Photographs Taken Using iPhone 4 Look Impressive

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imagePhotographs Taken Using iPhone 4 Look Impressive

The megapixel count is a standard metric used by customers to compare the camera sensors offered by various gadget manufacturers. But as we have often noted in the past, this is only one of the several factors that determines the actual quality of the camera. The argument over the right...

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  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 21
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  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    cant wait to see what night time pics look like, these pics are amazing

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    This iPhone 4 will not replace my digital camera for numerous reasons:
    - iPhone is not Water Proof, my Camera is
    - My camera is 7 MegaPixels & My wife's is 10 (yeah they say it doesn't matter, but when you want to use the images for something more than just viewing on a computer, it makes a HUGE difference, the more megapixels, the larger you can make a printed image)
    - I am not sure that this backlit sensor will work as well as a flash (we'll see)
    - The iPhone doesn't have image stabilization
    - The iPhone doesn't let you adjust exposure, aperture, etc. (Even the most basic point and shoot cameras allow for this now)

    The list goes on, but you get the point. I do think the iPhone 4 will be a good supplement to a traditional digital camera and perhaps for a handful of people a replacement for it.

  • SanchoTheKid
    SanchoTheKid Posts: 2
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    Ur right about it not havin image stablization but it also has a flash on top of that too so don't knock it so quickly. And it has software to edit pictures. Just because these ain't retouched don't mean that it can't do it

  • Ran$om
    Ran$om Posts: 29
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    What about the forward facing camera....? stats on that one?

  • Fili
    Fili Posts: 4
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    The images from the apple site have an oil-paint look due to the heavy noise-reduction algorithms. Anyways, it's better than the 2mp camera from my 3G.
    This won't replace my current DSLR because of the numerous limitations of phone cameras, but it's good to have and might replace my pocket camera, that I carry everywhere with me. Along with HD movie-shooting, it's an useful gadget in my pocket.

  • akri
    akri Posts: 47
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    they look amazing and so does the imovie app! i want steve jobs' baby!

  • S
    S Posts: 31
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    are we forgetting that the iphone is actually a phone? if you want high def pics then get a camera capable of them! the camera is not the primary function and is for those that want to capture a quick image.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    yup it will replace my digital camera, yes it will, but not my DSLR, still superb...but bringing exttra camera on hand is more of a baggage, but if u have a camera takes like this and a phone, ipod,browser,etc.. what else do u it i need to get my hands on that on the 24th...cya

  • Duhhh
    Duhhh Posts: 12
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    the backlit sensor isn't supposed to work as well as a flash, its to capture a picture in low light and make it look the way you are seeing it (like friends in front of a sunset for example). If you did want to brighten the image (say you're in a really dark room and you want the picture to be brighter) that's when you would use the flash..

  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    Ran$om, according to Apple's site, the front facing camera is "VGA-quality" and video up to 30fps. So I assume it is probably close to 640x480. But I don't see any detailed specs.

  • lens
    lens Posts: 1
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    the question is if your digital camera could place a call would it replace your iPhone?
    come on get serious its just a phone that can do a lot of things and one of them its to take photos. Nobody asks from apple a professional phone/camera so it can replace our cameras while we are diving. (who needs a water proof phone?)

  • asger
    asger Posts: 49
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    The first one looks amazing, but the second doesn't come close to that quality. anyone who knows why?

  • Sloop
    Sloop Posts: 3
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    thats a good way to look at it. Too many people are knocking it because their digi cam is better but in reality it's a phone... but you also have to look at the fact that other phone companies are putting out cams on their phones that have better specs than the iPhone

  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    I just hope that you can take better macro pictures. By the "pencil" and "water on leaf" pictures it looks pretty good, but I don't know if they're using the digital zoom. At least on the 3G, it can't seem to focus on anything within a foot from the camera.

  • baller
    baller Posts: 1
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    You'll never look back to Nokia or SE once you use iPhone.

  • Val
    Val Posts: 60
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    I didn't see it in the features but I would love to be able to rotate photos without turning the phone. If someone sends me a pic taken sideways I have to turn the phone upside down to view it correctly in the phone.

  • lol
    lol Posts: 79
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    come one, it's iphone not "icam" definately cannot replace ordinary digital camera....

  • mrcoltux
    mrcoltux Posts: 3
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    I need a waterproof phone for sheer convieniance it wouldn't break as easily and I could use it In a shower or bath and not worry.
    And don't tell me it's not possible they have it in japan

  • asger
    asger Posts: 49
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    I ofc. mean the third.