Tawkon In Talks With Apple To Bring Cell Phone Radiation Measurement App To iPhone [Updated]

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageTawkon In Talks With Apple To Bring Cell Phone Radiation Measurement App To iPhone [Updated]

We had written about Tawkon earlier this year. They had developed an interesting application for the iPhone that studied the amount of radiation emitted by the iPhone from any particular location. But it was rejected by Apple. While the reason for the rejection was not revealed, it is believed to...

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  • muphinDOTnet
    muphinDOTnet Posts: 29
    via Wordpress

    lame, who cares about their radiation levels.
    there was a leaked report done over like 15 years with over 5000 people that was inconclusive, and we have been using phones for decades.
    So much invested in a technology only 1% of people will use.

  • xsvl
    xsvl Posts: 42
    via Wordpress

    I am often concerned about the level of radiation that is associated with cellular technology. Considering that cell phone signals use the same radio waves as microwave ovens im quite interest in the reducing my exposure.

    I look forward to being able to download and use this App.

  • scottydog
    scottydog Posts: 1
    via Wordpress

    All this app does is make an "educated guess" about radiation levels. It is in no way accurate. People forget that just about everything on earth emits some level of radiation. Even sunlight is radiation! Our bodies are bombarded with low level radiation at all times. There is nothing to fear from cell phone use.

  • Shrivatsa Somany
    Shrivatsa Somany Posts: 13
    via Wordpress

    they dont use the same RADIO waves as MICRO wave ovens...

    here is the electromagnetic spectrum:

    Radio - Micro - Infrared - Visible light - ultraviolet - Xray - Gamma ray

    thats the order i remember, pretty sure its right.

    so saying radio waves are the same as microwaves doesnt really work.

    radio waves have a 10^6 wavelength....microwaves have a 10^-2 wavelenght...again this is from memory.

    so no, they arent the same. VERY different in fact.

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
    via Wordpress

    Fuzzy math technology looking for a market. Not interested. What is it going to tell you if the levels are high? WARNING "Turn your phone off now!"