Analyst: AT&T May Have Extended iPhone Exclusivity With iPad Data Deal

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imageAnalyst: AT&T May Have Extended iPhone Exclusivity With iPad Data Deal

Tired of the dropped calls on AT&T’s network? Waiting for Apple to unveil the Verizon iPhone, which it is working on at the WorldWide Developer Conference 2010 Keynote address on June 7? Then Broadpoint AmTech research analyst Brian Marshall has some bad news for you. According to him you might...

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  • Ryan Grill
    Ryan Grill Posts: 23
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    Yes I'm waiting... so AT&T will be less congested and then all the verizon people can begin to **** about their network sucking.

  • JC
    JC Posts: 55
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    Thank God I'm switching over the Sprint with the HTV Evo 4g. If I was stuck with AT&T much longer I'd just start opening fire on random people. AT&T is the biggest joke of a wireless provider that I've ever seen. I've completely given up on using my iPhone. I carry around a prepaid Boost Mobile phone so that I can make calls throughout the day...I'll occasionally pull out my iPhone to see if it feels like connecting to check my email.

    June 13th...I'll finally get a REAL cellular provider (Sprint), and a REAL smartphone (Evo 4G) that I don't have to hack to make it do things that smartphones were capable of years ago. Goodbye Apple, goodbye AT&T.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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  • Steve
    Steve Posts: 326
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    good luck with cousin has them and gets no signal in his house where as my iphone has full bars of need to buy a carrier that has signal where you use your phone the most.also good luck with a new phone, i have tried many smart phones to see if i could find something better,and couldn' phones seem to be slow and flash player is still very poor,if their was a better phone i would have it,but their just isn' not a fanboy of anything,i just want the best no matter who carries it or makes it.

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    I would stay with AT&T because of cheaper plans than verizon... I also get good signal with AT&T at my home so no problem there and I don't live in a major city so drop calls don't have to worry about much... Sprint has poor coverage unless you live in city limits..And with the iPhone HD coming out I may not have to jailbreak my phone anymore as it does cause some problems but nothing major.. It's gonna have in app messaging, multitasking of some sort and many features without draining battery!! So AT&T is still the way to go along with iPhone.. Oh yeah flash is still poor

  • greenshifted
    greenshifted Posts: 4
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    I have vowed to switch to Verizon as soon as there is an iPhone. CDMA has better voice quality and my apartment is smack dab in an AT&T dead zone. (So patchy in this area, very urban area btw). I checked with my niece's Verizon phone, she gets plenty of bars at my place.

    Side not, I looked at Verizon's pricing, for unlimited data and unlimited talk it's the exact same price as AT&T, I can't dump Ma Bell fast enough!

  • AgreeWithMario
    AgreeWithMario Posts: 0
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    yeah man i agree with u. i have the same stuff. And why should verizon also get da iphone? dnt they allready have the droid?? i dnt wanna start an online fight or anything. im just viewing this from my point of view.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    I have had all service providers and they all have their pros and cons. AT&T does drop calls and my verizon phone would have a lot of blind spots. Best thing I could recommend is to stay with the service that is right for you. I love my iPhone and will stick with AT&T.

    There are tons of smartphones now and the majority are really sweet, but they all had this cool technology after the iPhone came out. What is so innovative about that?

  • Tebonin
    Tebonin Posts: 33
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    Goodbye AT&T goodbye Apple...U seems heart broken. LOl
    This it saddest words I have ever heard

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    That's good just stay with a carrier that is best in your area .. But pricing don't you think that the price is gonna go up with iPhone coming?

  • Skaar
    Skaar Posts: 21
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    I've been using iphone and t-mobile since the 2G came out and I'm still using it now, I recently got the new HTC-HD2 from t-mobile and i will say WOW, i mean seriously, when i first got the phone, i didn't think i will like any other phone better but I'm eating my words now. The HTC-HD2 is blasting. Another interesting thing is, my buddy uses iphone on AT&T and i mostly get faster internet with my edge from t-mobile than his 3G on AT&T

    IN the end i believe it's all about the user.

  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 265
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    Try comparing apples to apples 2g vs hd2 2mb vs 100k silly

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    It's funny look how many htc phones have come out in the past 6mths to a year.. Month later a better one is gonna come out.. And don't compare the iPhone 3gs to th new htc of cours it's better, technology now is better than a year ago... Compare the phone to the iPhone HD when it comes out Then let's see who's better

  • samsung jack10835
    samsung jack10835 Posts: 26
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    staying with att get better signals and just like att more then verizon