FTC Contemplating Anti-Trust Inquiry Against Apple Over Ban Of Cross-Compiler Programs

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageFTC Contemplating Anti-Trust Inquiry Against Apple Over Ban Of Cross-Compiler Programs

The New York Post and Reuters have reported that the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission are contemplating an antitrust inquiry into the recent changes incorporated by Apple in its iPhone Developer Program License agreement. The changes that were brought into effect last month prohibited app developers from using...

Read the full story here


  • iShaun 3.84
    iShaun 3.84 Posts: 10
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    first!....i hate when people do this ;) lol

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    Well someone has to Let apple know that it's closed platform is not right for the developers and the people that buy there product. This is all about developers and people wanting a open platform like that developers make money, not only apple. and ppl get what they want. I think apple will lose if it ends up that there trying to make one super highway and closing others from entering in freely.

  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Adobe are idiots If they really wanted to hit on iphones they should develop flash enabled browser for jailbroken phones. That would really piss off apple cause a lot would jb

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    This whole anti trust thing is bullshyt. There's plenty of competing platforms to choose from. I'd rather not have generic cross compilers and cookie cutter app generators that flood the app market quicker than a fly finding ****.

    I don't see what the big deal is other than lazy/poor coders wanting to make a quick buck off the app store. Sorry, it's not gonna happen. There's no free lunch here, not for developers either.

    Apple has every right to regulate their app creation/approval process. The ftc has no business sticking their noses where it doesn't belong. And we wonder where our tax dollars are being wasted...

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I have to disagree on that. Adobe needs to release a full working version of flash on a competitor's phone and PROVE that it not only works well, but greatly improves the user experience. Not only that, but also dramatically increase sales of the platform.

    So far, according to Jobs, adobe has been asked to show us proof and yet failed to do so. They can't get it working on other phones, so what makes you think they'd be able to get it working on the iphone? It's a failed project that's been in the works for over 2 years.

  • Its a crazy world
    via Wordpress

    Its the same idiot thing if Ford designs a new car, build it conform their specs and after that GM files a complaint because they want their engine parts also be able to fit in the new Ford car.

    Come on Steve, just buy that damn Adobe company and sweep out all the lazy people working for this childess company!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Adobe crying again
    They create a product (CS5) to sell to iPhone developers, therefore, Apple shuts the door on that revenue raiser
    Just as well really, I don't fancy wading through 1000's of crap apps submitted by Half brained wannabe's
    Adobe have tried to bypass the Apple SDK in a sense, good on Jobs to kick them square and fair
    Anti Trust laws??? Who in business trusts another business?? The customers don't really trust businesses either, so the US Gov makes a law about it, seems like the whole country should be clapped in irons and sent to Australia, or you lot should vote for someone sensible
    Then again, doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in :(

  • stephan
    stephan Posts: 19
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    is this justice and democracy to force me have something in my property that
    i dont want .that is illegal ? that s the price if you are succeseful always you find
    somedy wants to put you down.we all know that geogle ,pc and adobe are
    scared from apple because they are going out of business because apple is
    growing. in the future apple will control the whole world with there nice products.

  • Nightege
    Nightege Posts: 0
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    John get it to your head that the law is the law and apple is forcing people to buy thier stuff which HAS NO COMPETITION by closing the platform. Which would be a monopoly in this case. We all want to have fair business to the money so why doesn't apple want to share it? Because they took are jobs!

  • Rob
    Rob Posts: 314
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    yer leave apple alone apple not making u buy anything they just nothing on the market as good as apple products. its good that they have a approval service then u not getting lots of adds and **** apps ect... keep up the good work apple

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    **** to all these asswholes deffending apple , I'm pretty sure these fucks are mac nerds and they will suck jobs balls if he ask them to

  • John Tutone
    John Tutone Posts: 0
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    "Apple is learnt...." What exactly does that mean? Learnt is the English way of writing/saying learned. In other words, the author of the article wrote "Apple is learned...." Who edits these articles?

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    We have corrected it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • Nj
    Nj Posts: 23
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    Ya also another tip, if ur using the verb to learn with is which is the present tense then u use the gerondif which is apple is learning not the past participle of to learn which is learned/learnt. Apple is learnt is just incorrect. Try Apple is learning or Apple has/had learned. As for a comment for this post I have to agree with John. Apple owns their OsS and the iPhone, they can do whatever they want to it. If Apple didn't have these protected policies then you would all be pissed off and complaining to apple about shitty apps security problems which just about every other technology company has. In my opinion they have every right to control the development of apps for their products!

  • Thorgvin
    Thorgvin Posts: 40
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    Analogy is a really good way of explaining things ... but an analogy can only be applied so far before it becomes irrelevant.

  • MNS
    MNS Posts: 2
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    Nightege get it to your head that nobody in the world assist APPLE to create iPhone and its iPhone OS platform.
    So, why should they share?

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Did you just post this on a iPhone "Hacks" website? lol you say Apple has every right to lock their platform to their own.. yet you're probably on Cydia right now downloading some pretty cookie cutter apps as you typed that haha.. speaking of cookie cutter apps, how is it that iPhone hackers have managed to release MMS, Video recording, Tethering, etc. way before Apple even bothered to release them as official functions years later? Thanks to cookie cutter apps like Cydia, I can now tether when tethering is still not even an option to this day! seriously...get off Steve Jobs ball hairs already

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    lol.. that analogy makes no sense at all. The iPhone is like a BMW with a single iPod connector, no CD player installed. Adobe is just another company that thinks that BMW might be better served with one of their fancy CD players, granting access to over 70% + of what the world already uses, BMW and its angry CEO says no, iPod connectors are the future.. CD's are obsolete. The only difference is you can't custom install flash through the App store (rejected) and you can't let it slip through programs like Cydia (unsecure and unprofessional) so what's a person to do when he's physically barred from trying to give a good product the experience that the end user might just enjoy? seriously...

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Seriously.. and what the **** are they doing posting this **** on an iPhone "Hacks" website? I believe jailbreaking qualifies as a means of dodging Apple's retarded "closed" platform but wants to bash supposed "closed" platforms like Adobe's Flash. Fucking retards I swear..

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Yet when Microsoft bundled it's internet browser with it's OS.. Everybody cried "anti-trust".. especially you fanboys. I love my Mac, and I love my iPhone.. like I mentioned before, the iPhone is like a BMW with a shitty cassette player that I can't and will not be allowed to upgrade for the sake of stupid fanboyism like yours and one man (Steve Jobs) that thinks casette players are where the future is headed back into.

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    Nokia web browser that runs Flash quite nicely thank you. Mozilla based browser (like Firefox) on a Linux OS for the phone. (Nokia n900 http://maemo.nokia.com/n900/ )

    Adobe doesn't have to prove anything as regular Flash works fine on this phone. Also why should Adobe prove anything to crApple?

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    That is a watered down version called flash lite. You'll be able to access all of the online flash ads, but interaction with touch gestures? Nope, not yet. Adobe's scheduled to release flash 10.1 soon though. We'll have to wait and see how well that runs.

    As for having to prove to "crApple" that it works? Well adobe wants to get into bed with them, right? Adobe loses potentially millions of dollars due to the rejection that is why.

    And please don't ask how they're losing money, just google it if you don't know.

  • Risto
    Risto Posts: 6
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    Hi. I disagree with that statement cause if Ford designs a new car there is no law that prohibits B category spare part manufacture to that car from other car dealers. The owner of the car can choose to replace broken parts with the fords parts or a custom other parts. At this point nobody is asking for Apple to make iphone os compatible with flash but to let flash make an app like the other developers are creating apps.

    There is always that option that we could make the iphone boot to Android and feel the joy of flash there and come back to iphone os when we want to see apples lol new adds in apps.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    You don’t understand anti-trust. It's a historical term referring to the corporate trusts of the early 1900’s when companies got together in little clubs (trusts) and price fixed on things people had to buy from one of them to avoid competition and circumvent free market economy and consumer choice. This would have made them very rich selling any quality they wanted at huge prices since consumers would have had no choice.
    They can corner the market place by out competing but they can’t lord over it and regulate it with arbitrary rules on what other companies decide to do. If non apple software is crappy don’t buy and use it. It’s sad people now days don’t think they have any rights to choice as a consumer and the government only cares of course when another big company is getting screwed.
    Here’s an Idea when you by something it’s yours to use as you see fit. As long as you’re not copying, re-manufacturing their product, violating intellectual property rights and don’t expect warranty replacement the company that made the product got paid whatever they asked for it once. After that it’s not theirs anymore.
    You can crack walnuts with your iphone and then sell it on e-bay as a flashlight for all they know and run flash if you want to. They don’t have to help you but they can’t discarnate and forbid you controlling how you use your property. Yeah no one helped apple make the iphone poor apple only selling the product they made for a profit how unfair , oh wait that’s all your entitled to for developing a good product to sell it for a profit. Want more, well then offer more , don’t like competition then out compete it ..Again.

  • SiLeNcEbOnE
    SiLeNcEbOnE Posts: 30
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    Idiot, some apps r full of adds, that's in order to keep the app free.
    Apple shouldn't be telling us what to run or not run on our iDevices.