Will RIM Be Able To Compete With iPhone OS 4.0 With The New BlackBerry 6 OS?

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageWill RIM Be Able To Compete With iPhone OS 4.0 With The New BlackBerry 6 OS?

Research In Motion (RIM) has officially unveiled the latest update to the BlackBerry OS, named BlackBerry 6. Announcing it on the sidelines of the company's WES 2010 convention, Mike Lazaridis, the CEO at RIM said: "It's an all-new user experience guided by a few fundamental design principles. It had to...

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  • HG
    HG Posts: 7
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    i couldnt concentrate on the new bb6 cos their dancing was so destracting:P

  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    There's honestly no competition! Bb will never be able to compete with the iPhone! Never heard of anyone going from apple too a bb, but I have heard if plenty if bb users coming over 2 the darkside! Lol

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    lol they must be joking i didnt see anything innovative or new that would make a iPhone user jump over to Blackberry. honestly I'm sorry RIM but ur days are numbered more people will be going the other way from RIM to Apple or to Google or HTC so just sell ur company now lol. By the way the lyrics for that little commercial dont match up with their OS its not the future its their future and doesnt look all that bright to me.

    Oh yea OS 4.0 will crush that but then again OS 3.1.3 crushes that already lol

  • Vetes Bojs
    Vetes Bojs Posts: 1
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    BB are for the boring people. they're 3 years behind on competitors operating system.

  • Dual User
    Dual User Posts: 3
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    Never, I buy iPhones, my wife buys BBs. I am the tech for both. Plus a recent article points to 4 out of 10 BB users willing to switch to iPhone and almost none the other way, research done by a company based in MV Cali and Toronto.

  • Dual User
    Dual User Posts: 3
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    Also, 3GS is slick, iPhoneHD will be even faster, just apply a BB6 theme to it.

  • Alessandro S
    Alessandro S Posts: 4
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    I did this.
    I went from iPhone to BB. It was my first BB, and I bought a 9700.
    Never been so happy. It's a business phone, with a full, physical qwerty keyboard, packed with consumer features. BB Internet Service simply rocks (push GMail is much better here than on iPhone) and it does already have things like multi-tasking.
    And, most important of all, using the phone in the same way, my old iPhone 3G's battery lasted half day; this BB Bold stays on for 2 days without problems (I do never turn it off, while I used to turn off the iPhone at night).
    Honestly, the only thing I miss from iPhone was a good web browser: but OS 6.0 is finally going to bring this.

  • ShaQ1nJ
    ShaQ1nJ Posts: 22
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    "...just apply a BB6 theme to it"

    excellent solution

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    I'm sorry to all haters, buy I had an iphone, then a bb, and now an HD2 and nothing beats bb notification services, not even apple's push notification services, plus most of the app I tryed on the bb were seamesly incorporated into the OS functions. iPhone has many features, but I rather have a BB.

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    BB is so 2000 and late!

    The OS is so boring they had to ass dancers and the dancing is just damn annoying and the song is terrible. Nothing about that video is good!

  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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  • Dual User
    Dual User Posts: 3
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    I'm not a hater but a practical user...
    bb push? Just set gmail to push, server = mgoogle.com and it reliably pushes, add up to 5 nongmail addresses for gmail to fetch and they all push
    Turn on push notifications for facebook, etc. Add Ashman's LockInfo and EVERYTHING is on your lockscreen (nothing comes close except Slidescreen on Android)
    What else do you want?

    BB is good for physical keyboard, longer battery life, and I must admit better call quality but it is NOT a mini-computer in your pocket like iPhone and Androids.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    yep your right....but it in a nice approach and a good effort on BB part...it flows nice and will fit into a bb fan boys life real nice...but i am ieverything all the way no contest...

  • iPhone Forever
    iPhone Forever Posts: 1
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    I like the dancing better than the new BB6 interface.

  • yave
    yave Posts: 5
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    seems like iphone features

  • Franky
    Franky Posts: 12
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    Wonder why you are still reading this Alessandro S, if you are so happy with your BB you should not be here! From the video above it looks like your beloved physical keyboard is disappearing, so it's time for you to come back to the darkside!

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    I really can not say this is a good move. I got the blackberry not for fun but for more professional and business functions.
    If fun why I dont wanna get a Iphone?

  • Kenneth Kazi
    Kenneth Kazi Posts: 1
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    That I just missed your blog. Now I know exactly what to look for in order not to lose all theirs avings. Thanks again and best regards.