Verizon Working With Ad Agency On iPhone Campaign

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageVerizon Working With Ad Agency On iPhone Campaign

Speculations over a CDMA iPhone launching on Verizon have existed for a long time and a lot has been discussed lately over possibilities of AT&T losing its iPhone exclusivity this year. However, it was only yesterday that we had reported on a 2007 class action lawsuit filed against Apple where...

Read the full story here


  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Verizon will not get an iPhone deal anytime this year. I have worked at the Verizon Corp main office for 6 years and as much as we would like to have an iPhone on our network, it's just not going to happen this year. There are iPhones that have been retro-fit for CDMA but due to legal liability these will not be released and once again are just prototypes.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    True, the only way verizon could offer an iPhone this year is if the the phone had that cdma/gms technology that verizon offer on some of their phones , and if we look at those two prototypes apple "lost" , I think that's is not gonna happend at least to the end of 2012 , besides EVO it's comming this summer with flash and 4G , who needs the new apple phone anyway , oh right I forgot ; those apple lovers, who wants to be stuck on AT&T's crappy 3G network no matter what

  • Geno
    Geno Posts: 3
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    Jorge why are you on iphonehacks if you hate the iphone lol

  • kxxstarr
    kxxstarr Posts: 6
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    why would verizon have so many iphone bashing android commercials if they wanted the iphone?

  • Antman133
    Antman133 Posts: 2
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    These articles must be done by verizon, it's getting old with all this apple has to go to verizon or they are going to lose the smartphone war. People are still switching to AT&T just because of the iPhone even with all the hype of bad service. I personally don't have any problems with AT&T that I didn't have with verizons service, just gained better customer service and a much cheaper bill.

  • Jayb
    Jayb Posts: 34
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    It's called marketing, like u never bashed the one kid for wearing something but in your mind you really wanted it !!!

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    yeah man.. you dont like iphone....why the hell are you here bragging about it... get a life....bwahahahaha

  • Xattica
    Xattica Posts: 16
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    I will love to see Verizon network fails worst than ATT with the iPhone.
    Not because I hate VZN, just because their false commercials.
    I know that how competency works...

  • TimW
    TimW Posts: 430
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    I was the kid who got bashed in school for not having the latest & greatest....until I achieved my 3rd dan and retaliated :-)
    I just appreciate my JB iPhone for what it does & what it's capable of
    You can keep you EVO's and the like, I'm happy with a device that does what I need it to do, when I need it done, it's not a pose device, it's a multifunctional tool, technological version of a Swiss army knife with interchangable utilities
    I'm not bothered about other devices, higher speeds, bigger storage etc, this 3Gs is good enough for me & I really don't need to worry

  • SnoopG
    SnoopG Posts: 2
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    I hope Verizon gets the iPhone. It will cripple their data network.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    The so-called CDMA order was for the China Unicom version of the new iPhone...and it's TD-CDMA - meaning non US flavored. Get over it. Apple has been the company to kill the floppy, Flash, and even the optical drive in some of its devices due to all of them being "old Technology". What makes you think they will adopt a dying telecom technology (US CDMA) when everyone is going to LTE.

    And another thing, Apple has never been about market share. They are about profit...plain and simple. They are about a premium product at a premium price. That's why their laptops/desktops are never discounted and much higher in price than PCs. If they wanted market share, they would lower their laptops, desktops, and iPods to competitor prices and they would instantly have a majority market share position. But then their products would not be distinguished as a premium brand anymore. It's kind of like designer clothing - for all the non business folks in the house wishing for a Verizon iPhone. You'll get one...but that will be in 2011-2012 depending on Verizon widespread rollout of LTE.