Police Investigating Lost Next Gen iPhone Prototype Incident Seize Gizmodo Editor's Computers [Updat



  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    Go on people. Donate to him so that he can buy new computers.
    He did nothing but selling a stolen property. It is just a misdemeanor, punished by 2 years imprisonment. Give him money and say thanks.
    If he hadnt posted those photos, I dont know what I would do. Those photos saved my life.
    Thank you, Thank you.

  • GameSlayerGS
    GameSlayerGS Posts: 1
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    Well... I would say that the phone is real.

  • dawbrain
    dawbrain Posts: 4
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    apple are the biggest price fixers .by keeping their phones locked to certain networks .its like buying a toyoya and only able to use GAS stations named by toyota.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Wrong, dude. Not that simple. Go to law school before you start issuing legal opinions.

  • Jason
    Jason Posts: 585
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  • Umair Ahsan
    Umair Ahsan Posts: 2
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    Just my opinion but from what I have observed over the last so many years, Apple is not as cool as it tries to be and thats why after this incident i will never buy any Apple product

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    hasn't this gone a little too far? It's a f-ing cell phone.

    BIGHUD Posts: 2
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    It was not stolen property to begin with. The first person found it left in a bar could not find the owner. It was then unclaimed property had apple not tried to keep there secret they prob would have got it back then. When Gizmodo received the request from apple to return the phone they did. Receiving stolen property is not a crime if u are unaware it is stolen. ie you buy a stolen radio at a pawn shop find out is stolen and return it to the owner you are not liable for anything. The first guy selling said device is the one with the liability as he should have filed a report with the police of finding lost property. Just because you think its a prtotype does not mean it is the saving grace for them is they returned it to apple. I do believe this search and seizure will be found unlawful and they will be cleared of wring doing.

  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    Then Toyotahot would make a jailbreak for mini cooper gas.

  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    " you buy " a radio. where did he buy the lost iphone from?
    If you find something that has value and you have suspicion that it belongs to someone else YOU HAVE TO give it to the police. Dont give excuses to him. He is a criminal and he would better get the capital punishment.
    Just kidding. If he says that he intended to give the iphone back, there is nothing against him. If I take your car and the police gets me, and I say I intended to return it then I get punished for stealing ...... petrol.

  • henry
    henry Posts: 21
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    Dont we have better things to do? Im sure somebody was getting robbed, raped, or even worse situations at the time and the police are occupied with searching a home, so lets dispatch a different cop 20 miles away instead... Things like this just sickens me.

  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    yes. you are absolutely right. If I go today to a cafe and find your cell phone, I will not take it to the police because if I take it the police will not save someone for being raped or robbed.You will be the guilty one for forgetting the phone . Good point. 100% right.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Wow.. where was this sort of response from Apple/DA when I lost my iPod and attempted to contact authorities on possible stolen merchandise? If Apple wants negative press, they're sure going to get it.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    You'll also notice that they chose to investigate Gizmodo, not the guy who sold them the phone! Beware, if someone sells you a stolen iPod for $5000, you are now liable, not the thief who sold it to you! freaking retarded if you ask me, especially since I believe all Gizmodo did was take pics and they did give it back, did they not?

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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  • Asdf
    Asdf Posts: 37
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    Were these police men and investigators Hollywood Actors? This is all a B.S. Marketing effort. Pfft.

  • prolificmovement.blogspot.com
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    Some of you guys are acting like fuckin girls. I saw one comment that stated ppl should donate money and computers to chen. shut the **** up with that bs. 4 laptops and 2 servers is pretty fishy enough. His ass should hope he doesn't have any pirated software on any of em.

    Nobody told him to leak pictures of this product. This is all for media hype to try and make gizmodo over popular and this is what happens when you leave your ass out to fry because of some ad hits and website viewers.

    He should have knew since day one that leaking the pics of that damn phone would come back to bite him. Which proves that the internet is not as user friendly as we all think.

    Point blank; he shouldnt have brought the phone- eventhough he did he shouldnt have put pics on the net THEN PUT THE GIZMODO STAMP OVER THEM- if apple sent him a letter then proceeded to raid his house its obvious he didnt send the product back- If he isnt charged with theft then trust and believe he will be charged with something else

  • sneeze
    sneeze Posts: 2
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    OMG! they treat this guy like he's some serious criminal most wanted!

    Everybody just stop buying Apple products and see how they react to this.

  • sneeze
    sneeze Posts: 2
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    btw...are they using tax money to pay and send these guys out for a search warrant? You know it cost alot of resources to sent such squad.

    I hope Apple is paying for their overtime...

  • Wohi
    Wohi Posts: 1
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    I am really hoping that one of these days few of Apples products fail epically. That will be so good for consumers. As of now based upon recent success of god damn every thing being churned out by Steve as a super success will only reinforce this egoistic self righteous manica named Steve Jobs. There is no doubt this guy is a genius but he is turning out to be the very same asshole he claimed to stand against that IBM. Apple is just trying too hard to control user experience and enforcing limitations on end users.
    A recent article by Gizmor Steve Woznik have criticized Apple decision to fire an employe for showing him iPad 3G on eve of iPad launch really makes it clear what lies at the heart of this corporation. In the very same article Woznik justifies such actions by comparing it to Don Corlleones codes of Mafia. God damn I did not knew Apple was a mafia where mistakes can end you up in jail whats next Steve will shoot some one.
    According to recent news on 9to5 Apple might be considering to launch a similar mechanism of application approval for software designed for Mac. After what we have seen in Appstore and how apps were rejected for no reason, apple is turning out to be quite the dictator.
    I am praying that few of apples products fail miserably, other wise this company will hurt itself more then it can handle. I never thought I would say that but if this pattern continues I will be forced to go back to Windows which will suck even more.

  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    Let us all remember that Gizmodo did not know it was stolen property. They bought it to find out whether or not it was a legit Apple product or something whipped up in someone's garage. Gizmodo confirmed it was stolen property and attempted to return it. Yes, his rights were violated. Chen shouldn't be worried at all if there is pirated software on his servers/computers. As someone said earlier, it would have to be dismissed since it was found under an illegal search and seizure.

  • prolificmovement.blogspot.com
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    For his sake lets hope so. Anything is possible when a little money is involved from Mr.Jobs

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    You missed the whole part about the guy who found it, contacted Apple about it and they blew him off as a hoax.

    The fact is they never reported it stolen. It wasn't until they got pictures via Gizmodo, that they admitted it was theirs. Gizmodo kindly returned it.

    Had Gizmodo had not published photos, and been so forthcoming about how they acquired it, the phone would still be lost and Apple would still not have admitted to the public they were missing an iphone prototype.

  • katsuboi
    katsuboi Posts: 99
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    Apple is behind the property seizure, no doubt about it. I believe it will all fizzle and Jason Chen will get his stuff back eventually.

    Apple's motive is purely intimidation here, not just to Gizmodo, but to any and everyone who might care to pry into their business.

  • kleo
    kleo Posts: 18
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    That was my point my friend. I was being ironic for all those dumb people donating.
    We have made them millionaires. Geo has made a site with a picture of a sick teardrop, and many of us started donating.
    They are criminals. All of them. They are like beggers with quitars. They play music and receive money.Now they dont play music but we continue paying them. All of them.
    Now I have an unlocked iphone, and a psp phat to play games. Oh, and a gps in my car.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    There was this movie way back in the late 90s i think or early 2000s but i think it was the late 90s, it was called Antitrust, the movie starred Ryan Philippe, I kept thinking back then that the movie was based on Microsoft? but now i'm thinking it might have been Apple.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Why is everybody so concerned about Apple more than the Gizmodo editor? So the guy leaked some photos of Apple's new prototype, no harm no foul! seriously.. you guys treat the guy like he's a fucking criminal or because your Apple Stock just took a hit because of this.. GTFO Steve Jobs nuts already.. jeez