AT&T Raises Early Termination Fee For iPhone; Is It Losing iPhone Exclusivity?

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T Raises Early Termination Fee For iPhone; Is It Losing iPhone Exclusivity?

AT&T has announced significant changes to its Early Termination Fee policy that will see ETF for higher end devices, including smartphones like the iPhone, nearly double from $175 to $325. Announcing the changes in a recently published "open letter", the company has noted that the changes shall only apply to...

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  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    They'll do everything they can to get money out of you. My wife and I, with 700 minutes, unlimited messages, and two iPhones, pay $160 a month. Ridiculous, but we like our iPhones, so we reluctantly pay it. Now, if we decide to switch, we punished even more? I freaking hate ATT nickel-diming everyone to death.

  • Michael Parr
    Michael Parr Posts: 8
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    You guys are idiots!!! Verizon is not going to get the iPhone! Apple themselves said "CDMA is dead." Apple also said this about "Flash" and we all know Apple products (ie iPhone, iTouch, iPad) will never support these products. Why because they are old dead technology.

    If AT&T does lose it exclusivity it will definitely not be to Verizon, it will be to other GSM networks like T-Moblie etc.

    Just wait and see.

  • Keith
    Keith Posts: 63
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    So this is what the CEO does when he's -not- scared customers will leave once they lose iPhone exclusivity? Gotcha.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    We should all take out new iphone contracts and cancel them the day before they expire on spite

  • Maximos
    Maximos Posts: 18
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    I think it is called the HTC EVO Scare.

    Let the flood gates open, and the migration begin.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I don't see how you can justify breaking a signed contract and expect not to be penalized for it. If you fail to keep your obligations, you are at fault.

    With that said, the fees will affect NEW contracts signed after June 1st which excludes you and your wife. Next time, read the terms and conditions before signing a contract with any company as it's a common practice.

    Iphones have a high resale value. They do this to protect their investment and prevent "joe blows" from buying them, canceling their contract, then selling it on ebay or craigslist for a profit. And yes, they do sell for a profit over the $374 + tax price they would pay for the phone today under the current $175 etf policy. Check around for new iphones, they sell for $500-$700. Why should att help to put joe blows in profit?

    Next time, think before you mouth off and make yourself look ignorant.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The raising of att's etf has nothing to do with current customers. They only affect new contracts signed on and after June 1st, 2010. It has nothing to do with being afraid of losing current customers. It would affect new customers signing on for a new iphone in June, then canceling to sell it for a profit which has been going on for years now.

    If anything, the higher etf will cause the smart people to read the contract and think twice before signing it. Though I doubt the dumb consumers will even care about it. They'll still break the contract then blame att for the high fees, despite knowing damn well what they signed up for.

  • pool
    pool Posts: 7
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    im on edge w tmobile 69.00 for 1000mins unlimited text and web wish it was 3g tho!!!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    John, You said, "It would affect new customers signing on for a new iphone in June, then canceling to sell it for a profit which has been going on for years now."

    Who is buying an iPhone for $300 signing up for AT&T contract then canceling it to pay $175. With taxes and your first month of service you have an investment of $500. How do you make a porfit selling a phone for $500 when the open market sells them for less? Who is making a profit?

    AT&T is just making it more painful to cancel your iPhone contract. They are afraid of loosing subscribers. Rightly so. My contract has expired back in Feb. I can't wait for Verizon to get the phone so I can finally sign up for service and get the service I pay for.

    AT&T should have taken advantage of the increased subscriber when they started signing iPhone contracts. But instead they keep promising things will get better. But after 3 years they haven't. I've waited long enough.

  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Shut the **** up. I don't look ignorant, you att-loving bastard. All I was saying was they nickel-dime people to death. So shut your fucking mouth ****.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    You the type of person that gets all pissed off if people spell **** wrong online. Get off your damn period and stop trying to talk **** to people. Maybe he didn't read the article well enough to know that it only affects devices purchased on or after June 2010. So next time take your tampon out your ass and stop making yourself look a ****.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    Exactly, I myself only buy an iPhone off craigslist if mines has broken and I've never purchased and iPhone for more then $300 and I've always sold a broken iPhone for about $250. It's called knowing how to hustle. I believe John needs to stop going off by what he reads and actually go and do some hands on research because you're making yourself look like a dumbass.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    i'm with you bro, **** AT&T

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    The higher etf is to prevent people from doing just as I described. I'm not going to get into the details of the math, but I assure you that it's profitable under the current $175 etf. You want to know who's doing this? Just look on craigslist and ebay for brand new iphones. Ever wonder how they got it?

    I'm not defending att, but personally I have had great service with them and my iphone does everything I want it to do. Happy customer here. As with every company, there will be customers who are happy as well as customers who are not. We happen to be on opposite ends of that. If you're looking for the perfect company, you're only setting yourself up for disapopintment even with verizon.

    If a customer signs a contract, they've made a commitment and are obligated to that commitment. Don't break that commitment and avoid the etf completely. It's quite simple. Don't go blaming the company for your own irresponsibility.

    Att's not afraid of losing customers. Current customers who are under contract will NOT be affected by the higher etf. It applies only to NEW customers or current customers who sign a NEW contract. They've increased the fee to protect their interests and seeing that verizon can do it why shouldn't they? Quite simple concept.

    Bottomline? If you want a new iphone on att or plan on upgrading, think twice and make sure you really want it before signing the contract. It looks to me like they want to make sure you really want it before you sign. They want to avoid the dead beaters and irresponsible people.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I buy and sell iphones. What research are you referring to? I know what I know from hands on experience, not from what I read online. You're not gonna find a new iphone 3gs on craislist for $300. A USED iphone 3g still sells for $300+. If you do, I'll buy it and turn it around for a quick profit. Broken iphones sell well because repair is very easy. I do that as well.

    You sold a broken iphone for $250, but you find it hard to believe that someone else can turn a profit on a new iphone? Very hypocritical.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Actually, I could care less for the ignorant or uneducated. Comments like yours are just goes to prove your own ignorance.

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    lol. you ppl are mad dumb, that dude is right about selling iphone for money. I got my iphone 3gs refur for $50 pay off the eft and 1 month bill and total is $380. My iphone 3gs used worth $450-$550 on ebay. I'm on tmobile but yea att do that to protect themsevles. And dumb ppl who should just go on ebay and watch a few good used iphone 3gs and see the price... wat a bunch of fools.

  • Colten
    Colten Posts: 3
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    Take out your sim card and call 611. Say you broke the iPhone and are using another phone. This is what i do to skip out on the iPhone data plan :) Then in a couple weeks call and say you want to early disconnect. :)

  • William
    William Posts: 36
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    Your the idiot who believes the iPhone won't land in Verizon....T mobile..hahaha they wish
  • Michael
    Michael Posts: 316
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    but ours fell in water and is ruined im not selling on ebay they will not give me new phone its only 2 months into contract they said i have to pay full $699.00 or cancel contract $375.oo plus $299.00 for new phone still $ 675.00 just paid $299.00 2 monts ago total for onw iphone 2 months almost $1000 WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE US WE GET F---ED