New Apple TV Could Be Based On iPhone OS

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageNew Apple TV Could Be Based On iPhone OS

For a long time, Apple has maintained that their foray into the television segment is just a "hobby". However, according to a recent Engadget report, Cupertino may well be on course to chart an effective reentry into the home entertainment space. The sources have revealed that the next generation Apple...

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  • matt
    matt Posts: 283
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    can i jailbreak it? lol

  • Z
    Z Posts: 333
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    i HIGHLY doubt it. for one thing, iPhone OS is OS X-lite plus a touchscreen interface and the necessary drivers and kernel mods for a cell phone. this kind of OS doesn't fit the bill for a home entertainment device. the apple A4 on the other hand would work beautifully. Cloud-based? are you fucking kidding me? the whole concept is limited by internet speed most houses get, and thus would degrade the experience by making all video quality lower and also at the same time saturate the internet connection. I like the Apple TV as it is, maybe a bigger hard drive, maybe the apple A4 (not necessary, but it would work better in its design), and maybe an option for a nice solid state drive (make it even quieter, cooler, and more reliable) would be nice, but iPhone OS, no.

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    I think by running iPhone OS they mean bringing a whole new set of apps specifically designed for Apple TV. Boxee is currently working on something like this only I think as of now, they'd be the better option because they will actually allow you to add an external hard drive, something Apple will more than likely not offer.

  • JDB
    JDB Posts: 284
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    Wow. Couldn't have said it better.

  • loui
    loui Posts: 0
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    Not bad if one can play their iPhone games when synced with their apple tv on their personal televisios and if it comes netflixs ready only then will it be competing with the mass market and out of the hobbie zone..

    If it can't do any of the two folks won't care... I have an apple tv and it's a pretty white box next to the television... Then I have netflix that requires having a DVD Player..
    Don't hate the Player but I think the DVD is dead...streaming is the furture and it's only a matter of time before the movie data farms merge and we'll all be streaming our films...

    Big question! Will Apple do it before or after...

  • Shrivatsa Somany
    Shrivatsa Somany Posts: 13
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    if they get iPhone OS that is specifically modified for the AppleTV, and apps that are MEANT to be on tvs are the only ones available...yeah this works. but cloud storage...nope.

  • jnoso
    jnoso Posts: 2
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    i hope they allow upgrading of ram