AT&T: iPhone-iPad Tethering Not Possible Due To Software Limitations; Not A Policy Issue

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T: iPhone-iPad Tethering Not Possible Due To Software Limitations; Not A Policy Issue

Earlier this week, AT&T announced that tethering will finally be officially available to iPhone users with the release of iPhone OS 4.0. But there's a catch, the feature will be offered only to iPhone customers who opt for the $25 per month DataPro data plan. Tethering will allow users to...

Read the full story here


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    Money money money is that all these big
    companies think about, how about giving customers best solutions at minimum cost. I think mywi will do for me, atleast I save money every month

  • Punk_Poet
    Punk_Poet Posts: 66
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    i call B.S. on this... why not give our iphones the ability to be a wi-fi hub we already know this is possible from mywi and other phones already have the feature.

  • iPad Engineer
    iPad Engineer Posts: 1
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    FYI... There is a USB connection for the iPad. It's called the iPad Camera Connection Kit.

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Posts: 80
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    i say use mywi jailbroken iphones!!

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    lol.... AT&T are you kidding me... how low you can get.. iphone & ipad both are made by apple and there is compatibility issue for tethering... thats the dumbest comment i have ever heard...

    Go JB team .. Prove them wrong..

  • Tick
    Tick Posts: 28
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    Once again AT&T proves how stupid they are by thinking we're really that dumb.
    It is a proven fact that an ipad can tether with an iPhone. Despite the fact it was done using unauthorized jailbreak software, it is still a proven fact.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Now I have heard it wireless hubs work except for 2 Apple devices? The wifi signal suddenly falls apart for iPads but it works for everything else? LOL
    Hey AT&T/Steve...guess what im gonna run myfi on my JAILBROKEN iPhone. A) It's my phone and I'll do whatever the F-^K I want with it. B) I'm paying $30 a month for data so I'm gonna do whatever the f-&K I want with that too

  • Harsha
    Harsha Posts: 84
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    heres what would be their next step...

    20$ for general tethering
    20$ for ipad tethering
    10$ for allowing your girlfriend to browse your ipad
    10$ for allowing to carry ipad out on the street
    10$ for allowing to charge ipad twice a day
    finally, 10$ for everything* else....

    * - btw, 'everything' might change accordingly...

    More bars more places .. This is AT&T for you ladies and gentlemen.. where more than 5 drop calls/day is norm.. but guess what we are improving the network while we charge you for everything..


  • xAric
    xAric Posts: 0
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    Funny ...

    I was in Costa Rica 2 weeks ago, and I brought an iPad down for a colleague. We were sitting in a cafe overlooking a valley high in the jungle mountains above San Jose, and he got his iPad to work with an ICE sim card (data plan), and I tethered my iPhone to it to check my email, chat, etc. Of course, his iPad was jailbroken ...

  • ghost
    ghost Posts: 4
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    Im using the jailbreak app MyWi its awesome!

    iPhone = Wireless AP :-)

  • David
    David Posts: 225
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    Does Att charge when u use mywi and tether?

  • DaSatelliteGuy
    DaSatelliteGuy Posts: 3
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    Of course not. It's a jailbroken app only and as such isn't an official app. Use it all you want! The best part is the unlimited data plan!

  • Caddouch
    Caddouch Posts: 35
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    just to save $ 5 dollars from unlimited to 2gb plan , Hell no AT&T , u are not taking my unlimited data plan and am so Glad that i called them and they confirmed that even if i upgrade i can still keep my unlimited , so F*u AT&T , and yeah am jailbroken and i love MYWI ,so probably i will do the same with the new iphone 4g :) !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vinko
    Vinko Posts: 17
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    Once again AT&T is trying to pull a fast one on American users.

    Tethering had been available to worldwide and any jailbroken iPhones since 1997, but they [AT&T] still has not enabled this feature to its customers.

    Like the other readers had recommended, I think American iPhone/iPad users should all jailbreak their iPhone and purchase MyWi to enable their iPhones as WiFi hotspot, so they can connect their iPad WiFi or iPad WiFi+3G onto the 3G network.

    It is 2010, it is about time American mobile carriers get with modern times and deliver the bandwidth speeds and capabilities to their customers like their counter parts around the world.

    For example, we in Hong Kong had been enjoying 7.2 Mbps "theoretical" downlink speed for some time. Achieving on average a (consistent) downlink of approximately 4 Mbps and uplink of approximately 300 Kbps. This is consider slow among the Asian countries.

  • Blue
    Blue Posts: 32
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    Really sucks to be at the mercy of such thugs... only options are to pay ridiculous fees or not purchase/fully enjoy an otherwise fantastic device.

    AT&T can go to hell, Apple not far behind.

  • William
    William Posts: 36
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    God bless MyWi saved a good amount of money on an extra data plan and being that I have unlimited data on my iPhone it is the perfect setup . Screw apple and AT&T greedy little basterds :)

  • Blake
    Blake Posts: 17
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    You guys are rediculous with your bitching and moaning about the new plans. I am a sales rep at an AT&T corporate store and I can tell you 2gb of data is plenty of data. You don't seem to understand that the reason our network has had issues is because of the two percent of users that are trying to run the world from their phones and consume a redic ammount of data. These new plans are to curb that and make the network better for everyone.

    You people and your cellphones are such whiney little bitches. Always have to create some kind of problem. Reset your statistics on your iPhone and see what it's at after a month and I'm sure it's under 2gb

  • Maurice
    Maurice Posts: 5
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    Blake if it is only 2% and you are not going to make those 2% change their data plan then why change the data plans in the first place if they can keep their old plans you are not hurting them at all.

    Now starting treating customers fair you are charging 25 dollars for 2gb data comcast allows me 250 theorotically with no overages for 40/monthly you do the math.
    Wait and then you charge me 20 dollars for txting because txting eats up so much of your data.

    You say that customers are whiny tell AT&T to stop whining about 2% of their customers and deal with it.

  • Justin E.
    Justin E. Posts: 1
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    I think things like "Operation Chokehold" should be done every day until we let AT&T know we're not putting up with limits on crap like that.

    It's only a matter of time before the average consumers realize that they won't be able to use Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, and Pandora all the want. The world is becoming mobile and digital, so how on Earth can companies expect to get away with limiting mobile internet?

    Also, I'd like to point out that most people pay $30-$50 a month on their home internet plans, which are either unlimited, or like mine is what I consider a fair cap (I think it's somewhere around 50gb/mo). My bill with my ISP is $45 every month and I use it all I could possibly imagine. You would think AT&T or other cell providers would at least adjust accordingly. I don't think many people would be complaining (I sure wouldn't) if the cap was around 10gb/mo. Sorry for the long post, but that's just my 2 cents.

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    And if your antipathy for customers is as horrific as your post, no wonder AT&T customers are pissed. Typical sales hype.... sell you what we've got, not what the customer needs. You are even speculating about what 2Gb can accommodate.

    I'd suggest that perhaps if AT&T's infrastructure is so pathetically fragile that they cana't handle the traffic of all of their customers that maybe they should 1) Have less customers, 2) spend some of the money (that they get from customers) to upgrade both their network and their SALES FORCE! If you advertise something, you should at the very least be able to deliver in spades what you advertise.

    2gb is a lot, but not really. I am operating on the Roger's Network in Canada and have a 6Gb data plan that costs $30/mo. I had occasion recently to need to run two computers and my voice line via tethering on my iPhone. I used my home office just as I always did and at the end of the month's time, I had not used the total 6Gb, but I did use more than twice as much as 2Gb.

    As an aside note, I still often tether my iphone because it is noticeably faster than my ADSL connection. All I want is fast, easy, trouble-free access at a good price.

    So perhaps if AT&T's management was actually listening to their customers instead of WHINING about them whining, maybe they'd have some happier customers who's whines would be truly inconsequential.

    But hey, what do I know, eh?

  • shey
    shey Posts: 7
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    hi william, do you mind sharing how you unlocked your iphone? i have 3gs with ios4. is it possible to unlock it and use mywi for tethering?