Apple Sold Over 1.7 Million iPhone 4s; Most Successful Product Launch in Apple's history

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imageApple Sold Over 1.7 Million iPhone 4s; Most Successful Product Launch in Apple's history

Apple has just announced that it has sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s through Saturday, within just three days after it was launched on June 24. These are stunning numbers if you consider that it took Apple 74 days to sell one million first-generation iPhones. Apple had sold over one million...

Read the full story here


  • Neil
    Neil Posts: 46
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    First, umm my phone dose not ring when I cover the antenna even with 2 bars
    Who wants to facetime me?

  • Vishnu Sridhar
    Vishnu Sridhar Posts: 6
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    Hey iPhone Hack, AT&T has upgraded it 3G connection to 850 MHz, after this upgrade I am Getting 4.5Mbps 3G speed on my iPhone 4. Check out the video I made and upgrade.

  • What the fuk
    What the fuk Posts: 1
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    Fix the godamn antenna problem...successful. Come on.

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    And they'll be getting that many back thru their post box if they don't address the faults lmao

  • dennis
    dennis Posts: 89
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    which countries will sell the i4 factory unlocked, contract free? I bought i3gs in Czec Rep and paid retail last year but did not see the country for July release.


  • cave
    cave Posts: 15
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    and from the reports maybe 5 work properly EPIC FAIL APPLE

  • Thomas
    Thomas Posts: 125
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    They might get 1.7 million back if they keep ignoring phone issues!

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    I returned mine this morning. I am waiting for the modified version of Iphone 4 having no reception problem. Hope it come out soon.

  • Toai
    Toai Posts: 1
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    1 Million of those is going to be returned and resell it as refurbished! haha

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Drop the stupid atenna issue already damn is it that big a deal I have one and don't have any problems I swear people complain just to complain.Also people want to find everything wrong with such a big marketed product . They want to pick at every little thing

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    Haha your stupid they are not gonna recall the phone they are gonna probably add an update.. Plus it's probably AT&T fault to begin with having crappy service

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    I knew stupid jokes like that would come out. You stay up all night thinking of that one

  • Daved
    Daved Posts: 0
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    If you guys don't like the phone...take it back!! Quit bitching about it! Bet you would rather keep the awesome phone and **** instead though!

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    It sucks when a company can't admit a FAIL like that, I've seen people standing outside of the apple store telling people not to but because of the problems apple won't tell you about.
    Hopefully tge droid x will be better, I'm glad I didn't wait in line for this one. And for those who take it in the ass saying it's not a big deal, well then maybe you're just a push over, grow some balls and demand a working product.

    Lol but It will be interesting to see if apple fixes this problem before their next release, and if not it will be even more interesting to see the word gets out to everyone on time before they purchase the new phone. I doubt they will have goose sales the second time if they don't respect that they are selling faulty products

  • T
    T Posts: 71
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    If its a problem with low volume or small software issue I would understand where you are coming from but to have an antenna issue on a phone to me is a big deal. This is most importantly a phone so we would expect to be able to make a call. I have antenna issues on my Iphone 4 even with the bumper. I don't know how many people have this issue but just because you don't does make the problem non-existant

  • Hello
    Hello Posts: 16
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    So is this from all five martkets or just the US? And of these 1.7 mil how many are being sold online? Lastly, I really want to know the real reason for not selling the white version until later in July? Honestly since when has this phone been in production that they couldn't have anticipated longer production times? What makes it harder to produce? To me it just seems to be a business a ploy. They didnt have at least a few thousand that they could have distributed around each Iphone carrier?

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    I didn't mention the antenna problem-you assumed it
    how about the screen issues, sensor issues etc..

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Can software update fix a hardware problem? think about it with your stupid head

  • nobber
    nobber Posts: 56
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    Agreed, they managed to make a White back for the White 3gs, what's so fkn hard about making a White ip4 then?!

  • Th
    Th Posts: 4
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    Wow. Are you steve jobs illegitimate son or something? It seems you follow everything he says without question. It's always something wrong with everything else but never an apple product.

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    Can software update fix a hardware problem? think about it with your stupid head

  • Jake
    Jake Posts: 62
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    They are not stupid. They are just brainwashed

  • Bye
    Bye Posts: 0
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    I agree 100%. Im sure whoever couldn't get a white one would have settled for a black. And saying that they wouldnt want to turn down too many people who would have wanted the white one would be ridiculous because Im sure they anticipated selling out of the black one anyways

  • Mario
    Mario Posts: 101
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    There is always something wrong with any product... Any!! Nothing is perfect... But everyone just loves to hate anything good so they trash it. But why should I complain that's what haters do hate... Apple just need to find out how to get more by making there product better

  • Inbound
    Inbound Posts: 1
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    so far 1.7 million phones are sold.... lets hope this reception problem is solved..otherwise 1.7 million phones will be recalled.

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    Maybe you dont understand what the comment section is for, but when apple sells a faulty product, and it denies that their product is **** telling you that you are holding the phone incorrectly, then you are practically the ass end of a joke.

    its not talking smack, it is stating facts! what you are doing is more like talking smack only without any balls.

    I have tried in many different ways with many different smartphones to lose the reception and not even the cheapest droid loses reception.

    the problem is that they didnt tell people before they sold it that they had to hold the phone a certain way. Its not fair to tell something like that. its like selling condoms that will only hold in one possition, pretty lame right?

  • jose
    jose Posts: 138
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    I honestly think that its not the color as much as it is trying to fix the reception problem on the next batch of phones, but thats just a guess lol. And if it really is the color than yeah thats pretty stupid haha