Details Of Next Gen iPad, Verizon iPhone And iOS-Based Apple TV Revealed?

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imageDetails Of Next Gen iPad, Verizon iPhone And iOS-Based Apple TV Revealed?

Taiwanese website, DigiTimes has revealed some interesting details about Apple’s next generation iOS devices. According to their source, Apple will be releasing the next generation iPad in the first quarter of 2011, launching a CDMA-based iPhone at CES in January 2011 and introduce a new Apple TV based on AMD’s...

Read the full story here


  • BooKahKee
    BooKahKee Posts: 5
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    Good thing I didn't buy that iPad last week...

  • Wazzap
    Wazzap Posts: 1
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    Just wanted to say i love this website. I check here everyday after work and always expect something interesting and useful. So yeah. Thanks iphonehacks :)

  • MarcT3176
    MarcT3176 Posts: 2
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    AT&T has a contract with Apple through 2012..How can that be true about Verizon?

  • J
    J Posts: 131
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    we just got to wait in see what happens

  • Frank
    Frank Posts: 215
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    well they better fix the antenna problem or when they switch to verizon it will show the reception signal problem was always in the iphone. as i believe was shown with the iphone4 to be the problem all along. if it wasnt why change the design at all. love my iphone but never had a signal problem til i switched from my blackberry

  • Dean
    Dean Posts: 125
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    You are right bro this all lies to kill
    The time

  • kyro
    kyro Posts: 2
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    Honestly I have an iPhone 4 and I haven't had a reception issue. It's impossible for me to replicate the attenuation when I hold my finger on the "weak spot" or by using the death grip. It has nothing to do with Apple or the phone, it is the shitty AT&T network! I'm in Canada btw and haven't had a single issue, besides for the proximity sensor which will be fixed in the next iOS update!

  • Posts: 4
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    **** all... lest just all save $500+ dollars and wait to see what happens.... that is what i do every year.

  • Blackberry sucks bro !!!!!!!
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    Well get a Blackberry dumb ass,if u have a problem!! ;)

  • WhoCares?
    WhoCares? Posts: 4
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    No, it's the phone all right. I'm in Canada too and in strong coverage areas, it will only drop 1 bar (in under 10 seconds) but in weak coverage areas, it will lose the network altogether in less than 30 seconds.

  • me
    me Posts: 220
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    yeah works like magic in canada, on fido. i tried grippin from the weak spots of my friends iphones who are on rogers and bell.. no reception loss! it IS the at&t. they should unlock the iphone 4, and try it on sprint or somethin to see if it still loses reception or not.

  • Kangaroo
    Kangaroo Posts: 1
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    I am in Australia and had no weak pot (signal problems), but I do have the proximity sensor one, and it is annoying...

  • hemingway25
    hemingway25 Posts: 7
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    Maybe by giving an exclusive to ATT for the iPad Apple was able to get them to release the iPhone prior to the 2012 contract expiration.

  • mkimid
    mkimid Posts: 227
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    Personally, I like current the current design of i4. because of I got more Cell signal and WIFI in my home. Specially, My 3GS can not grap WIFI out side of my home. but, i4 can catach over all yard at home.
    But, I know it is just for some user only.
    Anyway, I hope APPLE can find bettery way for the current user also.

  • Steven M
    Steven M Posts: 114
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    It is most definitely not AT&T. This is a problem with the iPhone 4's external antenna design. The amount of people who still think there is no issue with the phone amazes me. This is a hardware issue and this should be common knowledge by now. Damn it is frustrating to know something beyond a shadow of a doubt just to see so many people still clueless.

  • Chetan
    Chetan Posts: 13
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    I don't really care about waiting. I just bought a 16gig wifi a few days ago and I'm happy with it. If I were to wait any longer I think I would have just bought a netbook.

  • jack
    jack Posts: 149
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    iphone for verizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Zero
    Zero Posts: 7
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    Iphonehacks you guys rock thanks for all the news and updates I also check this site daily, and looking forward to verizon iphone!!!!!

  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 137
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    Yyeah, totally! Because 6 months is like, right around the corner...and I'm sure once they do the update they'll probably never update the thing again.

    Seriously? If you want an iPad, get one. the new version is going to be released about 1 year after the first version. is that really surprising? literally every other major apple product gets an annual refresh. so why would the iPad be any different?

    Hey, here's an should just wait for iPad 3, cause that's going to be out just a year after the next version. You wouldn't want to get stuck with that old model (that hasn't even been announced yet).

  • Rover
    Rover Posts: 24
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    I think none of these rumors are true. It really wouldn't make sense to have two different sizes for iPad and there definitely would not be a new design for a CDMA iPhone if there ever was one.

  • Brent Goodale
    Brent Goodale Posts: 1
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    thats ashame, you wont be able to enjoy an ipad for at least 6 months..... even if i knew a knew ipad would be out in 6 months i would still get one and just sell it. You will only lose 100-200$ tops
    go get the ipad! you missing out.

  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 163
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    Verizon isnt happening until they fully roll out their 4g network. This is rubbish to fill space

  • jo
    jo Posts: 35
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    I will be very surprised if the next iPad doesn't have a front facing camera. By the time iPad 2.0 (or perhaps MaxiPad, sorry could help myself) is released there will be quality competition in the tablet market. If any can match or approach the iPad's battery life and Apple doesn't put a front facing camera, it would be very foolish of them.

  • jo
    jo Posts: 35
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    If there was a place where I could put a bet down on this I would go all in that you are correct.

  • mrepz
    mrepz Posts: 1
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    I live in Houston Tx and have had NO SIGNAL Problems at all. I try the death grip or just a finger over and the signal doesnt even move no matter how long I hold it. So far I have had better service and signal with the iphone 4 than my 3gs.