Steve Jobs' Thoughts On Flash

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imageSteve Jobs' Thoughts On Flash

Adobe recently announced that it has stopped working on Flash for iPhone, which caused some uproar among iPhone users. Steve Jobs has posted an open letter on Apple’s website offering his “Thoughts on Flash”. It is a must-read to find out the reason for not allowing Flash on the iPhone,...

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  • David Hill
    David Hill Posts: 1
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    I despise Flash, and have disabled it on my desktop machines. I consider Apple's exclusion of Flash on my iPhone & IPad to be a bug fix, not a limitation.

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    Bullshit, sorry for the language, but to sit down and accuse Adobe (which very much wants to work with Apple) of closed software when they themselves have one of the worst track records when it comes to open software is unbelievable. Simple enough, battery, mouse over or whatever doesn't matter. That like saying certain HTML/javascript codes don't work well with Safari so we're not supporting it. As for battery life, why not leave it to the consumer instead of "babying us" and not allowing us to make our own informed decisions?

    Ughh, I don't understand why so many people view him as a "god". He has his head far up his ass to think "Apple knows best and no one else does".

    Btw, I'm writing this from an Apple computer, so no I am not an Apple hater, I just can't believe how one sided this company is...ughh my next phone will definitely be an Android one, hell a jailbreak isn't even necessary for it.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    Good luck with the android. Lol!!!

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    Abandon Apple.

    Bought a Nokia n900 which has a Mameo (Mozilla base) browser.
    Linux base OS on the phone.
    Flash works fine on this phone.
    5 megapixel camera

    go look for yourself

  • apple-lover, esq.
    via Wordpress

    you don't get it, do you. The public at large are idiots. If you are allowed to decide on battery life, the world wide interwebs will be littered with blogs complaining about it. You can't make everyone happy all the time. In business you pick your battles and Steve Jobs does that very successfully. Please feel free to inform me if you have ever tried to use a PDF without acrobat. That's right, you can't. Exclusivity, no it's called competitive advantage.

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    I completely agree with you. I can't stand flash. It causes nothing but problems on computers

  • Mee too
    Mee too Posts: 2
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    @ Ike, that phone looks nice on paper but ummmm. Yeah I'll stick with my iPhone. As far as flash is concerned, I've only missed it when it came to Hulu and with them bringing it to the ipad.......Flash who?

  • Thorgvin
    Thorgvin Posts: 40
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    I use PDF's all the time using non-Adobe software. I'm talking create *and* view! I even have a non-Adobe PDF viewer on my iphone. What's the problem here?

  • Whatever
    Whatever Posts: 0
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    Try Google for free PDF viewer, Duh. You dont leave the Garden of Apple often, do you?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I only have one thing to say to those who decided to hate apple for not supporting flash. Don't like it? Buy something else. Even jobs himself have made comments similar to this.

    Speculation and flaming on internet message boards are pointless. Sales figures speak for themselves. Despite apple not supporting flash, they've reported record high sales during a time of recession. 500,000 ipads sold with no flash support.

    Does the majority really care? I think not. The ones who do care, probably don't own an iphone or have no plans to buy one. That's fine, perhaps there'll be more supply for those of us who do appreciate the iphone and who do want it. Not because we're dumb or stupid, but because we're content with what it can do and we're aware of that before we bought it.

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    When I bought it originally, Apple was dubious about supporting Flash or not. Now that they have their numbers, they don't care and outright say they're not going to accept flash.

    Tell me, were you so sure in the beginning around when 3G was first out that flash would never be an option, no right?

    And now that I know and see some of the amazing phones out there, I will buy it, but right now I'm stuck with the closed platform device as most people are and if they're happy great, if not, we're screwed.

  • CristV
    CristV Posts: 7
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    if life would be around flash, ure screwed, thank goodness that i don use it, so u use is, good for u, let other dont in peace, be happy with what u have and stop bother the rest of us with this stupid comments, u want to get everyone on ure side of the story, and u cant do that, everything works different for everyone, so its a matter of information y apple dont take use flash, its not like life depends on it, or that everyone has to agree with you.

    bsides, apple its going to do whats best for the company, thats y their in this business, so live and let live.

    ohh and btw, steve explain also y flash its also a closed "While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Adobe and available only from Adobe. By almost any definition, Flash is a closed system.", so plz, mind ure own business.

  • YW
    YW Posts: 5
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    ha, Apple engineers can't make Flash to work on their devices so they are bashing it, o-fense is the best d-fense I guess.
    But let's be honest, Flash support is not the issue but a symptom of a company who wants to control what its customers are doing and how just because they can't integrate. Apple, good UI/usability - mediocre OS.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Why should apple engineers bother with trying to make flash work on their platform? Don't you think adobe should've gotten it squared away by now?

    Like Steve says, put it on another phone and show us how great it runs. Personally, I don't care for flash. I use firefox on my windows 7 pc and have flash blocked by default.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I didn't want to say it, but the majority rules. Real world sales figures dictate direction, not blog posts or comments.

    Don't like the product? Buy something else. Don't like apple's sdk agreement? Develop for another platform. It's pretty simple really.

    By driving iphone sales down, by driving new iphone/ipad apps down, apple will eventually comply. Otherwise, the majority has spoken on the subject and it will be as it will be.

  • musicmarley
    musicmarley Posts: 1
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    I have been using OS 10 since it was 10.1
    Flash works great with Firefox.
    Flash works like trash with Safari.
    This I feel is a tactic to sell H264 codec.

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    Sigh..Apple just totally pissed the Adobe off. However, Adobe does not get advantage as well. Now they have to count on Android now.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I've been using an iphone since the very first model was released. I've been aware of the flash situation, but like I said above, it doesn't bother me. I never liked flash and didn't miss it at all.

    In fact, I've gotten used to not using flash on my windows 7 machine also. Flashblock enabled.

  • hihihahahoho
    hihihahahoho Posts: 0
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    Wise man wise words - Steve Jobs is God! I'm starting to adopting Apple's products and leaving Microsoft behind.

    Long live Steve Jobs! and bring to us more new innovations.

  • mac-convert
    mac-convert Posts: 1
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    I am a field service technician working to support a Windows only environment in one of the worlds largest companies. I have had considerable experience with supporting Adobe products and I can tell you that their software is problematic. If you were to take a wander through the registry after having uninstalled an Adobe product, like Acrobat pro for instance, you will find literally hundreds of entries to do with their software left behind. Also, they make changes between versions that cause issues with compatibility, especially if a user has reason to require more than one version installed at the same time.

    Mind you they are not the only ones to have these sorts of issues. Microsoft and Corel are two more I can think of, MS Office leaves an enormous amount of rubbish behind after an uninstall also. I am just making the point that Adobe are not renowned for their clean and tidy code. Personally, as a result I would not want anything that Adobe creates anywhere near my computer. Yes you can get other software to create, view and even edit Acrobat files. Some of that alternative software is even free and better written.

    If Apple (Steve) has outlined their reasons for not wanting Flash on their phone or iPad, I say good idea. I surf the web in my spare time a lot and almost never even visit a site where I would need flash support. So what is the big deal? I would imagine that way too much is being made of this decision by Apple and it is irrelevant to most users anyway, since they probably can live just fine without Flash.

    I now own and use my first ever MAC, a Macbook Pro at home and would never go back to the Windows platform. OSX is just better for everything, except games I guess, but you can always dual boot for that if you need to. I also own a iPhone and think it is the best gadget on the planet. It was such a game changer that every other mobile phone maker has rushed to try copy it's design. Witness the many touch phones that have sprung up since the release of the 3G. So if you don't like it, like has been said so many times before, go buy something else....

  • Bill Gay
    Bill Gay Posts: 1
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    Have you guys try to run Adobe Creative Suite on a PC with couple hundred of Presets and Plugins loading? It takes forever to load and actually freezing your PC! My rig is quad-core with 8GB Ram + Windows 7 and still experience the issue... Talking about Adobe is in the business for a long time and hasn't improves anything yet but problematics! Adobe should join with Microsuck and go to hell.

    Microsuck and Adobe products are very similar to each other and that is every expensive and very suck in terms of security, performance...etc. Most of the open source products are way better.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    lol "most open source products are way better" fucking oxymoron.. as open as Mac OS X, Apple products and the App store? My $1700 Mac has way less then that but it has no problem running photoshop, even with all the plug-ins, etc. I've installed.. sounds like it's either Winblows or you fucked up your setup somewhere along the way.

  • raspelele
    raspelele Posts: 2
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    I'm sick and tired of the shyt these so called apple funboys are saying on here, No i'm not a Microsoft funboy not a apple funboy , i have a macbook pro, mac mini, ipod touch, iphone 3GS, HD2 and a toshiba laptop running win 7. All these products works fine for me, i use flash almost everyday, both on the mac and the win machine and have no problems at all. My problem i have is safari webkit crashing like there is no tomorrow.

    All lot of people posting on here are talking about not using flash anyway but bare in mind that the most web user in the world are people from the ages of 12 to 30, who heavily use flash online, it being on laptops or desktop. secondly, i can say majority of people using the ipod touch are young and most use flash. Honestly i don't even believe the people that claim they don't use flash on the web. "BUNCH OF LIARS"

    In conclusion , Apple is just fun of dictating to the user what they should have and can't have. Take your head out of your ass and stop saying, buy another product if you don't like their policies. They make these products and they are good, we lack certain things on them and we are voicing our opinions, STFU and don't read the blog if you are troubled by our opinion .


  • moz
    moz Posts: 63
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    But then again you're correct with the assumption that people are idiots. And I must admit that if what "Steve Job's thoughts" are true then she shouldn't even expect great support of Flash on Android.

  • steve bill gay
    steve bill gay Posts: 2
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    fucking i'm removing all adobe products off my pc! they causing my pc to run slow and crash....

    In Steve We Trust - You will see this slogan in a new $100 bill.

    Most PC user are **** and piracy freaks -

    Windows + Flash - Great for **** and piracy!

    MAC - In Steve We Trust!

  • Asdf
    Asdf Posts: 37
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    Now, you know you're not getting an Android. Go take a breather and then pick up your iPhone and rekindle with it's fascinating technology that you know you will sorely miss should you decide to get an Android.

  • Krew92
    Krew92 Posts: 4
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    Wow you guys grew up with FLASH, backstabbing betrayers.

  • Krew92
    Krew92 Posts: 4
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    And the damn Flash haters just be quiet nobody cares if you took off flash from your computer, enjoy your half-assed experience on the web!

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    Everyone on my side? I'm sorry I'm not listening to Steve's every word and just accepting what he says. I have a right to complain about the product that I DESERVE to do what I wish to it because I paid with MY money for it. I don't see how Apple is any different from any company, but is in fact WORSE when it comes to open software. They very reasons people hate Microsoft can easily be found in Apple. Anyways, barring certain things, such as piracy which should be controlled, the iPhone shouldn't be so closed up just to further Apple's wishes. I mean really, do you honestly believe Steve has his customers' interest in mind when all he's interested in is the bottom line?

    BTW, everyone's wish list is Flash for the iPhone so please, stick your head out of your ass and don't follow a money hungry company so blindly.

  • HC
    HC Posts: 17
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    I agree with AJ. You Apple lovers are lemmings and should fall off a cliff. No company should have to right to restrict what you install on devices you bought.

    You don't see a car manufacturer say you can't listen to hip hop music in a car you bought do you? Apple is taking away you rights. Straight up dictatorship!