Google Unveils Android OS 2.2 - Will It Be A Threat To iPhone OS 4.0?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageGoogle Unveils Android OS 2.2 - Will It Be A Threat To iPhone OS 4.0?

Google unveiled its next generation Android operating system at the I/O Conference yesterday. The new Android OS 2.2, dubbed Froyo, brings several new features to the Android platform. Folks at Engadget have published a hands-on report on all the new features that have been included in the latest OS. Here...

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  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Depends on the cost... I was gonna check out the Evo but once again Sprint drops the ball and charges an arm and a leg for the full service. OK fine $10 bucks more for 4G, it is a lost faster so I can handle that. But $30 a month for tethering? Is this guy on drugs? thats $110 plus taxes and may as well stay on a jailbroken iPhone and tether for free.

  • Julio
    Julio Posts: 6
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    Im the forst to comment!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no iphone still kiscks googles ass! come on google, you are just a search engine!!

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I think that if apple would actually listen to people, they would have more customers! Some of the features, are nice! And apple needs to catch up to some of them.

  • Seanlcky13
    Seanlcky13 Posts: 22
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  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    so basicially they didnt do anything....gotcha...

  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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  • YW
    YW Posts: 5
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    It is open and that is THE BIG thing, all the rest is nice-to-have.
    First time this week I played with the motorola droid, this is sweeeet, I like android, they are closing the gap from iPhone and soon will leave apple behind. Seeing the maps app on the android was really frustrating for me, why apple can't bring us something like this :(
    If Verizon were on GSM I would have taken 2 phones right away.
    Actually I hope AT&T would loose their exclusive iPhone thing and bring some nice android phones, at the pace things are going looks like AT&T would want to break this exclusivity first...

    BTW, are there going to be widgets on OS 4.0 ?

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    wow u my friend just proved how far your head is up your own ass. 1st the extra $10 has nothing to do with 4g, do your research b4 posting bullshit lies. the $10 is for alot of things, and removing the 5gb a month cap for both 4g AND 3g. it has alot to do with what your getting from the extra $10. There's alot of features that pay for it self and 4g is not part of it. And it's sad how the only thing you have to say about theathering is you HAD to Jailbreak your gay ass iPhone just to make it a ok of a phone when the Evo is coming out with better features out the box with no hacks. Somebody will most likely hack the Evo n make free wifi and you will come running trying to get 1 just to be cool and fit in. Please if an extra $10 and no theathering is holding you back and keeping your iPhone witch u just said is useless unless jailbroken then you don't see what the evo has in store.

  • phewop118
    phewop118 Posts: 5
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    If Sony Ericsson updates its Xperia X10 with Andriod 2.2 and multitouch, there will officially be an iPhone killer on the market. Now for AT&T to pick up the Xperia X10 as a subsidized phone...

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    Are you the fat hairy kid that represents Sprint in the Alltel commercials??

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    This kinda reminds me of Windows Vista.

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    nice features iphone already has most of them except flash which i have learned to live without so no dont think it will stand up to os4.0 or the new iPhone sorry android keep trying

  • Deeznuts
    Deeznuts Posts: 8
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    wow android 2.2 and iphone 4os, i cant wait to see these two dual booting on the iphone :)))

  • Robin
    Robin Posts: 39
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    The headline of this article (and indeed many of the comments) miss the most important point: whether or not feature A is better than feature B is irrelevant... even whether one particular version of Android is better than another particular version of iPhone OS is irrelevant. The GOOD thing about Android putting out a strong new version of their OS is competition: if it looks like Android are coming close up behind them (or even overtaking them), Apple have an incentive to make the iPhone even better. If the in-some-ways-open approach of Android starts to gather more support, then that might encourage Apple to open things up as well. I won't be buying an Android phone any time soon (because I really, really like my jailbroken iPhone), but I'm very glad to see them starting to develop some genuine competition.

  • Moiz Saleem Varind
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    Android 2.2 ‘Froyo’ has hit the OS arena, I let you a ride to its features, ups and downs, and finally You can download the Froyo SDK version, on my post :

    Take Care

  • Jaime
    Jaime Posts: 8
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    Learn to spell asshole!!!

  • Trapp
    Trapp Posts: 109
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    Not imressed at all... Wifi hot-spot?! Oh yea! Killer feature that everyone needs... Hmmm so about those innovations that android brings to mobile phone - are there any?

  • GoogleOverrated
    GoogleOverrated Posts: 1
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    You must be using Google to find which banks to rob. Iphone can do that and then some!

  • D1NOnly
    D1NOnly Posts: 1
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    Four words smarty pants- SP-RI-NT Network. 4G Evo - HA - cool name though. Now go be another victim!

    Yours Truly,

    Aire Niike-

  • TheMindisWasted
    TheMindisWasted Posts: 1
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    The iPhone killer is choice, Android is already proving that. The communistic style of how Apple runs business will push them right back down to the bottom of the food chain like they were years ago. And all you Apple Fanboys out there, Opensource matters because with out it your OS-X and iphone OS wouldn't be **** because they are using Linux Kernel Source.

  • Rick
    Rick Posts: 104
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    If none of you have installed 4.0 on your iPhone u must it rocks my friend sent me to and it was smooth sailing good job apple!!!!

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Yes maybe they do, but not if it changes the quality of the use and experience - that's why no flash because they cant promise that it will work good.

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    How can you say this? The iphone is still a better music player (ipod) and the appstore have a great larger sellection of things you wish to buy.

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    Cool, thanks for that link :-)

  • adas
    adas Posts: 3
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    iphone is old. iphone is gayphone. worst specs ever with most silly usells appz. even android 2 is WAY better than iphone OS.

  • adas
    adas Posts: 3
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    i wouldnt say innovations. its just better than iphone. actually every phone OS is better than iphone OS.

  • Gerbil Slayer
    Gerbil Slayer Posts: 8
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    It think it is funny how many people that love to dis the iPhone actually follow iPhone rumors so closely. I have had every version of the iPhone and will be first in line to get iPhone HD. And I will laugh at all the OS 2.2 gerbils all the way home. Bwahhaahaaa!!!

  • ANO
    ANO Posts: 3
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    For 1. music doesnt mean **** on a phone if it works that just fine (iphone and stock android players work) and 2. noone is ever gonna use 200,000 apps thats why that doesnt even matter in an arguement since Android has more than enough apps (50,000)

  • AMO
    AMO Posts: 2
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    Well we like it because its a good Os im not gonna be a total fanboy and say Iphone Os is garbage becuz its not but Android is doin pretty well for its self so when your riding your little tricycle home with your new phone and you look in your little mirror and a tear rolls done your cheek just's's ok becuase me and my Nexus One have been laughing you the entire time little poor dude