Steve Jobs Blames Government, Tax For Higher iPad Pricing For International Users

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageSteve Jobs Blames Government, Tax For Higher iPad Pricing For International Users

Apple announced the launch date and pricing for the iPad for international users earlier in the week. According to Apple, iPad is magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price, which our reader kratos points out is true if you’re only in the US. MacRumors is reporting that Steve Jobs...

Read the full story here


  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    We're used to getting fooked by our thieving basta*d politicians
    Whoever we vote for, they Fu*k us big time

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    Compare gasoline prices between the US and europe! Its the government alright

  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
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    Yes Steve is right. We pay with our Anus here in the UK. Don't know how much it will cost to post it. Someone should buy it and post it to me. But who.
    Prices in UK are high, that's why people live in abject poverty. They get the money and give it back to the government. Rubbish!!!!!!

  • Tick
    Tick Posts: 28
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    That's okay. We're about to get our fair share here in the US. as soon as Obama care starts bankrupting the government our taxes are gonna skyrocket. More money for poorer quality. The new American moto.

  • El Toffo
    El Toffo Posts: 2
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    22% - 26% in Finland

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    They TAKE it mate, we don't 'pay' taxes, they TAKE it lol
    Wages-Taxed at source (18% upwards to 40%)
    Food-Taxed before you pay for it (17.5%)
    Fuel- Taxed before you pay for it (17.5%)
    it's Not into one hand, out with the other, they just charge you to hold it
    Interest rates average 2% income
    Borrowing upto 2350%, yes, two thousand &fifty percent APR is now legal in the UK ( etc)
    They rob you then loan it to another country when half the fuc*ers are already here making employment even more difficult
    Yeah, we used to the government shafting us at each and every turn :(

  • Brandon
    Brandon Posts: 86
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    I'm pretty sure Bush had already bankrupted America before Obama was even elected...

  • choemin
    choemin Posts: 6
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    absolutely... VAT us to death so they can spend taxpayers money on a duck house.

  • Monkhouse
    Monkhouse Posts: 8
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    I love how you all blame bush or obama for our countries debt. Educate yourselves, do some research. National debt has been in the trillions for quite a while now, well before bush. Oh and President isn't the one that runs the national budget. Think about it, the president doesn't make decisions, he just comes up with ideas and it's the divided sh*t faces below the president that actually make the decisions. I think we need to stop running this country on a 400 year old system and use the intelligence we are putting into research and technology into something more beneficial, like developing a better more efficient system. Not one that's designed to keep people in debt like ours is. (lones, credit cards, interest rates, taxes)

    I could go on forever. But take a broader look instead of blaming sh*t on one man who technically is only a figure head and doesn't actually run the country.

    But yeah, for the sake of relavence. Yes we are all being f'ed by our governments.

  • Jnko
    Jnko Posts: 3
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    No but all these social programs for the poor and mostly lazy are going to. Long live the USSA!

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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  • unreal
    unreal Posts: 51
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    You should be careful what you ask for. The most "efficient" government (using the engineering definition for efficiency) is a dictatorship. No bureaucracy in the decision making process. We have many examples of that not working as you'd probably prefer.

    In fact, there is nothing that says that large scale long term democracies work. A few hundred years is hardly a historical significant indicator of success.

    A government is *not* like a business and much of the trouble comes from those who think it can be run like one. Businesses are more like dictatorships. You don't vote on corporate strategy. Boss tells you what to do, you do it or quit.

    Even the statement "greatest good for the greatest number" is mathematically nonsense. You can't maximize two variables at the same time.

    Really, what needed is to decide what we'd like, then decide the best way to accomplish it, balancing cost with result. Maybe the government is the best way to do it. Maybe a fed government. Or maybe it's best done by the state or local government. Or maybe a private business. It just depends on what you want, how much you're willing to pay, and how it's delivered.

    All governments have the same fundamental limitation; they are all constructed of human "units". And humans have built-in characteristics, that pretty much dictate the form of any stable system built using them.

  • edy
    edy Posts: 2
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    reply to brandon...

    you should look at history... you cannot look at just one president... inflation has causes this.. this was over 35 + years in the making... but one thing Obama has done was trying to justify liberal response to the increase.

    Increase in taxes for electrical, fuel and medical just to start... fuel prices came down so why didn't the electrical prices... politicians getting rich on lobby and getting there pockets lined with hard in money paid to taxes...

  • Rockhampton Lawyers
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    I just got the email from Apple stores Ipad pre-order begin in AUS for 64 3G+wifi is more than 1000 AUS dollars. This is not including the mirco SIM card 3G data for every month!!
    I can't see why I should get it...even Iphone have free data every month. I should get a big phone pay extra money like this? It is terrible I dont know who I can blame.

  • iPhone
    iPhone Posts: 104
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    I don't think apple needs to charge an extra $150 for ipads in Canada even with the so called "taxes". This is completely b*llshit.

  • JobsWorth
    JobsWorth Posts: 1
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    I wonder if "steve" has an explanation why his shitty spec laptops - oops - "MacBooks" are twice the price in the uk compared with a far higher spec HP Envy ?



    Greed. The Apple creed.

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    Calm down mates. I feel that steve sells them this price just because of good marketing skills. I am not buying it in this price anyway.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    DUDE Bush (MONKEY A$$)drove this country to the ground then everyone expects that Obama will recover the country in a matter of a year !!!

  • Geir
    Geir Posts: 0
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    "Steve" takes what the marked allows. As long as we are willing to pay high prices, he take high price. For other products where the demand are less, the supplier adjust the price added tax so it can compete in the marked. Don't blame "Steve", blame us.

  • Doggz
    Doggz Posts: 21
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    And then Apple/Steve wonders why we jailbreak! Simple, we pay to much to receive so little. We want more for our buck and if your not going to give it to us, we are going to take it from you.

    We all have the power to change the way thing are including how the government run things. Here's a perfect example: we get an iPhone with rubbish Bluetooth faculties, we change it. The iPad lacks certain features which should have been included. So what do we do, change it.

    We have some very intelligent people amongst us and we can do things if we come together. Cracking these devices is a perfect example of our commitment to getting what we want. I just wish people would join together to handle the government in this way. Life would be so much better. Just imagine the possibilities.

  • janel raelyn
    janel raelyn Posts: 5
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    Wow, this game just brought back out the kid in me, when all games became classic. The new Mario Duck hunt is the hottest game out! Mario Duck Hunt application for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users can now vie for ranking! And with a large flock of duck has been added as a bonus level. Yet, the game now includes special levels that allow you to shoot the ANGRY DOG! Visit:
  • janel raelyn
    janel raelyn Posts: 5
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    ”COOL GAME! Mario Ducks an app. For iPhone ,iPod touch and iPad users has cool graphics and more detailed backgrounds than the original game. With an International leaderboard for comparing scores. And a large flock of ducks has been added as a bonus level. And now instead of a plastic gun, an index finger is the weapon. Yet, the game now includes special levels that allow you to shoot the ANGRY DOG! Be amazed and visit:
  • janel raelyn
    janel raelyn Posts: 5
    via Wordpress
    Great game! Mario Ducks will immediately bring back nice memories for those who played Nintendo’s Duck Hunt back in the 80’s.Thanks to the new Mario Ducks application users are able to play that classic game again and having a game box isn’t even necessary anymore. Yet, the game now includes special levels that allow you to shoot the ANGRY DOG! Be amazed and visit: