iPhone 4 Drop Test With Bumper Case



  • eurosnob
    eurosnob Posts: 10
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    yeah but you should of bought the Ilife jacket instead

  • Ashenden
    Ashenden Posts: 9
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    Yr is a word? Learn and Caps Lock are proper nouns? Double exclamation points? They'll but not don't? Maybe you shouldn't be calling someone a retard until you finish English 1.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    Don't insult other people when you're grammatically retarded yourself.

  • Dunstonlads
    Dunstonlads Posts: 4
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    Bumpers are shite, has not in any way helped
    With reception issues at all, very
    Disappointed with my new toy upto now

  • MeToo
    MeToo Posts: 1
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    Agreed, also if you're that much of a douche to drop it that many times, without insurance, than you shouldn't have an iPhone

  • Brundon
    Brundon Posts: 16
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    Bumpers for me are not a case but more of a way to make the phone feel better in my hand they smooth out the edges and make it a better feeling phone as for protection I've never had a case and even with the bumper i feel I've never had a case!

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Ffs, how many folks on here are actually enjoying their iPhone 4s with no problems whatsoever?!?!

  • KillerCheeze
    KillerCheeze Posts: 18
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    Me, no probs so far...

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Are you in the UK? Anyone else happy with it? I've tried 5 IP4's in various UK stores and cant find a single fault..how much of this stuff is negative posts by 'hater's' i'm wondering?

  • AlanTUK
    AlanTUK Posts: 1
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    Happy here - was expecting the worst before I got mine, but was relieved when it arrived and I couldn't reproduce any of the 3-4 over hyped issues that the media have been dancing up and down on. I feel for everybody that is experiencing problems, but taking a step back, it's inevitable when a company sells (I'm guessing now close to) 2M units there are going to be some degree of faulty units - even 1 in 100 would mean 20,000 bad units. I'm not trying to defend Apple, they should never have let these ship IF they knew of the problems before hand, and definitely need to do something about making amends with those unfortunate enough to have ended up with a faulty unit.

    Anyhow.... my view is that the media is just throwing fuel onto the fire and making a bigger issue of the problems than it actually is - people who are happy with the iPhone 4 are just sitting on the sidelines trying to avoid getting flamed by the unfortunate people with a defect and the fanbois defending Apple irrespective of the fact no product is perfect, and no two runs of a product are exactly identical.

    What would be interesting to me is if someone had some statistically-sound evidence about what % of units are faulty so we can make an objective assessment of the scale of the problems. (I'm guessing Apple would like to know this too, so they can evaluate what fixing the issue might cost too :P)

  • Jcm800
    Jcm800 Posts: 175
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    Have you noticed a decrease in volume output, compared to maybe your old 3GS? (assuming you had one before)?

    Thats the only thing i did find when trying to find issues with the store ones i tried - my GS is noticably louder output wise when using the iPod compared to an iPhone 4..

    You've raised some good points - it would be useful to find out the % of units shipped as definately faulty, against those in the 'as should be' bracket.

  • mike
    mike Posts: 489
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    yeah i agree..... when you mass produce its impossible to make 100% of the consumers happy.... i remember when the 3g and 3gs came out and it was the same deal, a bunch of problems and rumors, but when i finally got mine there was nothing wrong... its gonna happen, with the amount of attention the iphone4 draws, its easier for small ordeals to be blown out of the water... im not defending anyone, in fact i HATE ATT, but im just saying the odds of you having a problem are probably generally low

  • 12345
    12345 Posts: 3
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    thing is insurance doesnt even cover the broken screen only bad internal chips that go wrong my friend broke his screeen iphone fell out of his pocket went to apple and att they couldnt replace it cause the warrenty and insurance doesnt cover broken screens or cracked ones they rip you off when you spend $70 to buy insurance no point to even have one plus everyone drops there phone over time its common to drop a phone over 3 times and if it cant even last 3 drops with in a year thats sad bumper case are dumb and hopefully they invent better ones i have a iphone3g had it for awhile i have a iphone2g case on it cause of its bulk to protect my screen iphones are just so fragile to be a phone.

  • 1234
    1234 Posts: 1
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    i agree its called phone review everyone looks up how good and bad a phone is

  • KillerCheeze
    KillerCheeze Posts: 18
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    Yes in the UK, on Orange. Still no problems with the phone at all. No dropped calls, no proximity sensor issues, no discolouration on the screen.

  • Dee Dee
    Dee Dee Posts: 6
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    They spent about 1k for the 2 phones for over 1.5 million hits so far. That is what I call genius viral marketing.

    For those of you who think they were stupid. The joke is on YOU. You are the ones that should be considered idiots.

  • Frizzz
    Frizzz Posts: 9
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    I have no problem with the bumper!

  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    Chuck Norris once slammed an iPhone 4 on the ground and it broke! Twice!

    Unfurtunately Chuck Norris does not use a bumper. He does not need to, because he will not let his iPhone fall, ever!

    The other day Chuck Norris tried a Round-House Kick on Steve Jobs...

  • Simulation Phone
    Simulation Phone Posts: 2
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    So far (a mere two weeks) my iphone 4 has been a joy to own. So responsive it makes the 3G seem maddeningly slow in comparison. The one down side is that it needs a case to prevent the easy shattering discussed here, which ruins the beauty of the design and adds bulk to its amazingly small size.

    PS - bumpers do seem to add a good chance of surviving a fall:


  • Simulation Phone
    Simulation Phone Posts: 2
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    No; mine goes waaay louder than is safe for my ears with volume control disabled (as is default).

    That's using an earphone with silicon inserts, which you should be doing for sound quality.

  • Karly.
    Karly. Posts: 1
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    I have an iPhone 4. I've had it since a week before Christmas or something. I have a case on it, and no screen protector.While it's nothing special like an Otterbox or w/e, I've dropped it a couple times and there are no scratches and it still works 100%. I have had NO problems with my phone.Except once, it shut off and I had to plug it in for it to turn back on the second day I had it. It's definitely worth it to have a case of any sort. Obviously not a bumper... it doesn't cover the back or front. It's obviously just for looks if you're getting one of those. Yeah.
  • a
    a Posts: 76
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