Does Apple's App Store Have A Spam Problem?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageDoes Apple's App Store Have A Spam Problem?

Controversies have always dogged the Apple App Store. Critics have frequently cried foul over Apple's iron-hand approach in approving iPhone apps. However, Apple has always defended its actions claiming that the approach was much needed to keep the App Store clean. A case in point is the recent mass purging...

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  • xsvl
    xsvl Posts: 42
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    I have noticed these problems somewhat before, but it has never been that me at least. The search engine has always worked just fine for me, and who is getting "tricked" into buying applications? If you can't read the description and make a clear assessment whether or not the app really is just a thousand dollar picture of a gem stone (really existed), than maybe you shouldn't have an iPhone/iPod with a credit card linked to it.

  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
    via Wordpress

    The problem here is that Apple is reneging on its mantra of quality over quantity. In its haste to lay claim to the title of "Largest App Store" it is allowing developers with these so-called "cookie cutter apps" to sell worthless products on the App Store. None of these apps are worthy of iPhone app status, since all the "cheat" and "walkthrough" and related apps are just portals to iPhone formatted web domains. Apple could EASILY block these apps on the grounds that they perform functions identical to existing apps; something they've done in the past.

  • Tj
    Tj Posts: 102
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    Let me clarify that: they perform the same function as Safari does by navigating to a cheap website that isn't even good enough to appear on the first three pages of Google searches for whatever the app does. Apple could also just pull an, well, "Apple", and deny those apps without giving a reason. Would anyone actually care if the App store stopped having so many "joke" "cheat" "wallpaper" and "ringtone" apps?

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Android has a **** app? another reason to switch to EVO

  • El Barto
    El Barto Posts: 31
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    A touch screen filled with dirty sticky finger prints? I feel sorry for whoever borrows your phone.

  • Capitan Ameerika
    Capitan Ameerika Posts: 1
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    Hahaha I second that.

    It's so gross to think a person would use their phone to jerkoff

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    the iphone app store DOES have a spam problem. Apple: Kill It!

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Ah, but if you buy 'Resupported' & 'TVout' from Cydia and use the video leads you can watch on a full screen TV ;-)
    ( & if your local beer house uses Streaming to their big Fu*k off TV, then you can have some major fun too, my local publican goes nuts hahaha)

  • Brett Sutcliffe
    Brett Sutcliffe Posts: 7
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    Gee should I say really good a reason to switch...??

  • just sayin'
    just sayin' Posts: 66
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    i agree. don't think its a major problem yet..but i can see this getting out of hand. people are always looking for a way to exploit something for their benefit. just look at the iphone..

  • just sayin'
    just sayin' Posts: 66
    via Wordpress

    i agree. don't think its a major problem yet..but i can see this getting out of hand. people are always looking for a way to exploit something for their benefit. just look at the iphone..

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    I am totally agree here. I really feel that should not link Ipod with credit card. I really doubt the secure or not.

  • rolland c
    rolland c Posts: 1
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    My issue with searching for apps comes when you try & search from a web browser rather than a mobile device. iPhone for example has a very limited approach because you have to download the iTunes Store (hate that). I have come to the conclusion that if I want to search apps on my laptop, I should use other marketplaces. I found the Facebook, AIM, & more on a site called