Steve Jobs On WWDC 2010: You Won't Be Disappointed

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageSteve Jobs On WWDC 2010: You Won't Be Disappointed

Google made some big announcements at Google I/O Conference last week. One of them was the launch of Android OS 2.2, dubbed Froyo. So what is Steve Jobs' take on the latest announcement? A couple of emails exchanged between Apple enthusiasts and Steve Jobs over the weekend shows that Apple...

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  • Franky j
    Franky j Posts: 142
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    June 7 will determine If apple will be number 1 or number 2 in this mobile world.

  • xsvl
    xsvl Posts: 42
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    The only "killer" thing I can imagine Apple having ready by June 7 is OTA Syncing, and I'm not so sure THATS even gonna happen.

    I hope I'm not disappointed, but as I've said before, with Flash on Froyo, theres almost no reason to stick with iPhone OS at this point.

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    If I won't be disappointed --- then Steve may want to give AT&T the Boot and open the US Market to other carriers who desperately want to offer iPhone.

    If other carriers could offer iPhone APPLE could make a lot of money instead of sticking with the most hated carrier in the U.S.

    I really can't stand AT&T. Raising their disconnect fee won't stop people from leaving them as soon as another option is available. And since AT&T isn't really concerned about losing iPhone customers, I'm sure they will be once it happens.

  • Thomas Ford
    Thomas Ford Posts: 5
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    Well as it stands the iphone is the third most sold in the market. So what it will really determine is if apple will be able to come back to the top or at least number two.

    "According to NPD, devices running Android accounted for 28 percent of the units sold to U.S. consumers in the first quarter of 2010. BlackBerry devices made by Research In Motion, which use RIM's homegrown operating system, took the top spot with 36 percent of the U.S. market. Apple's iPhone, which had been in the No. 2 spot previously, fell to third place with 21 percent of the market. "

  • Shrivatsa Somany
    Shrivatsa Somany Posts: 13
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    flash on froyo is quite paltry. kind of "sluggish" ive heard..IVE HEARD. so dont flame me if im wrong.

    but im pretty sure it is sluggish.

  • ganga
    ganga Posts: 1
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    Jobs: Oh and one more thing, we have re-invented the Mickey Mouse, and we are going to call it iMickey, with an apple logo on his forehead!

  • lvidal
    lvidal Posts: 12
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    First of All: Everyone commenting here or anywhere about Flash on the iPhone, please stop that. That will never happen. Flash is considered old stuff since the "Thoughs about Flash" letter. And I'm not talking only for Apple, but for Google and even Microsh@t.

    This Google supporting Flash for Android is just a pure market game and you are just numbs [no offense, really] falling into it. Google doesn't want Flash AT ALL, they are just playing with public opinion since iPhone OS doesn't support it, that way they create a buzz about it. Google HATES Flash, they want it six feet under, since Flash is just an obstacle to a lot of Google key products: AdSense, AdWords, Google Search are affected because of Flash because it get spaces where they could put AdSense or other ads with Google code embedded, it does affect AdWords and Google Search because you can't read inside a Flash content, it cannot be indexed. Flash is a pure popular crap and they don't want it. Google are playing a two-face card here "we don't want it, but we have it". You have to be very stupid not to see it, the I/O conference was all about HTML5 and killing Flash, but then they show supporting it in the Android 2.2, they are just lying. And Flash will never work well in mobile, it doesn't work well now and never will. And if it does start to work well they'll kill it with other arguments, because GOOGLE HATE FLASH. You learn that.

    On other hand, Google Announcements aren't going to kill the iPhone at all, they are going to compete with the iPhone once they stick with just one device (HTC?), 'cause that's the only way a mobile OS can achieve a solid evolution. On all the **** Google announced the only one that represents a good thing against the iPhone is the free cloud sync, because it's FREE, and I do admit that Apple have to give that to every iPhone user as a free feature since day one, $99 for MobileME is WAYYYY too much. So Apple have to go FREE on that side starting JUNE 7th.

    Every other Google arguments against the iPhone OS in the I/O are nothing to be scared. They even tried to make look App Store as a close market beside HTML5 Apps which is the more stupid argument since HTML5 Web Apps works on Mobile Safari too.

    So, all this Android vs. iPhone OS hype is just a lot of lather, and they just don't know who they are playing with, 'cause Apple is going to attack, and they are masters in that field. The good thing is that we all are going to win with this type of battle.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 383
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    I'm pretty sure the keynote will be about the iPhone os 4.0 since all the betas been coming out lately. The software updates are falling behind android. Copy and paste? Late. Mms? Late. Tethering? Late. Full web experience? Late. I hope the surprise is the release of the new iPhone. I hope it's not the prototypes that been leaked out cause they were very disappoining. I'm not a fan of apple but I love my iPhone I had every gen iPhone and the next one better be able to compete with the competition. I played with the htc hd2 and evo and they are amazing.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I'm gonna make a prediction right now! I predict that Steve Jobs will wear a black shirt and blue jeans to the event. Anyone care to bet against me?

  • Turd
    Turd Posts: 2
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    I think he will act like he found a phone on stage and while picking up acting out the "lost iphone" drama he well see that it's an Android phone.

  • Partial stats are worthless
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    That's because everyone know's Apple come out with a new phone in June every year. So why buy in the first quarter when something way better is coming out a few months later? Check out the stats on an annual basis. That will tell the true story.

  • Lil_smiy
    Lil_smiy Posts: 5
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    i think he`ll get his little steve out and call it an Ipenis and have an apple logo tattooed to it.

  • vehicle accident lawyers
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    Lol i love this pic..really interesting PS

  • Dan
    Dan Posts: 348
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    I think a free Mobile Me account to every Mac buyer will be one of the surprises.

  • stupid
    stupid Posts: 10
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