More Details On AT&T's New iPhone, iPad Data Plans [Updated]

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageMore Details On AT&T's New iPhone, iPad Data Plans [Updated]

AT&T announced new iPhone data plans earlier in the week. Some of our readers who are existing AT&T's customers seem to be quite upset with the changes in the data plans, while some are planning to switch to the new and cheaper data plans based on their data usage. If...

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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    well hell im gonna keep my unlimited data plan and use a jailbreak app to tether my laptop like i do already wont get me to switch to that crap

  • Roy
    Roy Posts: 22
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    it's time to rollover verizon

  • natim
    natim Posts: 16
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    Seems like the anticipation of the multitasking may have something to do with this. I think many people will look to skype and cut back on minutes to save money.

  • duston foster
    duston foster Posts: 10
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    sucks that you have to pay extra for tethering.. this is NOT the case with rogers.. so far, and I hope it stays that way :),

  • busyinny
    busyinny Posts: 2
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    Does anyone know whether I can signup for the unlimited plan without actually having the iPad yet, like when I order it online? Have checked in a 50 mile radius and cannot find any 3G iPads in stock. Getting it would be 7-10 days, and while I can wait (wife's birthday next month) wanted to try out the unlimited plan rather than go with 2GB. Most probably will never go over 2GB on it, I am not going to be running a **** server on my wife's iPad, nevertheless wanted to monitor usage and verify.

  • kikin
    kikin Posts: 1
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    what would be better??? sing for a old ipone 3gs so i can get unlimited data or wait and get the new iphone 4g and be screwed by the new data plans??? so what do u guys think... I don't know what to do

  • Amadeus
    Amadeus Posts: 8
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    This is not a difficult concept people! If you don't have a iphone, why are you on this site, but, you need to go out and get it NOW! If you plan on listening to Pandora on your phone, you NEED the unlimited data plan. A side note... had the blackberry unlimited plan and bought an iphone from the internet and never changed the plan and my 3gS worked perfectly on the blackberry plan.. so there might still be hope for people that want the inlimited that dont currently have an iphone...

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    ATT has a 14 day trial period, I would suggest getting the iphone 3GS and exchange it for the new one, if you can get your hands on one. But before, I will ask an ATT sales rep if you can do that with the new iphone :)

  • Min
    Min Posts: 16
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    I agree with AT&T. If just consider hard traffic user, they can keep thier contract. but, some user just using very small data only, they can save money. such as

    I just using around 2-300MB.. it means, I will save $5. my wife and parents just use 100MB level.. they can save $15 each (total $45).
    Finally, I can save $50 per month.

    At least, it is a big benefit for me...

    So, I partially, agree.. about this changing...

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    Stupid it s time to unlock and go with
    t mobile instead of given my money
    to their CEO so greedy one person
    wants to make the whole money and
    screw the whole nation.AT&T you
    gonna lose most of the costomer once
    onther carrier surface

  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    to kikin...its up to you..but i would rather have unlimited data and be able to upgrade and keep the data than not have that option.

  • Greg
    Greg Posts: 106
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    Anybody know what the upgrade policy is likely to be for the next gen iphone? With the 1st gen and 3G customers were given the subsidized pricing no matter where they were in their contracts...yet with the 3GS you had to be 18 months in. Do you think it will be any different if you are upgrading from any non-iPhone device?

  • iPhoneHacks
    iPhoneHacks Posts: 2,315
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    Apparently, AT&T is exploring allowing customers who pay for an iPad before June 7, but don't get the device in hand, to still sign up for an unlimited data account.

    We'll keep you posted as soon as we've any more details on that front.

  • Jeff
    Jeff Posts: 126
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    I have a 3GS and am planning on getting the new phone as long as they do not take me off the unlimited plan. If they do, goodbye AT&T and hello Sprint HTC EVO!

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    You freaking AT&T if you can not
    handle congestion why are you asking
    for exclusivity .and you freaking apple why
    don t you find an other carrier .at the end
    of the day it s all about money

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    I can't wait for a side by side comparison with the evo 4g, if in the end the phones are basically the same, I'm going with the 69.99 unlimited everything at sprint, **** AT&T

  • Andy
    Andy Posts: 1,127
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    You will be able to stick with the unlimited plan when you upgrade to the new iPhone. But you won't be able to opt for tethering.

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    2gb = 25$
    unlimited + jailbreak + tethering = 30$

    Tell which option is cheap.. I think you guessed it right.. Now I need iphone 4G and Dev team needs to crack it... Thats all my wish!

    I think ATT should be "charged/penalize" for every drop call when opted for limited plan... what say?? Then it would be fair...

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    Question 1: What are the differnet data plan which are offered by Sprint and Verizon for these kind of smartphones.. like droid and others!!

    Question 2: AT&T new plan is for just iphone or every smartphones they have..

  • Rick T.
    Rick T. Posts: 1
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    You called someone else stupid? Did you read your own message first? LMAO

  • nl393a
    nl393a Posts: 9
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    Ever since I jailbroke with the Spirit JB, I have not been able to tether (I have 05-12-01 baseband). Do you know of a way?

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    Shut up min !!!!!!!!you don't have a clue in what you're saying saving 5 dollars , give a break , we all know devices like the iPhone will always pass that limit 2gb it's not enough for almost 80% of iPhone users

  • Kev978
    Kev978 Posts: 2
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    I know AT&T's new data plans are for all their smartphones. Not just the iPhone.

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Go to the ATT Wireless website and look at your account. They know which phone you are currently using on every number so they can easily charge you the iPhone rates and/or limit your data plan. I used my son's upgrade on his line to buy a 3GS and gave him my old 3G, then we swapped sim cards. ATT servers know which phone is using the sim and his number shows the 3G and my number shows the 3GS.

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    The whole purpose for the new plans is to keep us "data hogs", who have the unlimited plan, from getting tethering. Think about it if u had unlimited and tether, AT&T would choke from all the usage. The tether plan has to be with the 2GB plan and thats all the data u get at that rate. AT&T is stupid but is very business smart.

  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 110
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    I've always been an AT&T subscriber ever since I had a cell phone (about 15 yrs). Since then, I had an awesome plan, but when AT&T merged with Cingular and changed their name and policies to Cingular, I unwittingly lost an outstanding plan by renewing my contract to get another free phone. Since then, conveniently for them and inconveniently for me, they changed back to AT&T. I never could get my old plan back that I was forced out of and let's hope AT&T doesn't try the same thing again to kick all of us dedicated AT&T subscribers out of our unlimited data plan. Hmmm I wonder if the phone will be priced a lot lower for existing customers only if they renew their contract...

  • Cheap Hard Drives
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    I can't stand these damn restrictions on data usage. Man why can't these companies accept that people use the Internet and don't want limits on the usage?

  • Cheap Hard Drives
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    I can't stand these damn restrictions on data usage. Man why can't these companies accept that people use the Internet and don't want limits on the usage?

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 450
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    If 98% of the users are using less than 2GB under the unlimited plan, and ATT is able to get $30 from them, why would they reduce the price to $25/mo for that same subset of people - unless they believe they'll go over and charge more for it...