Apple Releases iTunes 9.1.1; Includes Number Of Important Bug Fixes [Updated]
Apple has just released iTunes 9.1.1, which according to the release notes includes a number of important bug fixes such as issues with converting songs to 128 kbps AAC while syncing. It is available via Apple Software update and is around 93 MB in size. The following important bugs have...
Why didn't you think the fixes for blind VoiceOver users was worth mentioning?
wish they would fix the crash while tethering for windows 7
As the release notes did not mention it. However, we have updated the post with the issues fixed with VoiceOver.
Do you ever have to worry about updating iTunes if you have jailbroken your iPhone?
Is it safe for us all, particularly jailbroken devices?
Dan...did you actually READ the article before you poseted???
Quote from article:
>>Windows users had reported issues syncing their tethered jailbroken iPhones and iPod Touch with iTunes 9.1, so it might be safer to avoid updating iTunes if you fall in that category. -
i'm pretty sure the 9.1 itunes update did not have any problems. there was an early report but those users rebooted their phones and it all worked out. Listen to That Guy's advice: "Do you ever have to worry about updating iTunes if you have jailbroken your iPhone?"
Not since I've been doing it.
No. Don't worry, be happy! My jailbroken iphone 3gs is syncing perfectly with the latest itunes update!
does anyone knows where I can download itune 9.0.3 safely? I recently had to restore my computer and I do not want to risk on JB 3.1.2 with itune 9.1.1. any help is appreciated. Thank you!
I always feel that this kind of iTunes update is not necessary cuz too often and annoying me. But this one I do think I need it.
while you sync, itune can easily stop updating and you will be stuck having to restore.
Thks Robin: The question was for all, tethered or not; and all OS firmwares in multi-generation devices?
In the same that Apple issued warnings against jail-breaking her devices, I have to exercise additional cautions dealing with any Apple updates. They say ask questions, you never go wrong. -
Same question ref. downloading itunes 9.0.3 safely. My JB & unlocked iPhone 3G will not access the internet via T-Mobile's EDGE network after updating iTunes 9.1.1. I want to roll back to 9.0.3. Any help appreciated!!!
If you update to latest itunes 9.1.1 it will find latest userland jailbreak by Comex coming out tomorrow and remove it BE WARNED !!!
you can find it on
Got it & thanks!! Any special installation instructions? Thanks again!
Bad news! I run iTunes on my MacBook so I had to download the iTunes 9.0.3.dmg file. Removed 9.1.1 and related files then successfully installed 9.0.3. Couldn't open 9.0.3 because "cannot read Library because it was created with a 'newer' version. Had to put back iTunes 9.1.1 but couldn't complete action because iTunesHelper was in use. What's that? Now I have both versions on the Mac but can't open either. I did backup the iTunes Library before doing any of this. What can I do to straighten this all out?