Report Claims Apple Knew About iPhone 4 Antenna Problems; Apple Denies It; Has No Plans To Recall iP

^_^ Posts: 4,429
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imageReport Claims Apple Knew About iPhone 4 Antenna Problems; Apple Denies It; Has No Plans To Recall iPhone 4

Apple has called a special iPhone 4 press conference tomorrow to most probably talk about widely publicized iPhone 4’s reception problem that has snowballed into a PR nightmare. Bloomberg is reporting that according to their source, Apple’s Ruben Caballero, a senior engineer and antenna expert had raised his concerns about...

Read the full story here


  • diputz42
    diputz42 Posts: 0
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    I for one, don't believe Apple had the wrong formula all these years. That makes no sense that for all these years with all those billions of dollars in R&D, the almighty iPhone which sold millions and millions of units had such a blatant error about it.

    Now let's assume that were the case, which is the story Apple is sticking by. Then it makes perfect sense to peg the entirety of the blame on AT&T for providing the wrong formula, which they could be accused of having done so in order to display "More bars in more places" per one of their slogans.

    Apple needs to simply own up to this mistake before it damages its brand image anymore.

  • Jorge
    Jorge Posts: 125
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    Told you fools not to buy the phone ahead of time , now you are stuck with a piece of **** and can't do anything about it mac freacks!!!! Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

  • i_love_your_mom
    i_love_your_mom Posts: 1
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    the reception calculation formula explanation is stupid because it only accounts for AT&T, the US market -- at least according to what apple has said publicly up to this point.

    as for bumpers, here in japan bumpers are impossible to get. there's like a 3 week delay even if you order one directly from apple. it's retarded.

    oh, and jorge, i'm not a mac lover. in fact, i never use any mac product except iphone. and i think steve jobs is a douche because he doesn't care about customers - just his own vision.

  • lazy people
    lazy people Posts: 0
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    lol not exactly theres still warranty on everyones iphones. they're not quite stuck with them. It's up to the people whether they want to keep crying about them or get them replaced.

  • I agree about pre-orders kind of, but I love early adopters as they help pave the way for those more cautious people like myself.

    Also, spelling is hard.

  • Who
    Who Posts: 19
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    thanks for all the guinea fanpigs!

  • Akakig
    Akakig Posts: 16
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    I say just give me an applephone 4 for free and i'll tell you what i think, meanwhile
    I’ll just sit and wait till it comes to Canada. I just don’t get why it is so hard to coat that antenna with transparent film, like audio cords are coated, and re-release new ones like that.

  • James
    James Posts: 258
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    LOL all you iphone 4 users are F*cked! HAHAHA

  • Tim EL
    Tim EL Posts: 1
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  • Kiss my @$$
    Kiss my @$$ Posts: 0
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    Im returning my iphone 4 tomorrow, if apple gives us some bs answer.

  • JVE
    JVE Posts: 3
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    James, you are a douche. i got my iphone 4 the day before release. i have a few issues with the proximity sensor but no reception issues. I did get a bumper and i dont complain about my iphone. i dont like how apple tried to downplay the issue, but i like my phone.

    But dont like people like James, coward.

  • nonoie
    nonoie Posts: 62
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    i think all the people here that saying they dont have problem with their IPHONE... is APPLE worker who been force to submit a comment on here...even the AT&T guys in the store said they have some probelm issue in the signal, proximity sensor, drop call, display discoloration,its a 99% of the iphone user has a problem, so if u have nothing or got any issues your lucky. dont rub it in that iphone has no defects/flawed just be thankful that you get the good, but remember most people had gotten the bad apple...

  • Perth Lawyers
    Perth Lawyers Posts: 5
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    I am not surprised that Apple knew this..

  • Triver
    Triver Posts: 20
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    I am hungry fu*k all this right now.. I just hope we get a god damn true answer tomorrow. Apple has let all of down this time around. Even the the people who claim there phone is perfect. Even if that is the case, it is truly all of us iphone users, fans, newbies, etc etc that has help apple become what they are. Don't let us down now Apple. btw.... it's not about Steve Jobs it about the company as a whole and what they provide for to the customers. Pizza time :)

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    Ummmm Apple and AT&T don't even communicate silly lol. Have you ever asked questions about the Iphone in an AT&T store...or vice versa. It's laughable!!!

  • Cooper
    Cooper Posts: 144
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    The Apple Store in my town had dozens of black bumpers in stock last week.

  • we-will-have-justice!!!
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    I heard Steve Job rapes cats while he counts all of his dirty money.

    I hope they crucify him at the press conference to atone for his sins of greed, arrogance, pride and the horrible cat rape thing he does.

  • AvionicZ
    AvionicZ Posts: 28
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    I wouldn't call it rape. He calls it "surprise sex!"

  • we-will-have-justice
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  • ybt
    ybt Posts: 102
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    Got mine on launch day and it works perfectly fine. :)

  • sahid
    sahid Posts: 57
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    I replaces my phone. Seems better. Harder to duplicate the issue. Can
    I exchange again?

  • Kwopau
    Kwopau Posts: 294
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    First of all, recall only takes place when there is a safety issue, not a design flaw.

    So there will be 100% no recall on a iphone 4.

    The only solution that Apple can do is to come up with a new design or something.

  • JVE
    JVE Posts: 3
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    i am not an apple worker, wish i was - so they would pay me. I dont even like Apple, i just like their products. And all the haters out there, Apple may suck, their thoughts about only letting their products work with their software is crap, but their products are better than most. all other smart phones pretty much copy apple and try to make the money apple is. so the above poster that said 99% of all iPhone 4's have an issue, must not have one for their selves. Or they just suck.

  • Tristan Thomas
    Tristan Thomas Posts: 7
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    You know in Apples letter regarding the iPhone 4 antenna issues they claim that they were ''shocked'' to find out that it was such a massive issue. I think that they knew all along. In fact i found this article at .

    The article is called "Theories At Work; Jobs Knew About Antenna Woes". Its rather interesting.

  • jim
    jim Posts: 128
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    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. Iphone fun laughing my balls of..That's why i always wait for the flaws to be fixed before investing in one.

    i read somewhere online that iphone 4 is Microsoft Vista..LOL

  • jacquesdupontd
    jacquesdupontd Posts: 20
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    I Think that if Apple and particulary steve jobs could be paying a bit for his lie and his child attitude in front of iDevices produces by people far stronger than him so that he become place nearly as same as an Apple fan and has child wishes instead of being a Strong Director thinking about Reality Facts and futur issues it can cause to his and this big Compagny with too many employees to be playing with it like a child who think he's got all permitted. That's very sad and if Apple has to be serverly punished in its race for the world domination, t think this is the perfect time for it to happen. Apple was only holding the market because of the big Punch with the First iPhone that was clearly far better than any other phone and they sadly set on their hollywood storie like, forgetting there was customers to take care about, concurrence to be scared of and rules to never forget when you are directing a so big compagny, and the first and most important one is : Transparancy , no lies, never give the feeling to customers they are dumb even if sometime we could be nearly thinking He is that stupid he is talking too and believing his bullshits. Nobody can stay unpunished of making bad things counting on past won wars. And it comes at the exact time we can really be thinking about a choose between phones in order to have the best one wich means also the one that has respect for custumers, and Google is slowly taking the advantage working seriously and in a continuous and regular way. Well, maybe nothing will change at all and people will forget that unrespect in 2 month or just by being given a little bumper that some customers claims not to be acting in any way on the lost calls issue. Steve, it's time to stop saying it's only the beginning in your ads but to be making the coming next and fast. A simple customer point.