Apple Explains Smartphone Antenna Performance And Their Weak Spots



  • Love free rubber
    Love free rubber Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    at least they r giving us free rubber

  • Marley
    Marley Posts: 4
    via Wordpress

    Do you normally hold your phone at the top?

    Has any of the other manufacturers had antenna and signal problems of the same scale as iPhone4 with their phones? Why haven't anyone other than Apple noticed that same problem, with their Motorola, Nokia or Htc phones and complained? Even if every other smartphone has same problem as Apple claims. And millions of users round the globe.

    Even if their signal drops when purposefully covering the antenna.

    Ie. why was the Nokia N97
    mini battery almost dead in the Apples demonstration video? Does it have anything to do with the thing, that when signal gets weak, phone tries to use it's battery to boost the signal for better reception (this of cource drains out the battery more quickly), but when battery is almost empty, it won't do that in order to save battery life.

    Many other phones uses same kind of technicue. When they are locked or sleeping, signal may drop ie. when covered up, but when phone is woken up or is it used to make a call, phone tries to strengthen the signal by using more power, if signal seems weak. How many signal bars drops when you try to cover phones antenna when making a call and you still have fair amount of battery life? Does it still drop 3 bars?

    Blaming and fingerpointing others won´t remove Apples own responsibility and mistakes. Others may have the same problems but who cares if noone is complaining? Has your Nokia 7500 dropped calls or did you had any signal or receiving problems before you covered top of your phone? Have you even noticed it before SteveJ told that?

  • The Truth
    The Truth Posts: 19
    via Wordpress

    Get a life people there just phones come on bunch of spoil babys there a war going on and people starving in parts of the world and you spoiled brats are mad at a phone ?

  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
    via Wordpress

    Don't tell me about HTC phones. I've exchanged my iPhone 3g for HTC Hero thinging: "It's better and it have multitouch too." That was BS. Multitouch was working only in 3 preinstalled apps. It was not work even in preinstalled google maps. Flash? Yeah adverts were working very well but i didn't have luck to run any flash game properly. It (flash) was slow and unusable. In my country android market allows me to download only free apps. Most of them are sh**ty even compared to only free apps for iPhone.

    The truth is that iPhone 4 have an issue. You can hear excuses but I don't know any company that will admit such failure and remove product from market. Why they should do that if people want to buy it? You think you need case for your iPhone? They give it to you. Still not happy? Return iPhone 4 and you will got full refund. So what is the problem?

    I realy don't believe that customers will believe that there is no issue when they don't have singal in places where they were before with their old phone and have it. So maybe this issue is not so big? Maybe you will have some bar less but still can have a call etc.?

    At the end currently i own HTC Hero (for testing android) and iPhone 3gs. I live in area where i had 2-3 bars before updating to iOS4. After update i had allways all bars full. Currently (after update to 4.0.1) when I'm taking my phone as always (covering it back) with the left hand it's loosing 1 or sometime 2 bars. I don't know if I had this issue before 4.0. I didn't care to check this.