AT&T More Likely To Lose iPhone Exclusivity To T-Mobile

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageAT&T More Likely To Lose iPhone Exclusivity To T-Mobile

AT&T announced a major change in their Early Termination Fee policy last month, which saw the ETF for higher end devices like the iPhone nearly double from $175 to $325. The hike in ETF was seen as a way for AT&T to prevent mass migration of subscribers when the carrier...

Read the full story here


  • Posts: 2
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    I'll be switching from those AT&T a-holes!

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    the more the merrier would like us to dominate all the cell companies and crush android. apple should go multiplatform just to do that lol

  • cycle nut
    cycle nut Posts: 1
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    I'll switch in a heart. Thanks for the info. I'll hold off on upgrading with ATT.

  • Momo
    Momo Posts: 17
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    "The 3G service on T-Mobile supports 1700MHz and 2100MHz frequencies, which is optimal for iPhone 4"
    According to the iPhone 4 specifications, the above statement is wrong.

    Why is there no link to Shaw Wu's article?

  • Craig
    Craig Posts: 178
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    Well where I live in the uk t-mobile rule, 3g coverage is excellent :)

  • Richard
    Richard Posts: 141
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    Definitely! I would switch back to T-Mobile in a heartbeat as long as the iPhone is compatible for all features including 3G connectivity.

    I hear that AT&T could lose 6 Million iPhone customers if this happens. AT&T says they aren't concerned about such a loss ... better hold onto your ankles while you say that.

    My bags are already packed, I'm just waitin for the train to TMobile to arrive. Screw the ETF I'd pay 500 to get away from AT&T.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    T mobile is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • luca
    luca Posts: 11
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    T mobile sucks.......

  • hxclos
    hxclos Posts: 353
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    This is bad news for those of us who rely on T-mobile customers to buy our iPhones on eBay. Think about it.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Here we go.. now every other day they'll post some BS articles like "Analyst says Apple switching to T Mobile or Apple orders 20,000 Iphones for t mobiles network

  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    T mobile unlimited everything

  • Usman
    Usman Posts: 3
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    I think It would becuse of hspa plus

  • Money Over Bitches
    Money Over Bitches Posts: 17
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  • a
    a Posts: 76
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    you're a friggin idiot

  • SK
    SK Posts: 26
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    I'm with T-mobile, and I have an unlocked/jailbroken iPhone, BUT Apple going with T-Mobile would probably mean that my monthly cost would go up! Because now, all I need is the unlimited internet plan for $9.99 and I have access to unlimited data. The change would force T-Mobile customers to upgrade to a data plan, and we alllll know that it won't be $9.99. So I'm good with my JB/Unlocked iPhone that I bought off of craislist!

  • lack of comments
    lack of comments Posts: 1
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  • Alec
    Alec Posts: 5
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    who cares.. its t mobile.. not verizon..

    im stuck with at&T anyway cause my ENTIRE family is on at&t and its all free.. so w.e

  • jonny
    jonny Posts: 12
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    any one with a name like that.. DESERVES to have such a shitty network.. yeah right, your with metro man lmfao

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    I hope AT&T does get more carriers, but not to kill the competition, if there was no Droid or evo then you guys as well as ne, would have to pay out the ass to get Thebes iPhone with only one change per year. And software upgrades would not be free. There isn't alot of competition with the ipods, this is why they take advantage and charge those poor people for stupid upgrades in software.
    Thank god for real competition!

  • Jlcruiser
    Jlcruiser Posts: 1
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    From what I hear through the cellphone grape vine is that a employee of high a postion has retired from tmobile U.S. and a high rep from tmobile U.K. has taken the U.S. seat.....that has happened for some time now, to me that sounds like apple may be working on it with tmobile allready.

  • Posts: 1
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    T-Mobile customer service sucks #$$. I have had all major cell phone carriers, and T-Mbile is the only company I truly hate. Their plans may look good, but once they hook you, they can actually turn out to be much more expensive, and their fees structures and policies are all about keeping you locked into their service with fine print rather than by keeping you happy as a customer. I will switch to any carrier besides T-Mobile as soon as my contract expires.

  • jays-on
    jays-on Posts: 6
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    As an iphone user on tmobile, I totally agree.

  • jays-on
    jays-on Posts: 6
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    I have only been with sprint, tmobile. Been with tmobile for over 10 years and totally love them. Their rates are always better, coverage is excellent for me, and I don't know what you are talking about but their customer service (phone and in store) has always been outstanding for me as well.

  • kawar
    kawar Posts: 3
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    I know what ur saying but if u think about u can still buy a iPhone 4 from craigslist and not have to worry about a jb or unlock being available for a version of iPhone to use on t mobile . U can still use the iPhone and not pay the data plan u don't have to buy one directly 4m t mobile store.

  • Mac
    Mac Posts: 132
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    I agree. People should go with the carrier tht works best in their area nd not cuz of the phone. Im wit ATT cuz of the coverage nd stuff. I mean i do have a 3GS but only cuz my old Motorola started malfunctioning nd my itouch 2g had a bad screen nd i could only hear the right earphone.

  • bob0917
    bob0917 Posts: 15
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    AT&T work great where I am I would not switch unless I am forced to. I have had nothing but great service with AT&T for over 10 years.

  • Fred
    Fred Posts: 30
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    Customer Service with all the cell carriers sucks. Once they sign you up, they do not have to treat you well, they have you stuck with the contract and the high termination fee if you try and leave before the contract is up. This is common with all of them, not just AT&T or T-Mobile. I was with Verizon for 10+ years and switched to AT&T for the iPhone. Add Verizon offered the iphone, I would have stayed there but have no issues with AT&T other than the lack of tethering right now. In short, all carriers are in the same class and right now, it is the equipment that dictates which carrier you are with. I have no intention of switching carriers when and if T-Mobile gets the iPhone.