European Commission Joins FTC To Investigate Apple's Decision To Ban Flash-To-iPhone Compiler

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imageEuropean Commission Joins FTC To Investigate Apple's Decision To Ban Flash-To-iPhone Compiler

Back in April, Apple had modified its iPhone Developer Program License agreement with iOS 4.0 to ban applications built with cross-compiler programs. Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs had posted an open letter elaborating on the reasons why Apple has chosen not to allow Adobe Flash on their platform. We had reported...

Read the full story here


  • Flash Me!
    Flash Me! Posts: 1
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    PS.. FIRST!

  • crazy Man
    crazy Man Posts: 39
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    Yeah me too. Second :-)

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    gosh steve is being so gay somebody fire his ass and get someone else that doesn't baby us all the time.when the new update comes out I wouldn't advise you to update it because this time they are really trying to stop jailbraking and all that stuff.Apple is pissing me off with this crap.

  • julian35961
    julian35961 Posts: 12
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    you go man speak the truth

  • Crazyfish
    Crazyfish Posts: 36
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    Personally, I'm getting tired of waiting for Flash to work on my Mac. I think Adobe needs to figure out why their platform is so buggy on macs and I don't want to hear that it's Apple's so-called "walled garden" because iPhone is even more tightened down than Mac OS! In fact is practically is Mac OS! Vmware fusion runs Windows 7 just fine inside Mac OS. Why can't Adobe get a simple browser plug in to work? :)

  • Topsy
    Topsy Posts: 41
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    I want FLASH not FRASH or FLESH

  • AC
    AC Posts: 43
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    agree 100%... when will he let us OWN the iDevices and not RENT from Apple... gosh...

  • Eddie
    Eddie Posts: 69
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    it's my iphone, I want flash on it, if you don't want it on yours, then don't install it, if you hate it on your computer, then uninstall it. How simple is that?

  • WhoCares?
    WhoCares? Posts: 4
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    Not supporting Flash - no problem.
    Not allowing Flash - questionable but maybe okay.
    Not allowing 3rd party development tools - ridiculous!

  • SiLeNcEbOnE
    SiLeNcEbOnE Posts: 30
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    Question should be:
    Is it adobe flash player the one that fails to run on Mac or is it Mac that fails to run adobe flash player.

    It runs well on Windows.
    There might be bugs but how many ppl complain about it?
    Apple is just being dickheads. Apple should not tell us if we can or can not run flash on our devices. We bought it with our money, we should be able to do w/e we want with it.

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    Well knowing apple as some of us do i would lean to apple being the problem. Good Old Steve is a control freak. that's why u cant get programs u need or want unless u run bootcamp or other HACK programs on your MAC to run windows and i cant understand why if ur gonna run bootcamp would bother with a MAC? why is there computer so stable[?] because u cant put programs on it. you load different programs that don't like each other and u get a crash or blue screen. o hold on mac's don't crash they just freeze up sometimes [hummmm a CRASH?] as i am told by the lemmings of MAC. Apple makes good computers i understand that but if u get a windows base computer and only add a few thing to it, it is as stable as any MAC. just so tired of Steve being a god when the only reason his company still exists is because of a small product called an IPod if he hadn't come up with that there is a good chance Apple would be a blip in computer history like the commodore 64.....

  • Tom
    Tom Posts: 314
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    we need flash !!! wtf apple thinks, morans they want that we jailbrake our iphones to get flash !!!

  • Digit
    Digit Posts: 18
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  • Hmmm i see
    Hmmm i see Posts: 13
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    i liked the iphone 3gs alot but when my contract is up am gettin an andriod phone.
    not cos i think andriod phones is better, think both types of phones are pretty much the same with minor alterations.

    my reason is, i cant stand the thought of my money going to that condescending, arrogant up his own arse twat steve jobs.

    Steve Jobs Quote"we love our customers" subtitled "cos we think theyre idiots"

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 40
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    I definitely agree with the whole babying thing
    If you look at some Twitter updates Steve he is banning pornography on ALL
    apple products
    now that's fucking STUPID
    we would start using proxies
    than he bans them
    then we jailbreak
    then he locks up all holes

  • Lol. I love it. Finally someone that is able to knock Steve off of his high horse. The choose should always be the consumers. If flash has adverse effects put a disclaimer for heavens sake and let us decide I we wanna brick our 500$ device.

  • Daniel
    Daniel Posts: 173
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    It is about time for apple to start dropping their pants,their products are very nice and exclusive but the ideas are retarded.
    And Google with android is right behind you....thank god.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    I agree ... I'm an adult if I choose to view Adult material that's my choice i don't need Steve Jobs telling what i can and can't watch

  • Triver
    Triver Posts: 20
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    Apple/Jobs is a dictator to it's company. All of us know what we are buying before we buy from Apple. you are retarded if you think otherwise(due to the media attention they get with most of the products) Most turds here just love to **** and complain; and you bitchers (you know who you are)are like rebellious children to Jobs. Are you buying their products because the are "sexy" & "Cool" or is it something else? If you don't like it break free from the shackles and move on.

    ...and Jordan - Yes adults can choose. So choose something that works exactly for you needs, rather that being **** on a mobile device or not. (weird but whatever)

    One more thing. Mr. Jobs you're a ****! I am selling my apple products and never coming back.

  • JimJam
    JimJam Posts: 20
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    The iPhone 4 is the last iPhone that I will buy. I am thoroughly dissappointed with Steve Jobs, and Steve Jobs alone. On top of that, I don't have to wait till the launch date of the next Droid to know what it is going to have. That means that I can make a decision way fucking earlier than that douche Jobs would ever allow. The company has too many secrets and they are full of ****. **** crapple, I just remembered why I never bought a Mac.

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    I hope android takes a **** on apple and steve dumbass

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    i just got my 3GS like a week now and im already piss the **** off now with the damn security they have on it i fell like im in jail and i have my phone jailbroken still.Steve you the one that needs to be fire then that other guys because u just becoming a skinny nerd that haves way to much power this would be my last apple product to I would be getting a android device next year until they start changing how they control there devices but until Go **** yourself you damn idiot.I hope your company goes broke i been going threw this **** almost a 3 years now and cant take it no more.

    I think i went to far with the bankrupt part but stop controlling me gosh thats why android sell more then you. This is my opinion and steve dont sued me for writing this comment.Ios4.1 maybe crap like all of the other updates been they only add some stuff that phones already have for god sake my cheesy phone haves more features then my 3GS that why i jailbrake to get these features that it should have.

  • julian35961
    julian35961 Posts: 12
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    Damn you just drop a bomb on Steve/apple controlling ass.You said all the words I wanted to say about them.

  • MNS
    MNS Posts: 2
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    I am a iphone user and would like to have flash on my phone and because there is no flash on ipad, i did not get the ipad.
    But as much ask I like to have flash on the ipad n iphone, I dont like the idea that the EU step in.
    This is an USA product, let the USA regulators deal with it.
    EU, please deal with your own EU problems. Some of your member country needs help. Help them first before you spend your Euro on this iphone flash issues.
    Thank you.

  • andregus
    andregus Posts: 1
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    Why wouldn't EU bother? If the US regulators decides something that's only valid in the US. If the rules should be valid inside EU they have to make the rules by themselves.

  • ozwald
    ozwald Posts: 3
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    Most ridiculous comment I've ever read. "Apple would be a blip in computer history like the commodore 64....." WOW!!?

  • ozwald
    ozwald Posts: 3
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  • Apelpapa
    Apelpapa Posts: 10
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    lol iphone is too good to switch to **** andriods

  • HCWHunter
    HCWHunter Posts: 49
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    Yeah, right Frank. You've got it backwards actually. MS wouldn't exist as it does today if they hadn't copied the Mac OS to develop windoze. Everything Apple does is copied by competitors, but never works as well. Mac OS, iPods, iPhones, iPads, all of it. I use both, and wish I didn't have to use windoze at all.
