iPhone Coming To T-Mobile USA In Q3 2010?

Andy Posts: 1,127
via Wordpress in iPhoneHacks.com
imageiPhone Coming To T-Mobile USA In Q3 2010?

Fresh reports are coming in that suggest that AT&T may lose its exclusive carrier status in the US as early as this fall. However, unlike popular speculations, it is not Verizon, but T-Mobile USA that may carry the iPhone. Folks at CultofMac have received a tip from a "highly placed"...

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  • sebastian
    sebastian Posts: 24
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    I'm first and I'm vary sick of all this carrier bs, I just want a jailbreak for iPhone 4

  • Wolverinemarky
    Wolverinemarky Posts: 518
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    i'm gonna stick with AT&T but will be nice to get the iphone on other carriers to help slow the droid onslaught

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    I will only enjoy this if my current iPhone 4 can have its baseband upgraded to allow 3G on tmobiles network. Otherwise piss off, and stay away from my tmobile, I don't want my network to be bashed full of a bunch of retards like AT&T.

  • Nj
    Nj Posts: 23
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    STOP the BS! It's not gonna happen! It's the same damn rumor every 4 months about Tmobile getting the iphone!

  • dave
    dave Posts: 389
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    I tend to agree with NJ...and didn't we just see an article that said AT&T and apple have a marriage contract until 2012??

  • Srk
    Srk Posts: 14
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    In Holland T-Mobile is currently the only official partner of Apple. And it's made of flaming fail.

    Fortunately we're getting Vodafone later this year.

  • lonnie
    lonnie Posts: 8
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    iphone ant geting jb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nightkid
    Nightkid Posts: 6
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    this rumor has gone for while now, but I've heard from those guy from the T-mobile limited store which it is not a actual retail store stating that a T-mobile marketing Rep has told them that between the end of the summer will be coming out the new iphone. He says that it had confirmed within the internally within company. I Hope t-mobile could get it since they had a fastest Hspa+ at the UK market. don't get wrong that ATT is not a great career but they just had too much restriction over the Royal customer liked me. Lol

  • Nightkid
    Nightkid Posts: 6
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    sorry guy I'd misspelled a lot of words. Lol one T-mobile i will marry you if you could make me happy and bring the exclusively of the iphone over the U.S!!! lol

  • nick
    nick Posts: 219
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    It is a reality that Apple is talking to other carriers to get their iPhone market expanded even further once ATT's exclusivity is over, but until then, I believe it when I see it. This is not something that is never going to happen like some user said. I don't see the reason why wouldn't it happen. Apple only needs to create a baseband that recognizes the 1700Mhz 3G band to be flshed into new iphones. No Hardware changes are necessary. But until their exclusivity with ATT still stands, all we're going to hear is just rumor, but this doesn't mea`n that is not going to happen.

  • jimmi
    jimmi Posts: 18
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    I'm gonna switch over to tmobile anytime...much cheaper plan with unlimited text.

  • iOS4
    iOS4 Posts: 60
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    I'm with T-Mobile USA and have been using the iphone since it was first launch. I think it will be great to have another carrier handling the iphone on the US market but that being sad i'm not really eager for it.

    My reason being the fact that it may came with a plan like most networks carring the iphone and my current plan which gives me unlimited everything for a fraction of what others are paying.

    Also it will be nice to have the 3G access though i'm not really kin on that because i have run a lot of test in my area with my friends on AT&T using iphone and my iphone on t-mobile edge has been faster 65% of the test we ran for a whole week. 3G should be faster but for now i'm happy with my data speed and current plan.

  • Hacked off
    Hacked off Posts: 0
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    Habit brings me back to these sites,I have jailbroke all my iPhones since this all started.but really,do we really need to jailbreak anymore???only thing I miss is SB settings.wallpaper is nice now that you can change it,I myself don't miss springboard crashes caused by winterboard.don't get me wrong I like and support jailbreaking,but do we really really need it for now?if they ever do release a JB I'll most likely do it,but could care less either way now.I really think most of the holes are almost plugged now and jailbreaking will come to a end.just my 2 cents...........

  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    I agree w hacked off. SB Settings is the only jb app I really miss although I also like the way Proswitcher switches apps better than the limited iOS 4 multitasking method. Of course I'll probly jb too just to get tethering on my iP4 for the rare occasions that I need it.

  • ItsLil_C
    ItsLil_C Posts: 8
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    T-Mobile for iPhone?? Hell no!!!!!! First of all y would i go to a service provider thats considered to be even worse than At&t? I actually never have any drop calls on my At&t service on my iPhone but i just never like T-Mobile cuz it sounds like **** lol. Every time i used sum1's T-Mobile phone it always sounded as if they were in a cave or in a echoed out room n it just wasnt clear. Plus I personally think if Apple goes to T-Mobile it would just make tha iPhone loose its value. I dunno i just always looked at T-Mobile as an ok provider for pple who cant afford to get great service quality or phones. It reminds me of Metro Pcs n Boost mobile, good plans but poor reception n cheap. Tha iPhone should just stick to At&t n Verizon if they ever make that switch. Out of all tha 4 providers in America At&t n Verizon are tha very best just cuz they both try to provide service in every spot of tha USA. N i kno i mite get sum haters cuz i kno in sum spots of tha US At&t is horrible only have Edge but same goes to VZW. Where theres bad service for one provider, tha other is dominant n vise versa.

  • AvionicZ
    AvionicZ Posts: 28
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    The main and only reason for the JB for me is to skirt At&t's BS charges to 3g ipads.
    Scoop my MyWi and get free ipad surfing for only my unlimited iphone data. The rest of JB is gravy.

  • Munaf
    Munaf Posts: 9
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    I just want to jailbreak my 3gs.unlock does not matters to me at any way

  • Arab
    Arab Posts: 2
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    I would love to have T-mobile...but the plan needs to be kinda cheap not like AT&T!

  • klutch
    klutch Posts: 54
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    How about mywi, my3g, video game emulators, yourtube?

  • reyere
    reyere Posts: 1
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    I switched to AT&T last week,by,bye Tmobile...great customer service but the worst 3G network in my area,way unstable to the point that you can see the phone fluctuating over and over.
    I got tired of the EDGE/3G and again 3G/EDGE,the worst signal or no signal inside the buildings.
    I do not recommend Tmobile,but that is just me.

  • hackz
    hackz Posts: 0
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    i would prefer tmobile only if it supports a 4G data plan which probably wont happen in another two years or so

  • Nightkid
    Nightkid Posts: 6
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    i still prefer T-mobile since they will launch the HSPA+ which it is due by the end of the year, because i've seen from other were getting the data speed around 8 megabits per seconds, BTW 'm already happy with their service, so I will probably sticks with them for a while. In the meantime please T-mobile make us happy and try to bring the Iphone as a part of your product line-up. PLEase........

  • Apelpapa
    Apelpapa Posts: 10
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  • HotStuff2
    HotStuff2 Posts: 3
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    First of all, NO T-MOBILE, VERIZON, OR ANY OTHER CARRIER IS ** NOT ** GETTING AN iPHONE, REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOUR BROTHER'S FRIEND WHO'S GF KNOWS A GUY WHO ONCE SAT NEXT ANOTHER GUY IN A MOVIE THEATER WHO HEARD FROM HIS OLD COLLEGE BUDDY WHO HAS A FRIEND WHO WORKS AT APPLE...it's BS, plain and simple. AT&T has the *exclusive* carrier rights until 2012, AND they have the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to EXTEND that period (by paying Apple a buttload of money) for another 5 years. Wanna bet they do? Of course they will.

    As for jailbreaking - HELL YES I WANT IT! I cannot have an iPhone and *NOT* have iBlacklist (the most EXCELLENT call-blocking software in Cydia) running. If Apple would allow it into the App Store, it would a) sell like crazy, and b) mean people would probably be less-likely to jailbreak - but then again, there are lots of reasons to jailbreak, like Mobil Terminal, SBSettings, TRUE multi-tasking (not the half-@$$ed crap iOS 4 has), and many good apps.