Apple Reverses Controversial "No Cash" Policy For iPad Sales

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageApple Reverses Controversial "No Cash" Policy For iPad Sales

Apple has reversed a controversial payment policy that required customers to use a credit or debit card while purchasing an iPad. The change in policy comes courtesy the story of a disabled woman in Palo Alto that made news earlier this week. Diane Campbell who had apparently taken a long...

Read the full story here


  • iDan
    iDan Posts: 8
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    That's nice of apple. I thought they usually don't listen to people telling them to change rules.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Yeah.. real nice of them to open up to the old lady. Now if only they could open up to Adobe in the same light and their millions of customers, that would truly be nice of them. Come on Steve Jobs.. if not for me, do it for little Timmy!

  • FreeFood
    FreeFood Posts: 1
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    Well, I'm glad Diane Campbell got a FREE iPad. I'd prefer that she spend her long-time savings on something more important than a computer - like food or rent? or an iphone with a $30 monthly internet subscription.

  • gappochan
    gappochan Posts: 14
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    Even when Apple does good and altruistic things there are those that still mock Jobs. man, whatever happens, weather too small or too big, complaints never stop, eh?... the eternal discontent of demanding nerds. Flash on the iPhone/Pod/Pad... Apple said NO! and it is their platform, their product. why is it that they are not allowed to have their say on Flash (seeing as they are the ones who busted their chops creating this whole thing) but every other detractor feels he has the right to demand it? inconvenient? yes, but can I live without it? of-bloody-course! so just lay off it already, and stop complaining and demanding like little brats!

  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    When I went to get my iPad all I had was cash and when they said no cash I had to get my grandpa to use his credit card.

  • Ike
    Ike Posts: 31
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    I have been with Apple since the Apple II ... Jobby boy has pissed me off immensely with his ass-hat policys and the walled garden closed to Flash. (When iBought iPhone ... Flash was promised to be around the corner ... a couple months by Apple employees... go figurre)

    Back to this story...

    Apple ... got a couple points back with this move. For the first time in a very long time ... "Think Differently" has come back into fashion ... BRAVO!

    Jobs can still go lick his rectum.

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    Oh great that is just what we need an old disabled lady going down the street in her wheelchair with her ipad.
    Some old guy got his finger ripped off for an ipad, what will happen to her?

  • AvionicZ
    AvionicZ Posts: 28
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    Adobe will never see the light of day on the iPad or iPhone. Too many game sites use Adobe like Pogo... Then a lot of people wouldn't need to purchase Apps from Apple. Adobe would cost Apple billions in revenue.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Unless you have stock invested in Apple, I can see your reasoning for not wanting Flash, as it might hurt your investors quarterly statement. However, these other little fanboys who say "No to Flash" just because Steve Jobs says no.. these Apple zealots really have no clue.

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    Actually, it became my platform when I paid the $400 for it. Kind of like my car, I have that thing decked out with new rims, etc. Nissan can shove it. As far as my iPhone goes.. Sure I could have gone for the Android, if I had only known better. How was I supposed to know?! How was little Timmy supposed to find out that Steve Jobs along with his mindless Apple zealots would go out of their way to thwart Adobe and its efforts of bringing me 70% of the world wide web.. HOW?!!

  • markvsimark
    markvsimark Posts: 0
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    huh, shame on you Apple.
    No cash purchase policy. What kind of policy is that.
    what if the people with bad credit and have no credit card but want an Ipad and having alot of cash??

  • kkbk
    kkbk Posts: 6
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    can someone pls explain what the real beef between apple and adobe is for me and white

  • HighCreditScore
    HighCreditScore Posts: 1
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    No credit? Bad credit? But lots lots of mula? Those are called drug dealers or thieves!

  • Hui
    Hui Posts: 9
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    Buying a $400+ device and you don't even know its specifications? Don't know what it is capable of and what it is not? Oh, come on, truth is people want to use Apple but also demand flash feature. When you buy a standard-size car, don't you know that a motorbike wheels won't fit? And it's not your platform even though you paid $400 or even $1000. It's ONLY YOUR DEVICE!

    And yeah, it's your responsibility to KNOW what a device you're going to buy can do. It's like you bought a motorbike and said "Why can't I paddle it?" Yeah, you supposed to know.

    I hate something about Apple's device but I won't complain it because I chose to use it. People just hate things that do not go according to their wishes.

  • Mojo
    Mojo Posts: 5
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    And your what we call an "Idiot".

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    That's probably the stupidest response I've ever heard. Obviously you didn't catch the part where I bought the phone before this whole Apple vs Adobe debacle. I've actually owned an iPhone since 2007, hoping that one day Flash would be released on the iPhone, I decided to hold on to the idea.

    We're not talking about adding motorbike wheels to a standard size cae here, we're talking about adding a new sound system to a standard car, which could easily be done. Every other mobile platform supports the idea, so why not Apple? Simple.. they lose money, but I lose out to this retarded ideology that Flash is bad for me.. that's like Nissan saying they don't support 3rd party accessories, but either way.. that doesn't stop anyone from adding to their car. In the case of Apple vs Adobe.. Apple is saying no for their own reasons, not ours, not the consumers.

    If you don't like Flash then it's simple, don't install it. That seems like the more logical choice than to say if you don't like the iPhone (which I do) then I should **** off.. the iPhone is like a mercedes benz with a stock cassette player that can't be changed at all.

  • zholy
    zholy Posts: 3
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    The policy is not illegal. Any merchant has the right to decide the manner in which payment will be made for goods or services sold by it. Apple simply used it as a method to keep track of sales to prevent some households gobbling up everything while others got none. However in this case Apple did the right thing in allowing her to make the purchase.By the way share the free apps iPad.

  • zaraly
    zaraly Posts: 3
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    The policy is not illegal. Any merchant has the right to decide the manner in which payment will be made for goods or services sold by it. Apple simply used it as a method to keep track of sales to prevent some households gobbling up everything while others got none. However in this case Apple did the right thing in allowing her to make the purchase.By the way share the free apps iPad.