Report Claims Sale Of Android Smartphones Outpaced iPhones Last Quarter But...

Andy Posts: 1,127
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imageReport Claims Sale Of Android Smartphones Outpaced iPhones Last Quarter But...

Nielsen reports that the sale of Android phones outnumbered the iPhones for the first time last quarter. The study reports that Android smartphones now account for 27% of the US smartphone market - 4 percentage points higher than Apple's 23%. Another study from Canalys estimates that global Android sales grew...

Read the full story here


  • Ijeet
    Ijeet Posts: 2
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    1st just as apple other smartphone can touch it...hahaha

  • S2000
    S2000 Posts: 0
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  • iphone 4
    iphone 4 Posts: 12
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    Android is going to out sale iphone for sure in the future! just look at iphone 4 and all its fucked up bugs and design.

  • Jay
    Jay Posts: 295
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    The real significance of this news isn't for the consumer but for developers. Developers with limited time may want to choose one platform or the other to develop on. While the Android development environment may be friendlier (no app store ambiguity to worry about) developers may have chosen iPhone because of the larger installed base. Now with more Android phones in the wild, developing for Android first starts making economic sense.

  • waka
    waka Posts: 6
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    Wanted to upgrade my old 3G. The iphone 4 has too many issues so decided to get a HTC Desire sim free. To be honest I do not regret it. More choice of apps on iphone but the apps on android are growing by the day... Will see if I will get an I4 or I5 later but if Apple do not change I might move away from Apple products for good. (Currently I owe an iphone 3G, ipod 32Gb and Imac).

  • luigy
    luigy Posts: 15
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    android is going to eat iPhone for sure. is only a manner of time. either way apple can't compete with at&t iPhone 4 demand, always sold out, with only one provider think about it, what would it be 3 providers. will be insane. will be produce 3 iphones per store if need to feed 3 providers

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    not necessarily...because of the large base of different phones and firmwares, an app u design for an andriod phone might now work on another. you would have to spend alot of extra developing time porting the the apps in some cases.

  • Airbrushkid
    Airbrushkid Posts: 1
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    For it to be right and fair they should only include 4 Android models. That way it be right because Apple has only 4 iPhone models. But to take the sales of 20 different models of the Android phone against the sales of 4 models of the iPhone is wrong.

    I went from a iPhone 3G to a iPhone 4 and never had a problem. Never drop a call. Now for those who decided not to get the 4 because of the press you missed out. There's about 40 others here where I live that have the iPhone 4 and none of them said they have had a problem. We talk on Facetime.

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    of course a company is going out sale a single device, thats what proves the success of the iphone. they were able to take on whole product lines with a single device.

  • Chris Wade
    Chris Wade Posts: 50
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    I think that this is perfectly fair. If Apple want's to license iOS to other hardware manufactures, they could. It's Apple's choice; therefore I think it is completely fair to compare all Android phones to Apple's phone. In addition, it is Apple's choice to keep the exclusivity agreements in place, so this is fair as well.

  • theBankRobber
    theBankRobber Posts: 31
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    If it makes anybody happy, after installing Froyo 2.2 on my Evo 4g, I started getting OVER 10MBS on 4g wi-max. Yes 10mbs, only after 2 months on owning it getting 3mbs, now I get 10mbs. So now at&t has to cope with Android sales and better faster networks. But, to the story, if the iPhone was on Any network in the USA it would be hard to beat. The iPhone is just a basic phone that anybody can learn to use, and with built in memory up to 32gbs, its hard to beat.

  • Amalio
    Amalio Posts: 4
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    Facetime WOW!!! Why not just walk up the damn street and talk face to face for real. Sad world we live in.

  • moronFighter
    moronFighter Posts: 7
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    I'd say from a purely objective perspective, all the reports about android sales "eating" the iphone are pretty bogus. They are comparing the sale of devices that run an OPERATING SYSTEM, to the sale of a SINGLE DEVICE. The article above hits the nail on the head - this is a classic apple vs. oranges comparison. A more useful/valid comparison (especially for developers looking to choose a platform) might be to compare the sale of mobile devices running android versus mobile devices running iOS, which would include ipad, and ipod touch.

    Don't believe everything you read...the media just reports this kind of useless, uninformed info to generate empty hype, ad impressions, etc...

  • Random Guess
    Random Guess Posts: 0
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    Real designers are at Apple; all others are just fakes, losers, copiers, no-brain'ers... they just look at Apple products and copy them. That's just sad because they don't even have an actual design for their own.

  • TT
    TT Posts: 12
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    Not really the case or such a big issue. It's comparable to the iPhones now. All iPhones vary in hardware especially the 4 which differs in resolution and speed and everyone is not on the same firmware. Of course speed and experience differ amongst different models and firmware Android or iOS but the app is still usable and developers don't have to change much if anything at all. Look at the iPad version apps.

  • Eric
    Eric Posts: 238
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    Base on your logic, why even use a cellphone? Why don't you just drive down to your friends or family's house when you want to talk to them or write them a damn letter?


  • TT
    TT Posts: 12
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    You're missing the point. The stats are not about which phone is better or more "popular" (although the article and people make it seem that way) but just how many units are being sold, at what rate, and at what market share. These stats are useful for developers and manufactures. Android app store is not as established as the iOS app store but it is growing and gaining large momentum. As Android market share grows so will its app store as many developers see the bigger market for their apps (like it happened with the iOS app store). Android is not everyone's cup of tea but it is a good OS

  • Random Thoughts
    Random Thoughts Posts: 2
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    That's just ignorant. Name these apps which you speak of. And take a look at the Apple store. There are plenty of apps that are knockoffs/spinoffs and redundant such as the filesharing apps. If it were up to you Apple shouldn't have any competition. How would that work out? You think Apple would have released the same features for the iPhone 4 without the competition that it is facing now? All of these other competitors offer similar features which Apple does, which is inevitable with touchscreen phones, but they do offer features which Apple doesn't as well.

  • Random Guess
    Random Guess Posts: 0
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    That's right! Apple have to release new phone, new design, new features, etc... so that their competitors will make a copy of them. How many people wrote down the date that iPad, iPhone 4 came out? How many people even know or care when Droid released? you're so smart for your thoughts! ;)

  • Marky Mark
    Marky Mark Posts: 1
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    IOS platform still a more profitable market than on the Android. Ask any developers this. Even with the "larger" install base, the policy on sales return within 24 hours on the android just makes it harder to drive the amount of sales you would make on the IOS. Granted it's definitely better for the consumers, considering most apps aren't used for more than a few times before it's removed unless it's something actually worthy of keeping. Of course, this business model can force developers to quit releasing carbon copied junk apps all the time too.

  • Y W
    Y W Posts: 12
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    Apple is Apple, history will repeat itself...

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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    no its not comparable to the iphone and its os. for instance on android, flash 10.1 beta 3 is only available to 2.2 headsets, but only one phone has ben allowed to upgrade to 2.2 and that is the nexes one dispite the fact that their are several headsets with the same specs. this problem has and never will exist with an iphone.

  • spritesc
    spritesc Posts: 10
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    Just put it this way, If you where to compare the sales between one android phone from an specific carrier, one that's as old as the previous genration Iphone, and the Iphone 3gs, then those calculation would be fair. Another thing is that their comparing a single phone from a single carrier between 20 different phones from different carriers.

    The way I see it, this is actually a won battle for the Iphone. This statistics only shows the huge success of the Iphone.

    And if the sales from the Iphone were just 4% lower on a single carrier, imagine how the sales would increase when it's sold on multiple carriers.

  • Random Thoughts
    Random Thoughts Posts: 2
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    It's not because the Nexus One is the only one allowed but the problem lies with other manufacturers putting their own themes and the OS. The Nexus one has the "stripped down" version as opposed to others that's why it gets 2.2 first. The Droid, Evo, and Galaxy are getting it very soon. Some actually just weeks away

  • R
    R Posts: 19
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    Well would it be that much higher? Apple can barely keep the phones in stock with just only AT&T. Plus after others carry the iPhone that would probably only reduce AT&T's numbers. Of course sales would be higher but I don't think it would be a huge difference.

  • bible camp
    bible camp Posts: 15
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    whats so new and amazing on the new iphone 4 that other phones dont have? FFC has been out for years. 1ghz cpu most android phones have that and a lot are a faster version of apples. mutlitasking that sucks compared to androids.

    I had an iphone from the first day they came out and was willing to give them another chance with the iphone 4 and os4 but they didnt bring anything new to the table and so i switch to android and after a few days of getting used to it... yes you need to get used to it so playing with it for 5 minutes in some store and saying this sucks isnt trying android OS. but after the first few days I couldnt be happier.

  • A Black Dude
    A Black Dude Posts: 167
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  • Brian Williams
    Brian Williams Posts: 7
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    I am a iphone 3g customer turner HTC EVO 4g convert. I think the sales comparison is fair. As the article points out iphone is only available on AT&T. That would be the fault of Apple. Also the article points out that the Android OS is available on multiple smartphones. Apple could make more than one phone if it wanted to. Also I'm a little upset that Apple would roll out iphone internationaly when there is still such a heavy backlog of pre-orders here in the US.