Unsealed Affidavit in Next Gen iPhone Case Reveals Interesting Details

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageUnsealed Affidavit in Next Gen iPhone Case Reveals Interesting Details

Following multiple requests from media organizations, the affidavit relating to the leak of the next generation iPhone prototype by Gizmodo last month has been unsealed. The document, a copy of which is embedded below, offers an interesting glimpse into the circumstances that led to the iPhone prototype being lost by...

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  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I still think this is a waste of time and tax payer dollars. It's a lost phone and it's done and over with. Time to move on.

    On the other hand, I can also understand the criminal implications. Had it been a lost or stolen car, society would automatically accept that as being a crime to buy a stolen car. But this is a cellphone and public perception just isn't the same. However, it does pose a possible grand theft charge due to the price and value of the phone.

    I just hope this doesn't turn into something more than it already has become.

  • yabadababdoo@goo.com
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    What nonsense over a f****** TELEPHPONE people....grow up

  • SeedMoney
    SeedMoney Posts: 1
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    The previous comments show a total lack of understanding of intellectual property, the effects on current sales of leaking specs of the prototype, and, most importantly the law. If it was your company and your money; you would be pressing it just the same.

    The "size" of the object is irrelevant. While there are degrees of theft based upon the dollar value of the object, valuing this prototype like the phone in your pocket is ludicrous.

    Don't sweat it though; everyone says something ignorant and looks like a fool at some point in their lives.

  • Bill Gates
    Bill Gates Posts: 54
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    Fuckin a...that's a ****..

  • Bob
    Bob Posts: 183
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    If the phone was so precious, then why did the employee of Apple take it in the bar in the first place. I've been in many bars and quite intoxicated, but never did I forget my iphone. Something that important should have been on his mind at all times. His irresponsibility is what caused this. I hope he lost his job over this since they are prosecuting everyone else involved. I am a fan of Apple, but this is rediculous.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    In this case, your comment would be the ignorant one. This has nothing to do with IP, it in fact has to do with actual material hardware and how gizmodo took it apart to analyze and take pictures of its components. In the process, they may have damaged some parts. Intellectual property would deal with the software on the phone which hasn't been discussed.

    This is a case of a lost phone. Had this been any other phone lost by any other person, it would have been ignored by authorities. I've lost phones before and have reported it to authorities resulting in zero investigations. Despite how you value the phone in my pocket, to me it could be priceless.

    The bottom line is that the employee who lost the phone didn't report it lost. He and apple's attorney reported the phone stolen. Two huge differences.

    You apparently do not fully read others' comments before you post yours. I'm not taking sides on this matter as I do agree that people have a right to pursue their lost property and attempt to recover it. However, I also believe that this case is being blown way out of proportion resulting in wasted tax payer dollars and poor use of department resources.

  • ernierr@hotmail.com
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    Dude you got it so right...I feel the same way.

  • brian
    brian Posts: 218
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    Totally absurd that revealing a trade secret is a felony. That is just another way that the legal system is stacked in favor of businesses over individuals. If a business leaks my personal information, including billing information, that isn't a felony. However, if I leak details about a PHONE, it is a felony? The system is dysfunctional.

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    Don't worry. Apple just has a stick up its' collective ass. possibly several.

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    only the yanks would be so stupid.what a load of boll---s. tax payers money again.

  • Rhino
    Rhino Posts: 12
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    where is that bull shitter geohot.

  • Chris
    Chris Posts: 736
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    It just makes me laugh.... Knowing that it was a prototype and it was lost, but still selling it... Unfortunately, I have to agree with Apple on this one. Why would he think it would be ok to sell it? Some people will do anything for money.

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    Still crying because Comex's Spirit JB dried up the ra1n :-)

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Since when is finding something a crime. Finders Keepers.

  • rmryan
    rmryan Posts: 1
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    I wonder why this phone even left the factory in the first place. This case is being treated like top secret government information. Seems like a screw up from Apple to me. If I leave a thousand dollars on my doorstep overnight, would I really expect it to be there in the morning? Let's prosecute the Apple employee for stupidity.

    APPLENAZI Posts: 1
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  • Elle
    Elle Posts: 3
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    John- you are the one displaying a lack of knowledge about IP. IP is anything that reflects a corporation's proprietary knowledge. A semiconductor maker has IP in the construction of its technology even though the product has no software. There is no question Gizmodo took Apple's IP, the issue is whether they took it impermissibly.