Simple Trick To Fix iPhone 4 Reception Issues?



  • Daz
    Daz Posts: 6
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    Just tried this little trick and I must admit it does help the signal strength quite a bit.
    I'm on the o2 network in the UK, in the house I was getting zero bars in some places, now I'm getting 4 !!, I just placed sticky tape on the edge of one of the sides of the sim tray,might try the other side now see if that does the trick !
    Cheers for the tip, I did see the same tip posted over at sinful iphone earlier today though !!

  • Fahad
    Fahad Posts: 9
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    I don't have any reception problem with my iPhone since I get it on 24th of June as I cut my SIM my self.
    guys, do you really have reception issue, please answer with yes or no and mention where are you from

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    Seems to have worked for me. When I pulled my sim out, I had 3 bars of signal. Now that I reseated it, I have full signal.

  • mrNotiq
    mrNotiq Posts: 1
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    It definitely worked for me! I was even noticing some speed issues before as far as the connection, because when I connected to my boy's JB 3GS through MyWi Wifi to DL something from the App Store, it went so much faster. That bugged me out, so I downloaded the app, and I was clocking anywhere from 6kbps to 303kbps on my own connection, with an average of about 60kbps. I then reconnected to my boy's phone and immediately clocked 1.3MBps. After re-sitting the SIM, my "hold the phone this way" problem is gone, AND I just clocked 2.2MBps on my own 3G connection. THANKS A LOT!!

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Did not work for me. Here is what we need to figure out. There are actually two different issues that are getting mixed up. The "deathgrip" and connecting the antennas are not entirely the same thing. One does cause the other though. The "deathgrip" on the iPhone 4 causes the connection to be made, but even without the connection being made the "deathgrip" still affects the signal.

    For those saying your phone is fixed please do this. Lay your phone on its side with the left side up. Place a quarter over the black line connecting the two antennas. If this does not cause the signal to drop I will believe that your phone is fixed. Also, if anyone can post a video of them placing a quarter over that spot without a loss of signal, I will have hope that this isn't entirely a design flaw.

    The reason I say these are 2 different issues is the "deathgrip" affects all phones. When you hold a phone you will lose some signal. This is the fact of life that Steve Jobs was talking about. Making the connection between the 2 antennas is iPhone 4 specific. Gipping the phone not only causes regular signal loss but also connects the antennas causing a bigger problem.

    So if you think you've fixed your phone by reseating the sim please let us know your results with the quarter.

  • CM
    CM Posts: 8
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    I tried re-seating and that didn't work... I had the same thought about the plastic tray and/or a piece of tape... I have to say... a tiny piece of electrical tape does wonders.

  • Ashenden
    Ashenden Posts: 9
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    Hurr hurr guys do you really have reception issues or are you all making it up, please tell me! Stfu.

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Yes it is. it's affecting 3GS users that have uprgraded to ios4.
    So it's clearly not just the antenna.

  • NightHawk
    NightHawk Posts: 1
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    I put a lil piece of plastic in my SIM tray put it back in and it said "NO SIM"
    Any thoughts on that one?

  • katatonia
    katatonia Posts: 7
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    I will let everyone here know right now, calling apple reps WILL not help you one bit,most of us are all newbies and we are telling you the same **** that we read off of blogs like this one.

    the only real thing you can do is be happy you got a sweet phone that can take really nice videos, and wait for further notice on what is actually released to the public.

    the internal comments that you can read in the previous blogs are how we are to position bumpers/reception TO YOU, the only reason they were made was because of blogs LIKE THIS that got you motivated to call us about issues we already know about.

    Sit tight and calm down, please.

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Hate to rub it in, but i can't help thinking Vodaphone's crap 3G network is contributing to your problems.

  • 3gs
    3gs Posts: 11
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    OMG Colton, how fucking nice for you to press through all the post for this mistake. You act like he called your mama a **** or something.. CHILL

  • 3gs
    3gs Posts: 11
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    You're an idiot too..

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    Says who? This Haven't seen any complaints about their reception being worse because they updated their os. I for one have had better signal all away around since updating. This has nothing to do with the os.

  • Ejmelby
    Ejmelby Posts: 1
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    A lot of people are noting that the sim card in the metal tray is too close to the contacts and thinking it is shorting it out. Upon closer inspection of my sim card tray, there is a plastic, insulation sticker that prevents the sim card contacts to be shorted out. The sim card shorting is not the problem. I too have the signal problem when my bumper is not installed, even after sim card reseat. I would hope this is addressed soon by apple.

  • I SAY
    I SAY Posts: 37
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    holly ****!!!! i tried it one time.. it didn't work..the bars would still go all the way down to one... I decieded to try it one more time and now no matter how hard I grip or hold it... it wont move any bars down!!!!.. the first time I put some tape to make sure it didn't touch the metal at the tray... put it back and it will still go down... 4 hours later. i tried it again .. took the tape out.. replaced the sim card and this thing wont drop a mm!!! its awesome...No matter how I grip it.. it wont go down.

  • I SAY
    I SAY Posts: 37
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    dont put plastic that would cover the metal parts of sim completely, make sure they at least touch... i did same thing but with tape

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    im tried it.. it works... I get full bars nomatter what. will post video in a little bit..

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I managed to fix it by resitting the sim card... here is proof:

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I managed to fix it by resitting the sim card... here is proof:

    now will you believe it?

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Haha, that is awesome! Exactly what I wanted to see. I was beginning to think nobody was going to try that. Thanks! Not only did you try it but you proved it with a video. I tried reseating mine with no luck. Maybe the fix will be a replacement sim with the contacts more in the middle. This gives me hope and I believe that this fix worked for you. Now if it is still working like that tomorrow we'll know for absolute certain this fixes the issue. Thanks again.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    Nice! Maybe I should try it again. I just hate to remove and insert my sim card more than necessary. My gold contacts definitely touch the sides but I don't think there is much I can do about it other than replace the sim with another one that is more centered.

  • Zulfly
    Zulfly Posts: 6
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    This did not work for me, did the small sliver of tape also. note, I did this in my basement, where signal is weakest. Went from 5 bars to 1.

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Says ppl on this site, read around

  • NateDawg
    NateDawg Posts: 42
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    it also doesn't help that a 20db decrease in signal strength at full five bars still shows five bars of signal strength, but a 20db decrease at 4 bars will get you all the way down to 1 or no bars of signal strength. logarithmic decrease of signal strength to signal bars....

  • ZeppelinLed
    ZeppelinLed Posts: 68
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    Has anyone tried painting the join line with clear Lacquer or Nail varnish yet?
    I think a couple of coats of either would be hard to see, but would also break contact succesfully?

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    Doing it in your basement isn't very bright. It's like smoking a cigarette on a fast motorbike-a stupid idea.

  • FW190
    FW190 Posts: 2
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    Maybe the white ones are being modded as we speak, or maybe not..

  • long tall texan
    long tall texan Posts: 3
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    'in my basement' wtf? douchebag city bigtime.

  • John
    John Posts: 790
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    If you hold it through piece of paper does it lose reception as well? If not maybe very thin isolation would be enough like a nail polish or sth like this just paint it a bit to get the isolation. Try it at your own risk.