Apple Planning To Release iOS 4.0.1 To Fix iPhone 4 Reception Issues?



  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I bet most of the complaints are from people who don't even have an iphone. Getting protection for an expensive phone should be a given. Everyone I've seen with any smart phone always has some sort of protection on it.

    Beyond that, it seems that just as many people are reporting signal problems as there are people reporting no problems.

  • Wicked
    Wicked Posts: 9
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    Non issue for me no matter how I hold phone.
    I' m left handed and always have the area
    bridged. Must be one of the lucky ones.
    Speed testing like crazy and getting mostly 2 to
    3 Meg down .6 to .7 Meg up.

  • durrr
    durrr Posts: 1
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    the coolest person always gets talked about the most because everyone is jealous of them :)

  • droidtards
    droidtards Posts: 1
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    Same here! I mean I'm not left handed but I don't lose a signal in either hand... I feel like there's only a couple of people with the issue and android fanboys are saying they have an iphone and are losing a signal when they hold it...

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    I just don't understand all this talk of laggy 3g's with 4.0 on..
    My mate installed it and has no lag issues at all.

  • Da pimp wit da limp
    via Wordpress

    You must have got a bad one because that sound wrong on all levels I got two one for me and one for my wife no issues on either.

  • Da pimp wit da limp
    via Wordpress

    No because the FCC regulates cell phones and signal strength and by law any cell phone can only operate at a tenth of a wat. Its the law.

  • nicacolo
    nicacolo Posts: 27
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    yup me too, i have no reception issues and i hold my iphone 4 in my left hand.

  • Jadedfool
    Jadedfool Posts: 1
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    My iPhone 4 has reception issues and it doesn't have anything to do with how you hold it. While it's charging on the table, I can see the signal strength come and go. Drops from 4 bars to one to none then back up to 3. Definitely no a holding issue. Hop the fix it cause I absolutely love this phone.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    It's all about the towers, at my house it will not drop signal at all, but if I fork my in laws a couple of miles away it does it everytime, thus some people can replicate and some can't.

  • Daniel Slocum
    Daniel Slocum Posts: 1
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    I have the issue. Apple MUST FIX THIS!

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Can I ask anyone who owns an iPhone 4 a question please?

    Ok, when you got to settings, cellular data etc, are you able to input manually your carrier settings??

    The reason i ask, is I've tried four o2 demo iPhone 4s and they don't have the option to manually put network/carrier settings in!

    Its missing, and is right here on my 3.1.3 3gs, so I'm curious to know if I buy an o2 ip4 if it will always be locked to o2 simply bcos the option to enter carrier setting has possibly been removed?


  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    And also 'password protection' has vanished from the o2 ip4s??

    Anyone out there please?

  • greenshifted
    greenshifted Posts: 4
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    I really don't know except different people have different body chemistry, different perspiration levels, etc... But when I was going to school for electronics/engineering we sometimes measure a person's resistance for fun and build some cool circuits that would only work for people with certain ranges of resistance. It was fun :)

  • kristina
    kristina Posts: 4
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    I am having problems with wifi. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. My phone won't connect to any wifi spots. I have done a hard reset but still nothing. It shows the wifi name with perfect full signal but won't connect. I tried with my 3GS with wifi and it works with no problem.

  • Radjin
    Radjin Posts: 15
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    I have had the loss of signal issues on every phone I have ever had, mostly Nokia and the Motorola Razr. These usually will cut their signal in half or drop a call in a weak area when you hold the damn thing to your ear; then you look at the phone just after a dropped call and it shows full bars. I mostly experienced this with the above phones when I had the Verizon network at work. Now that we have switched most of our service to AT&T I notice it less but it still happens.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    I am so sick of the reception problem. I'm also having major issues with wifi when i hold it a certain way. **** steve jobs telling me how to hold my device. I have had every iphone made and no problems with reception till now!!! What a bunch of ****. Im seriously thinkink droid. I lobe iphone but this is pissing me off. Fucking apple assholes.

  • MO
    MO Posts: 132
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    More and more issues are coming up. Some ppl have too much faith in apple hoping an update is going to fix all these issues. I'm not an iphone hater i love my 3gs and i used that thing non stop but, I think they rush manufacturing the iphone 4 and now ended up with some working phones and others that are garbage. Just like ppl complaining about reception issues with the 3gs back in the days reception depends on where u live, network traffic etc... how many software updates did apple make claiming it'l solve the reception issue but ppl didn't notice a difference. My guess is that apple will release all these updates claiming to solve these issues for iphone 4 but im sure it's more than just software. I don't think ill be buying the iphone 4 anytime soon maybe ill wait for the iphone 4G next year

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    I have upgrade my iphone 3g to new firmware 4 and i eachtime i travel no signal

  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    My wife has a 3GS (without IOS4) and I have the iPhone 4. When I set the phones side by side on a table at our house (without holding them) she gets 4 - 5 bars and can make calls while I get 0 - 1 bars and have failed calls. My iPhone 3G didn't have any of these issues. I absolutely love everything else about the iPhone 4, but the reception issues are frustrating. I called Apple and they sent me to the Apple store. The Apple store said there is a fix coming out soon to address the known issue.

  • Salvadorean
    Salvadorean Posts: 46
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    It is a Fact of life hehe...
    If Steve jobs is tutoring people how to handle iPhone 4, I would also showing what's the best response I get when I grab my GF from the right spot.

  • aj
    aj Posts: 82
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    steve job is not on twitter...that the fake one... check the description. Also he isnt a verified member.

    Apple hasent made any official statement about recalling the phone.


  • ben
    ben Posts: 235
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    Same here, dont know if this problem exists in the UK, may just be an AT&T problem. No problems at with my i.

  • c68stang
    c68stang Posts: 3
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    any idea when ios4.0.1 will be released i keep reading its coming but its only on these rumor sites not on apples site. Because i upgraded my 3gs with 4.0 and now have noticed a signal issue

  • jeromi
    jeromi Posts: 1
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    any chance of an update that allows you to turn Voice Control off??? any time I exercise it goes absolutely crazy on my 3gs!