is spelled with two K's.

  • Created Equal
    Created Equal Posts: 2
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    OMG! I just read Jason Chen's article on Gizmodo and he finishes it by saying "After subsequently putting the phone back together, I really feel sorry for the factory workers in China who do this all day." AND YOU RESPOND BY TALKING ABOUT "WORKING OVER THE MINOR CHINKS." I just want you to know that in case you change the article without mention of the error, I have already forwarded all of this information to Jason Chen over at Gizmodo.

  • Letitgoalready
    Letitgoalready Posts: 1
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    Wow, I've never heard so much crap in my entire life. Its people like you who hold progress for equality back by bringing attention to something that nobody else would have ever noticed or given a second thought about. Using the wrong word is no reason to call someone a racist, maybe dumb for a quick laugh, but my god! Get a life, sir. and stop meddling in other peoples affairs by bringing up wild accusations. I would doubt that Jason Chen even gives a crap.

  • Getit
    Getit Posts: 1
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    If this is to be the new iPhone then they are going to be in trouble. All I have to say is HTC Evo.